I don't like your martial arts style...

It actually makes me wonder if the level of suckage is somehow related to the popularity of the art. Is there a correlation between suckage and number of students? Like gravity, the more it sucks the more it attracts. Sorry, didn't mean to get all philosphical :uhyeah:
It actually makes me wonder if the level of suckage is somehow related to the popularity of the art. Is there a correlation between suckage and number of students? Like gravity, the more it sucks the more it attracts. Sorry, didn't mean to get all philosphical :uhyeah:
Unpopular arts are crap because very few people like them. I thought that went without saying. :) Of course, the reverse isn't necessarily true, unless we're talking about BJJ. Hehe.
Are you kidding? Unpopular stuff is the coolest stuff of all! Why? Because only a tiny number of people like it - it makes them elite. All the more so if only that tiny number have even heard of it. That's why all y'alls can kiss Systema's ***. :mst:

The few, the proud, the obscure!!
suck, don't suck? Popular, not popular? You are too concerned about what obscure and what is popular. There is a saying: yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. And all of them suck
How many times does this have to be said, it isn't the art it's the practioner, and there are some practioners of all these arts that suck at very high levels.

All martial arts suck... therefore ALL PRACTICTIONERS OF EVERYTHING SUCK!!

So what does it matter that some suck less bad than others? Or if they have hippies?:angel:
Are you kidding? Unpopular stuff is the coolest stuff of all! Why? Because only a tiny number of people like it - it makes them elite. All the more so if only that tiny number have even heard of it. That's why all y'alls can kiss Systema's ***. :mst:

The few, the proud, the obscure!!

Running-off-a-cliff Fu is unpopular...

Does that make lemmings elite?:)
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Running-off-a-cliff Fu is unpopular...

Does that make lemmings elite?:)

The short answer is: YES!!!

Xue hates hippies because he is jealous of the free love skill they have acquired, it is clear that he is green with envy at the site of their beads... And threatened by their cosmic view of qi ;)
I've never seen a hippie in a dojo, most dojo's don't allow you to tie dye your gi. I think you guys are thinking about yoga, not martial arts. Althoug we aikidoka have a very hippie friendly philosophy with the whole peace and love thing.
The short answer is: YES!!!

Xue hates hippies because he is jealous of the free love skill they have acquired, it is clear that he is green with envy at the site of their beads... And threatened by their cosmic view of qi ;)

Well no... and yes..... but mostly no...with a bit of yes...... and a touch of maybe....... but most certainly not at all.... but just a little of one or the other...... maybe....or maybe not...... :D

I've never seen a hippie in a dojo, most dojo's don't allow you to tie dye your gi. I think you guys are thinking about yoga, not martial arts. Althoug we aikidoka have a very hippie friendly philosophy with the whole peace and love thing.

oh morph.....can't you see..... they have already brained washed you.......

YOU SEE PEOPLE..... this is WHY hippies should not be allowed in MA.... they take the good ones like morph and convince them that hippies are not there.... and before you know it..... you're driving a VW van with a peace sign on the side wearing tie die to the dojo... AND YOU DON'T EVEN REALIZE IT HAPPENED!!! :D
As I told a couple of students of mine (true story): You will always suck, no matter how much you train. The goal is to suck less.

One of them then told us that was the first time she had ever heard a man say that to her, and she has no intention of following that goal.

I told her, "fine. Then in your case, I perscribe more cowbell."

...She actually bought me a cow bell.
I have not bothered to read the last three pages, but I just wanted to stop by and tell you are all posting wrong and doing your martial arts wrong as well. ;)
I have not bothered to read the last three pages, but I just wanted to stop by and tell you are all posting wrong and doing your martial arts wrong as well. ;)

And I think that is something that we as martial artists can all agree on.... since all the arts we do are pathetic :D
:eye-popping: BELLS

Oh no..... more hippies on MT :disgust:

Yes, and they want to teach you about the cosmic qi, and how you must transcend the material (even your own martial arts) to become one with the universe....

Become one with the vibrations of the bells.... Resistance is futile :borg:

And viking hammers? Please, hippimancers can turn such downer things into flowers. Then we have a bearded smelly man prancing around with a flower. That alone, on principle, makes him a hippy.
in the words of the famous rodney king : cant we just all get along :)

oh no :disgust: .... they got suicide.....not you too..... oh man that is the most Hippie statement I have seen in a while..... first... PUT DOWN THE TOFU..... now I want you to stop and get a hold of yourself and look around.... be calm.... but are you driving an old VW Bus and wearing tie dye... if you find you are... don't panic...... just pull over to the curb and run as fast as you can to the nearest steak house and you might be ok if it is not to late :D

Now a bit of a disclaimer... I eat tofu but I am NOT I repeat I am NOT a hippie... My wife is Chinese and her family eats tons of the stuff and let me make this perfectly clear...THERE ARE NO HIPPIES ALLOWED IN CHINA and TIE DYE IS RIGHT OUT!!!!! Although I may have seen a VW Van there BUT THERE WAS NO PEACE SIGN ON IT.

But you know I have discovered I have trouble eating with anything other than chop sticks....hmmmm maybe I'm Chinese... albeit a rather Germanic looking Chinese person... but you never know :D

Yes, and they want to teach you about the cosmic qi, and how you must transcend the material (even your own martial arts) to become one with the universe....

Become one with the vibrations of the bells.... Resistance is futile :borg:

And viking hammers? Please, hippimancers can turn such downer things into flowers. Then we have a bearded smelly man prancing around with a flower. That alone, on principle, makes him a hippy.

:eek: cosmic qi...nooooooooooooooooooo
oh no :disgust: .... they got suicide.....not you too..... oh man that is the most Hippie statement I have seen in a while..... first... PUT DOWN THE TOFU..... now I want you to stop and get a hold of yourself and look around.... be calm.... but are you driving an old VW Bus and wearing tie dye... if you find you are... don't panic...... just pull over to the curb and run as fast as you can to the nearest steak house and you might be ok if it is not to late :D

Now a bit of a disclaimer... I eat tofu but I am NOT I repeat I am NOT a hippie... My wife is Chinese and her family eats tons of the stuff and let me make this perfectly clear...THERE ARE NO HIPPIES ALLOWED IN CHINA and TIE DYE IS RIGHT OUT!!!!! Although I may have seen a VW Van there BUT THERE WAS NO PEACE SIGN ON IT.

But you know I have discovered I have trouble eating with anything other than chop sticks....hmmmm maybe I'm Chinese... albeit a rather Germanic looking Chinese person... but you never know :D

:eek: cosmic qi...nooooooooooooooooooo

Ya know, I'm just not feelin' the love, man, and it's really bringing me down. Put a little love in your heart, ya know, all you need is love, but whatever turns you on. It's your thing, do what ya gotta do, I can't tell you, who to sock it to.