Professor???? Michael Bates

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Originally posted by arnisador

As far as I'm concerned, that occurred when the Professor passed away.

I agree with both and arnisador.
As the late Prof. Presas used to say "my blood is boiling..."
It was May of 1996 at the Rutledge firehouse in rutledge,Pa. at approx. 3 pm in the afternoon when the late Prof. called everyone together an made the following announcement to 54 people. (one of them being TJ who spent the night in my dojo.)"you will now refer to Michael T. Bates as Professor"
the shortest version i can give you dear readers is that at a seminar in Atlanta some weeks before, the prof. overheard some rather well known individuals making fun of my last name with the term "master". HE told THEM to cut it out and to now call me Professor. this was a wonderful person who went to bat for me for no other reason that to stick up for a friend. I was the one who later suggested the term "jr." be added cause he was the one and only. Like the Godfather II, this was a title of respect and endearment, nothing else. My skills if you wish to call them that are Ok at best. as you all must be aware, i have been silent throughout his illness and subsequent death. I've made no claims, no bad-mouthing or ill-will to anyone. You may also be aware that he got out of his bed and flew to Phila. Pa to stay with my wife Karen and me in his second home here in Media. Does anyone think he had nothing else better to do? I sat with him in riddle hospital for 5 days as he had contracted pnumonia during his flight here. I snuck Outback lollypop lamb chops into his room on several occasions. He said I saved his life by getting him to the hospital in the nick of time. I thought sleeping for 14 hrs. was normal. the green stuff he puked up was a different story. He didn't have a speck of insurance and the hospital was closed with the very epidemic he was there for. I've never been accused of being the brightest bulb, but the Fillipino doctor i spotted and introduced to the Gm may have been why he had an IV in him after a 90 minute wait. back to the matter at hand.
I will make all of you reading this a promise, If it offends anyone that is use this word "professor" i will cease. The simple reason is this, life is too short . Do you remember who used to say that?
None of you can erase what was said between the 2 of us in my house in Feb. of 2001. No one can take away the trip he made to Media,pa which was to be his last public appearance.
The thing that strikes me the most is that people I've never met in 12 years of full-time with the GM say "when did this or that happen?" Well if those folks had attended a camp (27 for me)
or a seminar (71) they would not have those questions.
Lastly, the coward among you who was in Rutledge Pa on the very date but has chosen to "forget" can live with their shame.
As the Professor said to me "michael, i have thousands of students around the world, but very few friends, you are one of them"

I'm one of the few folks who knows where the bodies are buried, and trust me there are some people who aren't going to dig some of the things I know about. What the hell do you think the GM and I spoke of all the time? I used to be a bartender for 12 years and listening to some one pour their heart out is my speciality
I'll go back into my foxhole now and await the "incoming"
Originally posted by Cebu West

Michael Bates is no Professor. He just conviently forgot to include the junior. Typical
I've been there ,seen that, and that's why I'm with Datu Hartman.
Typical is a person in the martial arts who turns his back on his instructor, his GM, his impending promotion, his fellow mates, and what truely took place. Never having the fortitude to sit down and speak to me like a man. Now, that's typical.
Why you are with Tj is not my business. But you sir are a coward as well as a disgrace. If you wish to BS the folks who do not know your MO, that's fine. it would seem I wasn't typical for the years you spent at MAA introducing you to everyone you know, giving you private access to taika Oyata as well as the late Gm at my home on numerous occasions. did we forget that?? is that also typical of me? Whos name is at the bottom right hand corner of all you certificates up to feb of 01?
Oh, that's right you typically forgot......
don't worry, your secret is safe with me......
Michael,i met you in PA with Tim H and i found you to be quite a passionate guy about your training and you let tim and myself stay at your house and i thank you for far as the title goes i wouldn't sweat it i think everybody has something to offer but the title thing is just going on too far. I personally think the title thing is about ego's and they do have merit but not the way they are being used as of late. there is a reason why remy and dan inosanto have respect worlwide and that is because they never bragged about being a gm or grand puba they let thier students do that. If your students brag about you thats great but it's not ok if you do it about yourself.If it is for a seminar flyer or bio that's another story all together.
how do you like training with max pallen?
ps good luck in the future!:D
Without quoting his entire posts and all, I would like to invite Mr. Bates to join us at the 2003 Modern Arnis Symposium as a presenter. He can add his input and skills to the list of instructors who will be teaching us the full spectrum of the late Professor Presas' art.

