Originally posted by DoctorB
Rich, that is easy advice to give, but it will be MTB, who has to take the heat for using the title, especially since the word
"Junior" is being omitted. The actual title was "Professor, Jr.",
or at least so it would appear from a couple of other posts. Secondly the title was given to offset and cancel a play on words.
I seriously doubt that MTB's use of punong, guro or a blending of the two titles would be inappropriate or challenged, as would the continued usage of the title "professor". Think about it for a few minutes before replying.
Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
I did think on it. I even slept on it over night.
Who are these little whining cry babies, who get upset over a name. That is the first thing that comes to my mind. Yet, that is unfair, since many people called GM R. Presas, Professor out of respect and love and they cannot come to grips with calling someone else by the same name.
I think of this as the spoiled child who is in their twenties or older and gets upset at mom or dad for getting married again. How dare they try to replace someone, I cared so much about. Well, I do not think that Mr. Bates AKA Professor Junior Bates, is using the name to take over the world of Modern Arnis. If he is, then I wish him luck for there are already many groups that cannot get along and that would be one tough miracle to pull off.
Some people are still upset about the title of Grand Master, and those that are, do not associate themselves with anyone who uses that title in Modern Arnis. Yes there was heat, but has it resolved anything???? Did I not state that there would be heat, i.e. This thread.
Yet, the final decision has to be that of MTB, and no one elseÂ’s.
He has to live with that decision, not me, is true statement, but let us be honest, should he change is last name as an option? I think not!
I do agree the first time I heard the title in reference to MTB at a camp I was a little taken aback. And then someone had to point the problem, and then I said a logical solution has been given.
In My opinion, it is not for us to decide, but I would not want MTB to make a decision based upon some of my posts that would make him wonder, for it would always make me wonder.
To take this argument to the next level, I say we do not use the title of Lakan anymore either. I also think that we should not use the term Modern Arnis anymore. I do not think we should have red or black on any of our belts anymore. Any and all of these could have a special meaning to someone out there who might get offended. Note: This list is not complete it is only a quick small sample size for I do not wish to write everything I know that is dear to me about Modern Arnis or GM Remy Presas, nor do I wish to spend the rest of my life finding out what it is that everyone else wants on the list.
These are just my thoughts and opinions. And yes, I did think about them. Just because they do not agree with something you might think is the best practice, that does not mean they do not have any thought behind them. Even if I thought the use of the title is not the best practice, who am I to tell someone else how to present themselves.
Anotehr example might be the title of Doctor, the MD's do not like it when Ph. D's or Ed D or even D.O. which is the medical field are used as a sign of respect or status. They believe it to be a sign of here respect as Doctors of Medicine. So, to tell someone that they cannot use a name or title because someone else has used it, to me is not right. Now, that is for me, feel fine to disagree with me. It is your right to disagree with me.
With respect to those who train :asian:
(* Edited Commas and spelling *)