A reoccurring theme I notice on martial arts boards is the "who do you think you are/what rank do you have in "X" art to say that" response to shutting down discussion on a topic a practitioner of that art doesn't like.
Around here, when it comes to stating an opinion about the effectiveness/ ineffectiveness of an art or technique. Do you think you have to be a high level instructor in that art?
In my own job, anybody and everybody has an opinion about how my profession does things and is an "armchair" expert. I have no problem with anybody stating their opinion though. It gives me an opportunity to educate people about what I do and why.
Around here, when it comes to stating an opinion about the effectiveness/ ineffectiveness of an art or technique. Do you think you have to be a high level instructor in that art?
In my own job, anybody and everybody has an opinion about how my profession does things and is an "armchair" expert. I have no problem with anybody stating their opinion though. It gives me an opportunity to educate people about what I do and why.