Hello Dan,
Thank you for sharing some of your questions with me. I appreciate your honesty in letting me know what is on your mind. May I start by responding to your postscript?
It is well known and acknowledged that we were on the original board of directors as you point out. Fred King was first vice-president, you, Dan Anderson were second vice-President and I was the third, and last, vice–president. I always felt honored to be listed in that roster. You and Fred did so much for Professor in those difficult, early days. Professor never forgot your contribution and mentioned your name at many public events and in private conversations.
Professor told me he made these positions because he considered those people instrumental in his succeeding in his early days in America. I think it is generally well known that we were on the original board of directors. Dr. Shea has clearly acknowledged this to me. Professor is, of course, godfather to Fred Kings children. Professor considered you like family as well. I understand that Fred has chosen not to be active with the Federation at this time as he is busy with his work. Fred has remained in contact with ProfessorÂ’s wife and offered her his guidance and support as Professor wished.
There is no knowledgeable person in the IMAF who would not know that you were an original board member.
Thank you for taking the time to share your personal feelings with such honesty. The suddenness and tragedy of losing our beloved teacher and friend has left us all emotional and angry. It has been such a devastating experience. I have tried to remain balanced but at times my emotions have overwhelmed me as well and I have been misled by anger. But certainly what we are truly angry at is that he who was our greatest ally, supporter and friend in life is now gone forever.
IÂ’m sorry if there was a delay in your being notified that Professor was so ill. The first weeks after ProfessorÂ’s diagnosis, the wait for surgery and the recovery period were difficult times. My full attention was on Professors desperate medical condition and communicating with his wife and physicians. It was a battle for survival that Professor heroically won. During this period I only had the time and strength to make contacts Professor specifically requested. Unfortunately, I was remiss in that I failed to respond to or notify more people. I was simply overwhelmed with the fight for survival and it took all my time and attention.
Professor also chose to remain isolated during this period and concentrate on his medical situation. I never mentioned any subject relating to Arnis unless Professor chose to do so. I did send out a couple of email updates from an internet café. I only had a few addresses with me having left England for Germany with only an overnight bag. Yvette and Professor then asked me to escort them to Canada. I asked that the email notifications I sent be passed around.
The only person I remained in telephone contact with was Doctor Randi Shea. This was at ProfessorÂ’s specific wish. Randi and I concentrated all our attention and communication on ProfessorÂ’s medical condition, comfort and care. Arnis was not a priority subject at this time. Randi made himself available at all times and stayed in close contact with all the medical professionals at Professors request. This was a great comfort and aid to Professor and myself. Professor greatly valued Doctor SheaÂ’s active involvement and advice during those difficult days.
It was during this time, at an internet café, that I was able to contact Professor’s grandson and then the rest of his adult children. First by email and then by telephone. It was pleasant and rewarding to facilitate this important reunion and reconciliation. I had made similar efforts over the years. In that time Professor heard one of his granddaughters voice for the first time as she sung to him. This was very meaningful and beautiful to share. I recorded that and played it back for Professor from time to time.
As Professor began to recover he requested that I telephone certain people. He was especially keen to contact old friends from the past whom he missed. You and Fred King were among the first that we contacted. Professor was very mindful at this point of the people that were important to him when he first arrived in America and fought to get established; and those, such as Roland Dantes from his days in the Philippines. You will recall that we planned a reunion of the vice presidents. Unfortunately I had to go back to England before you came up with Fred King.
In fact Doctor Randi and I have discussed you several times including just recently. Randi holds you in high regard. He said, among other things “I see Dan Anderson as being a highly valued Modern Arnis member/student of Professor's.” Randi has told me that he would welcome your active participation on a senior management level. As you mentioned in you post, our Chairman does require that board members agree to be bound by our mutually agreed policies and ethics. This is normal for a Federation and exactly consistent to the vision Professor expressed to me for the future of the IMAF. This was a major administrative responsibility Professor placed upon Randi as IMAF Chairman. The key requirement Randi has asked all IMAF management to adhere to: is to put our own egos and agendas second to the positive goal of supporting the Federation. In my case I am willing to accept the policies and decisions of the board even if I disagree. This is basically a question of rules of order and having a consistent image. As you, Dan, have always been a positive and supportive person in the Modern Arnis family I would think that you would find it possible to accept this stipulation.
Some senior Modern Arnis people have chosen at this time, and historically, to remain independent running their own groups. This is their right and I support them in this if they choose to be independent. I do ask that they not be angry with those in the Federation for following their roles also. We all need to mutually help and accept each other if the Modern Arnis family is to thrive and prosper. This was, after all, ProfessorÂ’s dream and vision. He wanted all of his students to carry on his work. The IMAF is in place to assist in this legacy, not to be dictatorial or hold anyone back from realizing their goals.
The only thing I would ask you Dan, my friend and colleague, is why would you not be able to accept the decisions of the group after having participated and expressed your own views? Ok don’t answer, I know the answer Professor would give, we “seniors” are all bull headed, especially me! In my case, I have accepted, and committed, that in order to be a positive member of the Federation, I must be willing to control my own ego and accept the boards decisions, even if I disagree. Especially if I disagree! I have also committed to place my own personal agendas and goals second to those that help the Federation.
As you so correctly point out, Dan, you were never a loose canon. Professor always valued and respected your positive input and your importance to the art. Randi has made it clear to me that he would greatly value your positive input within the Federation should you so chose. Randi also supports your, and others, right to remain independent should you chose that path. The important thing to understand here is: what Randi is asking for when he requests that Directors and members accept certain fundamental principals. Randi is not talking about interference, he means the major ethics, policies and board decisions. These are standard matters for a professional federation and involve fiduciary obligations and putting the common good of the Federation and the Art first. In your case, Dan, I know you have always done this during your long Modern Arnis career. This is one reason Professor valued you so highly and the Federation would happily welcome your active affiliation.
It is very true that you have always been well regarded in the Modern Arnis world. We all need to communicate so as to promote our beloved teacher legacy. I believe that we are all independent regardless of our affiliation in that we are original students of the Grandmaster. At the same time, I personally would be very pleased if you, and other independent seniors, chose to lend your positive energy and experience to aid the Federation. It would, I sincerely believe, make Professor proud and happy to see you become more involved with the IMAF. It was what I clearly understood as his intention in reaching out to you in Victoria, asking you to become/remain more involved. It was of course, I, who called you on the telephone so that Professor and I could enjoy a talk with you.
Some of the administrative matters are still being developed. I would like apologize if anyone has found it difficult to communicate. More online forms are being added to the website and more email links and what not even as we speak. I hope that I am clear in differentiating when I am expressing my personal opinions or memories and when I am speaking for the IMAF.
I believe I am accurate is saying: it is truly the position of the IMAF to offer, welcome and encourage affiliation to all those instructors and students who wish to play a positive and constructive role in preserving and promoting the art. The only thing expected is that all IMAF officers, directors and members will adhere to the basic rules and ethics; as with any professional educational federation which provides certification and oversight. Additionally all members are asked to share their full positive energy and experience for the common good, as goodwill ambassadors, in the spirit of cooperation and mutual respect.
We are all equally bound and empowered by this choice. In this instance I appeal to all those who have had the privilege of being trained and gifted by our beloved teacher to put aside their personal agendas so that we can work together to see this beautiful art of Modern Arnis, Professor’s legacy, flourish. One of the last things Professor said to me when we dined on Lobster after he recovered enough that I could return home was. “I want that this thing will continue.” Professor meant; his legacy, his Federation in particular and the teaching of his art in general.
Your Brother in the Art,