I can agree with the late GM when he admonished some people for playing games around Mr. Bates name in conjunction with the title of master. It was wrong then, it would still be wrong and in very poor taste, however it is equally wrong to believe that carrying the title forward after the death of the late GM Presas is anything other than questionable in taste. There has been a very strong consistance among many writers on this forum, whether they were refering to Mr. Bates, Mr. Delaney or Ms. McManus: they always questioned the ethical and performance merits of using the title "Professor" in conjunction with Modern Arnis presentations.

I have extended the same invitation to Mr. Delaney, Ms. McManus and now Mr. Bates. Mr. Delaney has kept the door open, by neither accepting or declining the invitation and he intends to inform me at a later time about his final decision. Ms. McManus has declined, thinking that the date was July 2002, but when informed of the correct date, she did not respond to either recind or confirm her original statement. I will write her again after the first of the year. I have also asked Mr. Rocky Paswik, if he would like to be a presenter and he has not given any indication as to his intentions, as of this date.

Thus far the people who have indicated that they are interested in participating as instructors are:

Dan Anderson
Bram Frank
Dan McConnell
Tim Hartman
Demetrio Presas
with possibly Remy Presas, Jr. & Mary Ann Presas
Shishir Inocalla
Kelly Worden
Peter Vargas
Dawud Muhammad
Tom Bolden
David Ng
Bruce Chiu

There are some other people who I would like to see added to the list of presenters because I want to have the complete Modern Arnis spectrum from the 1960's in RP to the mid 70's when Professor Presas first arrived in the USA through the 1980's and 90's, until his death in 2001 represented. So I am hoping that Mr. Bates will agree to join us and make a couple a presentations of Presas Modern Arnis.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
I have gone to great lengths to dis-associate myself from those other individuals you've lumped me in with. I would appreciate it if you would refrain. Perhaps you should read my previous post again.
You do not know me nor have we ever met. I have been to just about every east coast function since 1989 and have yet to cross your path. You must of been too busy to attend a camp or a seminar. That's okay. Just a word of advice, you may want to think about supporting other folks before you ask for theirs
Trust me, one less instructor at your event is the best thing I could do for you.
Hey there Michael,

How are you ? Good to see you here. Too bad that you've been hammered here. Keep in mind that there are other folks who are quite decent in their posts. Of course, there are those who try to have it both ways.

Take care,
Brian Johns

It is good to see another person on his site.

As for your official Title, I have heard The Professor call you Junior Professor. Do I think it is appropriate to use the title? In my opinion no. But, my opinion and a $1.00 will get you $0.65 because the government will take the rest.

Maybe you should put the title to rest for a while? You could use
Guro, Senior Instructor, or Punong Guro? Just some quick suggestions.

Yet as I stated, it is my opinion and that should not be something you take great stock in. My advice is meant in honest help to be given to another person, who is trying to promote Modern Arnis.

Best wishes and Good Luck

Hi Michael,

Please keep in mind my original statements from the reference below. Speaking for myself this is not a personal attack against you or a question of your deep and close relationship with the Professor. As stated below in the original post starter and as I have mentioned to you personally at the Oct 2001 memorial, I deeply respect your care for GM Presas, when he was sick.

Please note however that, not only is the term "Professor" a dear term of endearment for you, but it also is shared term of endearment within the Modern Arnis community for the GM Presas as well.

It is permissible for you to use that title and you may have the right, but is it the best?

For example, as a matter of principle, I do not wear my Red and Black belt around the Presas children (MARRPIO), who now reserve that color scheme out of respect for their father.

Best regards,

Harold Evans

From the original thread starter:"JD is using professor title for master!!!" 2/27/2002

"...I have nothing personal against either of these two individuals and I deeply respect Michael Bates for looking after the Professor when he got sick, however, to use that title to me crosses the line of simple decency.

