IMAF Leadership

Datu Tim Hartman

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I think there are some things that should be cleared up about who should be running the IMAF. This was written on an other forum.

Another factor that led to this idea was the notion that some people are contesting who should/is the rightful leader of the IMAF now that Professor is gone.

This is not as complicated as people may think. At the time of Remy's illness there were several candidates to take over for Remy. My list is as follows, in alphabetical order:

Chuck Gauss
Tim Hartman (myself)
Randy Shea

The three of us were truly LEADERS inside the IMAF. How did the rest of the MOTTs get in? Don't know, don't care. After a HUGE pile of BS, I resigned from the group. By doing so I have forfeited any right of leadership in that group. Does this disqualify me from leadership in the art of Modern Arnis? No.

Do I feel that anyone else currently has the right to lead the IMAF? No. Whether I like the group or not, I don't feel that anyone else has claim to that role. The MOTTs and myself were actively participating at IMAF events during the last five years of Remy's life. A big part of leadership is that the group you are trying to lead needs to know and trust you.

This is not to say that more are not able to continue Remy's art. This is just to say who should be leading the IMAF. Do I feel that Delany should have his own IMAF? No, no, no!



Apr 17, 2002
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At an OP in view of your house...

I could smell that can you just opened up from 260 miles away, here in Michigan.

I do know one thing that I can attest to, and that is this:

I will never call someone who was my PEER in Modern Arnis when Remy was alive a "grandmaster".

And that is all there is to it!

Bob Hubbard

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Just a question - Who is Chuck Gauss?

(I know of 2 of the 3 mentioned individuals, thats why I ask, so we know all the players)


Kenpo Yahoo

Please forgive the stupid question, but what's wrong with Jeff Delaney? The reason I ask is that he seems to be the closest Modern Arnis instructor (at least of any notoriety) in my area. I admittedly know jack-squat about the politics going on, so if someone could clue me in before I make a mistake I would greatly appreciate it.

Datu Tim Hartman

Datu Tim Hartman

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Originally posted by Kenpo Yahoo

Please forgive the stupid question, but what's wrong with Jeff Delaney? The reason I ask is that he seems to be the closest Modern Arnis instructor (at least of any notoriety) in my area. I admittedly know jack-squat about the politics going on, so if someone could clue me in before I make a mistake I would greatly appreciate it.


Jeff is a self proclaimed Grand Master. Remy only premoted him to 5th degree black.

Matt Stone

Master of Arts
Dec 4, 2001
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Fort Lewis, Washington
But if Delaney is only a 5th degree black, why does he have all the ads in the rag-azines stating he is the inherited GM of Modern Arnis under Presas?

Why hasn't anyone put him in check yet? What about the MARPIO people?

I am new to this, and admittedly learned all I know about Modern Arnis from one person, and then that was here in Japan... So I am out of the political loop. But I plan on continuing my training in the US, and I certainly don't want to get stuck in some goo that limits my training...

Where do the other Datus fit into this picture?

Inquiring minds would respectfully request enlightenment... If it is not appropriate for public discussion, please email me privately...

Datu Tim Hartman

Datu Tim Hartman

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Aug 26, 2001
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Buffalo, NY USA
Originally posted by Yiliquan1

But if Delaney is only a 5th degree black, why does he have all the ads in the rag-azines stating he is the inherited GM of Modern Arnis under Presas?

Because magazines get paid to print ads, not see if they are correct.


Matt Stone, wrote:

Not meaning to start a fire...
But if Delaney is only a 5th degree black, why does he have all the ads in the rag-azines stating he is the inherited GM of Modern Arnis under Presas?

Now that you have asked a very good question and there was a very good short answer posted by Renegade:

>Because magazines get paid to print ads, not see if they are correct.

Please allow me to add another point, because I wrote the following statement that was quoted at the very top of this thread regarding the contested leadership within the Modern Arnis world that began with Professor Presas' illness and subsequent death due to cancer.

:quote: Another factor that led to this idea was the notion that
:some people are contesting who should/is the rightful leader of
:the IMAF now that Professor is gone.

I have proposed holding a Modern Arnis Symposium to give everyone interested an opportunity to meet and train with as many of the leading instructors in the art as possible at one time and place, next year in July 2003.

Tim is correct, magazine ad editors are concerned with receiving payments not checking for validity and accuracy. It is a very large stretch to believe that a person just promoted to 5th degree black belt could possibly be considered a grand master, but we do have one person making that claim and he does have some supporters.

I will say once again that the 2003 Symposium will allow people to meet one another, train and cross train with a wide variety of Modern Arnis players who have trained at different periods of time under the late GM Presas. It will also allow everyone in attendence to see for themselves who has the knowledge, skills and abilities to be considered one of the best at the art. But *do not* expect to see a new consensus leader for Modern Arnis emerge from this Symposium. What we are most likely going to see is a new respect for the validity and variety that is possible within the art of Modern Arnis.

