Why does

I think the MMAs are seen as having a bigger toolbox with many tools to choose from. Which is a good thing, if you need lots of tools. I don't have enough information to say whether particular scenarios are likely to arise in a SD situation, so I'll defer judgement on which ones are necessary.
But at a bare minimum, you should know enough ground technique to be able to regain your feet if you fall or are taken down.
Right! It cannot always surely be avoided! I have to learn some of these ground ways! Just in case! The only thing I am confident in is to be able to fall without injury, that's it. And that is not enough.
too have a question, why are we starting this again? :confused: We have been through it and through it and through it multiple times and it ALWAYS ends the same..... With another post about the same thing and it never solves anything.

Xue I was not trying to start my Art is better or is MMA the best, What I was getting at is why does the general public believe this to be the best Art out there. I believe we must all learn to evolve over the year to makes us better, but everytime something goes on TV then it is the best in the public eye. Why is this for that matter why was Kung Fu the best or JKD. I just happened to pick MMA. Sorry was not trying to stir the pot.
too have a question, why are we starting this again? :confused: We have been through it and through it and through it multiple times and it ALWAYS ends the same..... With another post about the same thing and it never solves anything.

Xue I was not trying to start my Art is better or is MMA the best, What I was getting at is why does the general public believe this to be the best Art out there. I believe we must all learn to evolve over the year to makes us better, but everytime something goes on TV then it is the best in the public eye. Why is this for that matter why was Kung Fu the best or JKD. I just happened to pick MMA. Sorry was not trying to stir the pot.

Sorry :asian: I tend to look at all of these as trouble waiting to happen.

Why does the general public think that MMA is the best art out there? Because it is on TV. The same reason someone thinks a Buick is better than a Chevy. The General public is not made up of martial artists and they, for the most part believe what they see and hear on TV.

Why was JKD thought of as better? Bruce Lee and the movies.

Why was TKD the best? It was an Olympic sport and it too was in the public eye.

Why do people buy Cheerios instead of oat O's? They don't advertise Oat O's on TV.

Don't let it get to you, give it time and it will change.
One final thing

Why is SANDA the Best? Because I say so :EG: :mst:
The general public doesn't realize that the fighters they see in UFC or Bodog Fight put in insane hours of training to reach that level of skill.
Is a trained MMA practitioner effective? Of course.
Is MMA "teh D34dly"? Ask the fanboy who thought it would be fun to try a double-leg on the bouncer when he was asked to leave, then promptly knocked himself out on my knee.
EDIT: Regarding the 'all fights go to the ground' conception, I'm assuming that this has come about because in the MMA that I've watched that's what normally seems to happen? As I noted above, I'm sure that peoples views would change if they saw the evade-take-break-finish type moves that would be used by a MA if things were really going badly South in a real life altercation.

It was a long time ago, so I can't back this up, but right at the beginning of the Cage Fighting bit, the "XX% of fights (60-90% depending) go to the ground" bit was cited as referenced from some study by some self-defense group. Then another group came out and "clarified" that the "going to the ground" included either combatant falling down. (Aka, knock-out or knock-down). So you could say that a large amount of Boxing matches go to the ground, since at least one of the competitors often falls at least once during the bout.

But this was water cooler talk, so I don't know how much stock you want to put in it. (I think it may have also been in BB magazine, so you can decide what stock you want to put in that.)
The general public doesn't realize that the fighters they see in UFC or Bodog Fight put in insane hours of training to reach that level of skill.

Not to mention all the hours in the gym along with the insane hours of training....
The general public doesn't realize that the fighters they see in UFC or Bodog Fight put in insane hours of training to reach that level of skill.

Ain't that the truth. SI did a big article about MMA in an issue this year and the response, even from sports enthusiasts, was unbelievably negative, calling it human cockfighting.

Is a trained MMA practitioner effective? Of course.
Is MMA "teh D34dly"? Ask the fanboy who thought it would be fun to try a double-leg on the bouncer when he was asked to leave, then promptly knocked himself out on my knee.

Simply because people belief's are based on the slanted exposure given to them by the culture and media around them

Just like everything else.

I'm a musician. If you don't live within the life of a musician than pretty much anything you know about the life of a musician from movies and tv is wrong.

I'm a computer programmer. If you are not a programmer than what you know about programmer's, geeks, hackers, and admins from movies and tvs is wrong.

Sorry but the media is there to entertain you, not inform you. What you know and learn from such entertainment about subcultures that are not your own is pretty much wrong

Martial Arts is no different
Hello, Mix martial arts...HAS RULES...and if you take away the rules?

Many of the fights would be different?

No biting , NO eye gouging, NO one is allow to make an actual break, No throats strikes, and NO neck breaking, so with rules....(to protect the fighters) ...is a must and MMA"S are for entertainment only!

Most street fights will not be the same nor end the same way.....many times one quick punch...and it ends right there!

If you can catch the hand and break the "thumb" it will end right there?

Rules changes the fighting skills or level.....take away the rules....then you will know what works for real?

Watch how many MMA get hit in the groin and they have to stop the fight for awhile or poke in the eye by accident....

MMA watch and learn....use it as a guide....JUST MY THOUGHTS ON THIS.........Aloha
Sorry but the media is there to entertain you, not inform you. What you know and learn from such entertainment about subcultures that are not your own is pretty much wrong

Martial Arts is no different

Before I started my journey in martial arts, I remember being under the impression that I would be able to harness my Chi into a ball and throw it at my enemies (a.k.a Kamehameha - DragonBall Z). Well I was only a teenager at the time!!! Oh yeah and I remember trying to fly from my rooftop to my neighbors after watching Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon for the first time. Very painful....


Ao many people believe that MMA is the best way to learn how to fight against a real fight? I mean it has rule's just like everything else? You sure are not going to beat the living crap out of your partners everyday or else you want have any? So with all of this in mind what makes it so GOD like to the masses?

Its really no different than the kickboxing craze and the Ninja craze. If/when something else pops up, I'm sure it'll be the same with that. Despite what some will say, everything has its strong/weak points. The problem lies when people can't see that. Arts that address everything are few and far between. Usually its a number of arts coupled together.

I will admit though and speaking only for myself, but I credit the UFC/MMA for some of the changes I have personally made in my training. No, I don't bust my tail for hours on end like Randy and Chuck, but I've certainly taken ideas from the way those people train. :)
I wouldn't say all MMA fights go to the ground, if you are good at stand up and you are fighting someone who's a known grappler keeping it stood up is the best way to go. I've seen several fights stay ip or ended before they've gone to the floor. Going to the floor in a 'real' fight isn't always such a good idea as everyone knows.

MMA best? Yes, for MMA.

I can't disagree with this. Case in point...Chuck Liddell. Now, while he may have a grappling background, his fights are won standing.
But at a bare minimum, you should know enough ground technique to be able to regain your feet if you fall or are taken down.

I couldnt agree more! IMHO, I think that this is one main thing that opened the eyes of people when the UFC first was born...the importance of ground skill. :)
Well, my knee was a bit sore the next day... :lol:

Certainly a valid technique, although there are some that'll argue, putting the knee strike into the same category as elbows to the spine. However, in this case, it looks like the knee worked wonders. :)

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The intensity of the training of a good MMA fighter is scary. The intensity of a good point fighter I doubt comes close.
Learning what to do if taken down and how to get out of a lock or get back to your feet is needed by many But to think you can go to the ground in the street is a little foolish