Whos opinion matters?


A reoccurring theme I notice on martial arts boards is the "who do you think you are/what rank do you have in "X" art to say that" response to shutting down discussion on a topic a practitioner of that art doesn't like.

Around here, when it comes to stating an opinion about the effectiveness/ ineffectiveness of an art or technique. Do you think you have to be a high level instructor in that art?

In my own job, anybody and everybody has an opinion about how my profession does things and is an "armchair" expert. I have no problem with anybody stating their opinion though. It gives me an opportunity to educate people about what I do and why.
I think everyone should be entitled to an opinion no matter what their rank/art of study. I have learned some of my most valuable info. from white belts who are able to see things from a different perspective a lot of times.

:asian: :karate:
I think sometimes there may be some table-slapping for rank, but other times here on MT, people may be posturing as experts, and be called out by others who would like to know exactly how they are an expert, or why they should get away with talking down to someone else.

A little from Column A, a little from Column B.
I like all opinions, I feel that as long as we get along or can clarify what we are talking about in a cordial way, that should be the way.

But of course that will not always be the way.

We can try...Regards, Gary
As the topics get more specific, the ones have actually studied the art in question are the authority. Those who only been invovled a short while or those with no experience should refrain themselves to asking questions. Everyting in between is a sliding scale

General topics are up for grabs
i believe that everyone's opinion matters no matter what the rank. People need to let go of the whole rank thing and realize that they can learn from anyone no matter if they are a white belt or a black belt. Anyone can be a teacher and anywhere can be a dojo.
Right but how far would you travel to study with a person with 1 month experience in the arts?

Good call,Chinto. Everyones opinion matters. Some people may have a more informed opinion,but they should not discount anyone elses' views. Sometimes people have a hard time thinking "in reverse" like that,but that doesn't mean they should ignore it out of empathy.
O f course many hand lighten the load. The thread was "who opinion matters" by that I assumed who's opinion has weight, not necessarily merit. There is also a point that too many people or opinions two many directions. From the Iron Circle "Tie two pigeons together, and even though they have 4 wings they cannot fly"
I agree with Master Todd, about those that have the experience and knowledge, years in the art would have more "weight". Respecting that knowledge in order to learn from it, is important. But we all have an opinion, you can be a yellow belt but a black belt in life and have learned other lessons not learned in a dojang. But in a specific art, the master-- meaning many years in study and tests, has weight. We need to consider his/her opinion more than say a red belt who might think his opinion is correct even though he has little knowledge and insists on pressing his point. IMO, he doesn't have weight. Consider the source. Listen with open minds, decide for yourself, but consider the source.

I also would listen and consider more, those that are respectful and humble, in expressing that opinion, wouldn't you? TW
TigerWoman said:
I also would listen and consider more, those that are respectful and humble, in expressing that opinion, wouldn't you? TW
Yes...provided I agree with the opinion of course. ;)
The Kai said:
...who's opinion has weight, not necessarily merit..."
Interesting distinction. Much of reading message boards is sifting through the B.S I am not one for formalities, so I care nothing for weight. However I do measure the quality of posts based on merit. Merit is very contextual. In a situation discussing the efficacy of say, an Osoto Gari in a violent encoutner against someone 100lbs. heavier than you, I would give merit to those who actually practice Judo (Danzan-ryu etc.) in a realistic manner. The last thing I would want when asking for expert advice on a topic that might someday save my life is a response from a newbie with a how-to book in their lap. However there may be discussions where complete newbies or outsiders have tons of merit, such as a philisophical discussion of the terms 'martial art' versus 'self defense'. It all depends on the context of the discussion.
No matter who the person is, everyone has an opinion. Some good some not so good. Does it really matter though. Opionions rarely can be changed unless what changes them are based on fact. But then they arent opinions anymore.
Sorry, I think I gave Gary or contributed at least to his King complex. I can't even remember what thread it came from now. TW
It is hard to say. In class, you can tell who can walk the walk and talk the talk. I would have to say that on a board like this, if the poster can put forth a well articulated point of view, it can be usefull. This however is in the eye of the beholder. There are many different versions of each art out there and a higher ranking person's point of view may not be as informed as lower rank who has been trained by an excellent instructor. Some people obtain rank faster than others. Unfortunatly, rank alone is not always the best indicator of skill or knowlage.