In my post yesterday, under the Symposium thread, I listed the people who are potentially going to be teaching at the event. They represent the time frame from the mid 1970's to 2000 in the late GM Presas' teaching career in the USA. It does not get much better than that, even without Delaney and the rest of the MoTTs being present.

If any of the people who hold the MoTTs title wish to join the instructional group, they will be welcomed. Even though a couple of IMAF, Inc. members like to constantly remind me that the MoTTs have nothing to prove, I would welcome any of them anyways.

No one is going to replace Professor Remy Presas. Anyone who harbors that illusion needs an attitude adjustment. There are also a significant number of former Presas students who are very skilled within the art. They are not trying to claim any leadership roles or titles within the IMAF. These people are working and developing the art in their own ways. It would be a grave mistake to believe that because someone has not been attending IMAF camps and seminars over the past 5 to 10 years, that they have nothing to offer those who were studying with Professor. Sometimes when the "circle" has been closed too tightly, new relavent information is kept out, to the detriment of the "insiders"!

Matt Stone, also asked:

Why hasn't anyone put him in check yet? What about the MARPIO people?

A very good couple of questions and I can't answer either one. My way of getting some clarification on this is to host the Symposium and allow each individuals skills do all of the talking.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.

Bob Hubbard

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1 point to keep in mind as one flips through the ads in various publications...anybody can claim to be a grandmaster of an art.

There at 1 point in time was a press release on JD's site claiming that he and Dr. Shea were "Co-Successors and Co-Grandmasters". When this release was sent out, I believe JD was in charge of the communications and it is questionable if it was released with Dr. Shea's knowledge. After the split, Dr. Shea's group has since distanced themselves from the statement.


Dan Anderson

Master of Arts
Feb 9, 2002
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Bridal Veil, Oregon
Hi Folks,

Kaith - "Who is Chuck Gauss?"

Chuck is a nice guy from, I believe, Chicago who I first met around 1995-ish. He is a hard working, consciencious fellow and travelled with Prof. Presas alot. His background is in judo and you'll see him as the guy who gets demonstrated on (i.e. killed) in the latter day tape of RP.

Kenpo Yahoo - "Please forgive the stupid question, but what's wrong with Jeff Delaney?"

The two primary things "wrong" with Jeff is his assumption of the title "Grandmaster" of Modern Arnis and his breaking off from the IMAF and forming his own IMAF shortly after Prof. Presas died.

1. By calling himself Grandmaster of Modern Arnis when he has SO many juniors is like a giving a duck a microphone at te beginning of duck hunting season. There are too many of us who could smoke him. (Note: If he formed his own system or subsystem of Modern Arnis and called himself Grandmaster of it, that would be an entirely different matter and I, for one, would have no problem with it.)

2. His splitting of from the organization which had Prof. Presas' blessing to form his own is duplicitous at the very least. He was named co-successor in IMAF by RP, not given carte blanche to go form his own. As of yet, Jeff has not spoken up to offer why or to defend himself.

Yiliquan 1 - "Why hasn't anyone put him in check yet? What about the MARPIO people?"

He hasn't been put in check yet because this is a free country and has laws against hammering every yahoo who acts like a putz. Admittedly, I have been saved by this very same rule in the past so this is a case of the pot calling the kettle black. The MARPPIO people are oding their own thing. A key point here is that since America is a free country and the legal system works against dueling and administering butt whippings, anyone can do what they want to a certain degree, especially if they don't have to back it up or the laws of the land keep him from having to. Tis what it is.

"Where do the other Datus fit into this picture?"

Datu Kelly is very outspoken on this subject and refers to JD as "Grandslapster Jeff DeLame." As to Datus Shishir Inocalla, Rick Jornales, Deiter Knuettel and David Hoffman, I do not know. As to the overall picture, Datu Shishir is working up in Vancouver, BC, Canada in Modern Arnis. Datu David is with IMAF. Datu Dieter is working in Germany. Datu Rick has his own group and I do not know if he is working in Modern Arnis at all. Datu Tim Hartman heads up the World Modern Arnis Alliance.

"But *do not* expect to see a new consensus leader for Modern Arnis emerge from this Symposium. What we are most likely going to see is a new respect for the validity and variety that is possible within the art of Modern Arnis."

Dr. Barber's statement here is correct, in my opinion. Go to the symposium if you can. The list of instructors is OUTSTANDING and if I were not one of the presenters, I'd have my fee paid already.

Dan Anderson
6th Degree Black Belt
Senior Master Modern Arnis

Master Black Belt
Dec 27, 2001
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Chuck Gauss is a police officer in either Detroit or one of its suburbs; he has worked, among other areas, in K9 and a youth gang task force. I have known Chuck since 1994; he is a strong arnis player, both literally and in terms of his knowledge. He put a lot of time in on the road with Professor (which equalled a lot of time as Professor's uke).
Chuck is a dynamic guy with a very real love of the art; if you have the chance to get on the mat with him do it! (but use caution working obstruction removal drills with him; the bruises take some time to heal...) Chuck's interpretation of the art is very, very solid.


