Why does your art suck?


Senior Master
MT Mentor
After reading another thread discussing "haters" on forums and sites like youtube, I couldn't help but wonder how many different logics or reasonings given by an immature or ignorant person to describe why someone elses school, art, fight, etc "suck."

Have you ever read someone's comment and thought "...wow, that guy's must be about 7 y/o..." or "...that is the dumbest comment I have ever read..."

Often these things are posted by inexperienced maggots or more experienced trolls who live on strife.

Here's the point of the thread...please cite, quote, or state some of the more immature or ignorant "...you suck..." type statements that you have read. This is not intended to be a sounding board for why YOU personally think that something sucks, however.

Example: Overheard at a Japanese cultural festival...a self-professed 12 y/o black belt discussing how an aikido master demonstrating a technique at the time would get his butt handed to him by this 12 y/o kid because the master is moving so slowly and deliberately.

Have fun...
I have heard that my Art of TKD does not have any real SD in it and all I can say is why do people talk about what they do not understand. Myart sucks because person number 1 does not fully understand all the application and have never ever really study the art at all.
Haha! Yes. I understand exactly what you are asking. I now practice TKD (the only system that I have ever studied at any depth). Typical remarks used by "haters" in reference to TKD, then are:

1) You cannot do anything in trapping range. What if you get attacked in a telephone both? That would be the end of you then, suX0r!!!

2) Real martial artists don't have the need for those shields and pads that you use. This proves that you are all sissys!!!

3) The only real TaeKwonDo was practiced in the mountains in Buddhist temples. You do not know real TKD!

4) If you ever tried one of those fancy kicks while standing on ice in an earthquake, you butt would be done!

and, drumroll...

5) Only hillbillies from KY practice that TKD, and you know as little about martial arts as you do anything else of value!!!

<I can probably come up with more if you wish>

What are you looking for here, stupid things that other people say about our various styles or ways that we as practitioners actually believe they are deficient? The first is a nice exercise in self-congratulation. The second can actually teach you something interesting.
What are you looking for here, stupid things that other people say about our various styles or ways that we as practitioners actually believe they are deficient? The first is a nice exercise in self-congratulation. The second can actually teach you something interesting.

I've seen a recent thread (recent meaning within the last year) regarding where we as individuals think we need work.

The comments above are right on where I was going...not intended to be "your stances are weak...are not...are too..." type of discourse.

So, given the choices it would seem that it is the exercise in self congratulation that you are referring to...however, this thread is not so much intended for self discovery but as a semi-entertaining chance to discuss the comments of the uninformed (such as on youtube) similar to those discussed in this recent thread ... Putting Others Down.
Kenpo often gets dissed for its lack of ground work. True. Hasn't effected me, as I came to Kenpo after high school & college wrestling. My students get some ground work, but probably not enough.

I dislike much of the brown belt level kenpo. Too flashy, too complex. To much reliance on minor muscle and specific opponent reaction. Also, there's a lot of kicking 'em when they're down -- which is not so great from a legal self-defense standpoint.