Now that my secret is safe with mtb and 1200 or so Martial Talk members, lets move on to the truth and my MO. I do promise the members of this forum that I will not turn this into a flame war. I have been accused in public so here is where I'll make my stand.

"Typical is a person in the martial arts that turns his back on his instructor"

I left this instructor for several reasons.

He changed his priorities and his agenda and his program was headed in a negative direction.
Politics became more important than teaching.
Lack of interest.(Played solitaire on the computer while the students trained).
Martial arts training hours were cut from 2 hours to 1.
Taught two arts, Modern Arnis and Ryu Te, but almost completely stopped teaching Ryu Te and stopped bringing in Taika Oyata for seminars. So years of Ryu Te training were going out the window.
A lack of respect for his students.

Turns his back on his GM (Professor Remy)

This never happened and never will. I study, teach and am loyal to Professor Presas and always will be. I am associated with the WMAA, an organization that carries on the teachings of Professor Presas. I did not leave Modern Arnis to become associated with Max Pallen and his style, which is NOT Modern Arnis, as mtb has done.

Turns his back on his impending promotion.

Professor was ill at this time and JD was running the show. Seeing the level of those that were going to test and the short amount of time they had doing the art made me not wish to have my black belt under this organization. Soon after this I contacted Datu Hartman and asked to be part of his organization and said I would rather test for my BB under him, no matter how long I had to wait. It was worth the wait, I am proud of my rank and my organization.

Turns his back on his mates.

Most of my fellow students at maa are no longer there. They have left as well.
And this my come as a surprise to mtb but out of all those former mates that are still active in Modern Arnis, I train with, teach, talk to and see them on a regular basis. They sought me out. I even stay in touch with the ones that aren't active.

Never having the fortitude to sit down and talk to me like a man.

There are some people that really don't want you to tell them that they are doing something wrong in their business. Students should mind their own business, Right? When I stopped going to the dojo, other students called me and asked where I was, but my instructor couldn't be bothered.

But you sir are a coward as well as a disgrace.

A coward, NEVER, and you are treading on dangerous ground here.

A disgrace, NO, but that I will leave to My students, all the great people I have met through Modern Arnis, and my peers to be the judge of that.

If you wish to BS the folks who do not know your MO, that's fine.

I wear my MO on my sleeve for all to see.

Did I have access to Taika Oyata and Professor Presas at your school, yes, and it was great while it lasted.
Is your name on my certificates, yes, that is undisputed.

I should have left Martial Arts America a year before I did. On a personal training level I was treading water. I stayed only because of my committment to the students there.
I have moved on with my martial arts career and mtb should do the same.

I apologize to the members of Martial Talk for using this forum in this manner but I will defend myself in the place I was attacked.
For me it ends here.
Let me start out by saying that I'm defending the facts and not the person. Like Chad (dearnis) many of us who attended the seminar that Bates hosted heard Remy refer to Mike as Jr. Professor. I even saw it written on one of Mike's black belt diplomas.

Janice & I talked about this today to copare note and we both remember Remy addressing Mike as Prof on more than on occasion. On the other hand my name is Timothy James and Mike refers to me as TJ for short. Could this have been what Remy was doing? I don't know. I think we have talked about it enough and we should move on.

Mike, do what you want and use what ever title you feel comfortable using. In my case Remy awarded me Datu and I'm keeping it!

I am interested in where the bodies are barried. Maybe you can start an other thread on it. Do you know where Hoffa is?
sure do. david hoffa man is somewhere in the Northeast
the artist formerly know as.....
Originally posted by mtb

I have gone to great lengths to dis-associate myself from those other individuals you've lumped me in with. I would appreciate it if you would refrain. Perhaps you should read my previous post again.
You do not know me nor have we ever met. I have been to just about every east coast function since 1989 and have yet to cross your path. You must of been too busy to attend a camp or a seminar. That's okay. Just a word of advice, you may want to think about supporting other folks before you ask for theirs
Trust me, one less instructor at your event is the best thing I could do for you.