Apr 17, 2002
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At an OP in view of your house...
I've always liked him. He lives in Taylor, Mi., and is a Police Officer in Canton, if memory serves me correctly.

I haven't talked to him in years, but I'd sure like to. Anybody have any ideas on how to get a hold of him?

I'd sure appreciate it.

Thanks! :asian:

Dan Anderson

Master of Arts
Feb 9, 2002
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Bridal Veil, Oregon
Originally posted by PAUL

I haven't talked to him in years, but I'd sure like to. Anybody have any ideas on how to get a hold of him?

I'd sure appreciate it.

Low and firm, Paul, low and firm. :rolleyes:


PS - This is from what I have heard, not personal experience...of my own, anyway.

Rich Parsons

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Oct 13, 2001
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Hi All,

First, Let me add my opinion that Chuck Guass is not only a nice guy but also has lots of knowledge of Modern Arnis. The reason I believe Tim Hartman and others have him on thier personal lists of leaders, is that he had is own seminars while the Professor was alive, and he was always willing to help, to instruct, to travel, to do what ever was required. i.e. a Leader.

If you have the chance to work with him I recommended it.



Within the inner circles of Modren Arnis all the players know each other or know of each other, their skills and who they are associated with. On the other hand those outside the political circle know only what they are told by their instructors, and this is to be expected. However the other source of information for the masses are magazines such as Black Belt and Inside Kung Fu. If someone puts a full size ad for a seminar or camp in this medium, people will believe what they see because the publication has credibility and is well established. One way to discredit Jeff Delaney would be to take out a full page ad on a regular basis, stating the true facts about his ability and the way he became a GM. Sounds ridiculous right, it is, but that's would it would take, and is there anyone willing to do this, probably not.
As for Jeff Delaney attending the symposium, it won't happen because he has too much to loose. As long as the outer circle thinks he's a GM, his deception is safe. He'll continue to do seminars, camps and produce videos as the GM of Modern Arnis.
OK now it's time to dance with the devil.
Professor Remy was a genius as a martial artist and could see many moves ahead in sparing or in a confrontation, but he lived for the moment and didn't look far into the future for the IMAF or it's continuance after his passing. Had he named Tim Hartman to take charge as has been previously stated when he first became ill in Europe, things probably would be different now. He should have went with his first instinct, which was his forte, instead his vision was clouded by too many voices that almost instantly caused the split in the IMAF. If Tim Hartman had been named, sure some would have left, but not a mass exodus as what occurred. At least there would have been room for negotiation. Also, he would NEVER use the title of GM. The Professor's son or another Datu would also have been an option. A group of recently promoted middle level black belts was not the answer.
I am not judging the ability of those left in charge, just the choice of some that did not have the time or rank to support being elevated to the top of the heap.
Datu Tim Hartman

Datu Tim Hartman

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Aug 26, 2001
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Buffalo, NY USA
Now that we have discussed IMAF leadership, let's talk about Modern Arnis sucsessorship.

Do I feel that the IMAFs and the MOTTs are the people who are in charge of the art? No. They run an organization. No more, no less.

I feel that it will take the next 5-10 years to find the next leader or leaders of the art. Anything can happen at any moment. There are many of us that are trying to fill the loss of Remy at the moment. Will we all last? I can't answer that question. It doesn't matter who Remy named. Respect is earned not appointed.

We must remember that there are several MA groups and there will be more to follow. I don't feel that any one group is in charge of the art. We all have a duty to carry on the art.

I forgot who told me this "Every Grand Master started as a white belt."



Apr 17, 2002
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At an OP in view of your house...

(the sound of crickets chirping...)'s so quiet in here that it's scary.....kind of like that silence in the movie's, right before an ambush.

Frankly....the silence is sort of frightning.

What do you think, Renegade????

(observe, the WMAA war machine below...)


Rich Parsons

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Oct 13, 2001
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Renegade & Paul,

You guys are the WHIP!, Now, if I can just find mine to take you guys to task :D .

Seriously, in the next few years those that stay with it will have a chance to been seen as leaders. There might be some new factions or people arise from the conflicts and issues of politics.

Some will be proven as good business leaders, others as good martial art leaders, and others as good presenters or teachers. Yes, you can be a good teacher and not be the best one in the classroom.

As for the silence, it could mean many things:
1) People are not interested
2) People are thinking through their responses to be clear and level headed.
3) It is the calm before the storm / tornado / pick your natural disaster.
4) The ambush is coming, just wait for the music to change.
5) Insert your own ideas here.

I have a very weird question. What would be soooo wrong with everyone succeeding? I mean what would be wrong with all organizations being able to continue their training and to have the art proliferate? I would like to see this.

Now, to answer my own rhetorical questions. The human EGO, the human personality, the belief that yourself or your instructor is the correct / right path to follow.

Oh well, it looks like I am all over the field with this post.
Time to go


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