This is the second time that you have made a nasty set of comments with regard to a question that I e-mailed to you...
do not make that mistake again.

As for how many seminars and/or camps that you have attended or hosted, that is your business and it has no relevance to my question. As far as "lumping" you with others, I specficly related it to the use of the term "professor" and pointed out that the use of the title usually draws comments, as has occured with you on this occassion. BTW, I like receiving words of advise from people who have good advise to give.... thanks. Now for a few words of advise for you:

1. Expect to get some heat from dedicated Modern Arnis players whenever you use "professor" in front of your name. You must prepared to teach and demonstrate at a much higher level than you curently are able to do, because the people your events have the right to expect you to be able to match in action, the implications that are associated the title.

2. Understand that my inviation to you *Was Not* a request for your support, which I do not need. The inviataion was offered as a courtesy because you were a close associate and friend of the late Professor. In addition, you have deemed it appropriate to add the title to your presentations of Presas style Modern Arnis. If I am going to invite a number of others to participate and present at the 2003 Symposium, then I should as a matter of good manners, offer you the same opportunity. Now that I done made the formal invitation and you have declined, I wish to thank you for informing me that you will not be on the program.

3. You may well be correct about me being better off without you in attendence, after all, I never saw you at any of the events that I sponsored for Professor from 1987 - 1994, in Buffalo, NY. In fact, I do not recall you ever being in Buffalo for any event invovling Professor Presas! Maybe TJ can correct me on that - but I never met you at anything in Buffalo!. Therefore your comments about supporting other folks before asking for support would seem to apply to you, equally well! I did host 12 seminars and 4 camps, begining before you got involved in Modern Arnis. And while not on the Atlantic Coast, Buffalo, is in the Northeast and we did advertise by both mail and magazines, the Buffalo events - perhaps you were too busy on the East Coast!

4. I have not change my mind about the idea of your situation with regard to having "master" as a title, however believe me when I say this, you are not a "professor"!
boy oh boy, you're no fun to play with
geez dr. b, if you knew me i think we'd be the best of friends.
I will still keep you on my holiday card list
Originally posted by mtb

boy oh boy, you're no fun to play with
geez dr. b, if you knew me i think we'd be the best of friends.
I will still keep you on my holiday card list

You are absolutely correct Michael, I am not any fun to play with!
First of all....I'm not going to hammer you, I'm not going to hammer you, I'm am NOT going to hammer you...

...With this particular post. :D

Now, I have hammered people in the past. So, if I don't make myself clear here my post will be misconstrued. I said it three times, so please take this as an honsest query, not a loaded question, or an attempt to hammer.

I know you have done a lot to dis-associate yourself w/ JD's group, and I commend you for that. I am curious, however, as to why and how you got involved with them in the first place. How did you end up getting involved with them, anyhow? What was YOUR motive?

Now, I do apoligize in advance because I highly doubt I'll be able to check this forum again until Monday of next week. So, please understand that I'm not trying to start a fight that I won't be around to finish, but I am curious about the above, and I'll look at your answer eventually.

Paul Janulis

Perhaps a little know fact dear readers, is that my November 2000 seminar in Media, Pa was the very first up after the GMs illness. I was supposed to pick him up the Wed. before my seminar. He would have just gotten back from the European tour. Tunisia,hamburg,London, Venice was his last stop. He gave me $800 cash the month before, at his last Chicago camp. told me to have a many sweat shirts printed as I could,sell them when I was in London with him and to pay for my trip. When he finally called me from germany to tell me what i already knew, his question was curious. Would I still be holding my seminar without him??
"Prof," said I" tell me what to do". Apparently even at this critical period in his life, some folks had or were already jumping ship. One person cancelled a camp. He told me for the time being to have JD in and to give him the $$ etc. I sent the GM a check for $1265.00. That's the only reason I was in that "camp"
I hope this answers PJ's query. AsI had been since '89 I wuz doing what I was told. As I said to TJ. What do I care who's running the store as long as the GM signs off on it.
Rest assured readers, there's lots more than this. You think you've seen dirt on here?? Ain't seen nothing yet.
Next up:When the Masters of tapi-tapi were hatched!!

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