Pauls bill is in the mail...
My personal opinion is that -all- the groups should be at the 1st symposium. Why? Simple. Every group involved will both benifit and lose from it. If youre not there, you only stand to lose.
Benifits -
- higher exposure for their group,
- re-exposure to techniques they havent seen in a while or have never seen.
- potential to increase their student/school base
-chance to demonstrate their skills and visions
-chance to increase seminar bookings
-alliances will be formed
Loses -
-students/schools may change affiliations
-you may fall flat on your face.
The Kenpo folks have a saying "Time will either promote or expose you".
I do not expect to see the estemed Jeff Delaney there...he has too much to lose, and his 'empire' is rapidly shrinking. Mired in multiple scandels and his senior members jumping left and right.
You can all look at it as a "put up or shut up" event (which it is). You can also look at it in a more positive way, a chance for your group to shine. IMHO the IMAF inc should encourage ALL of the MOTTs to be there. It would give them a lot of good PR. Another plus might be the establishment or reestablishment of a number of relationships and communications chanels.
Just My thoughts...which usually end up with me in hot water. Ah well.
Peace Yall.

My personal opinion is that -all- the groups should be at the 1st symposium. Why? Simple. Every group involved will both benifit and lose from it. If youre not there, you only stand to lose.
Benifits -
- higher exposure for their group,
- re-exposure to techniques they havent seen in a while or have never seen.
- potential to increase their student/school base
-chance to demonstrate their skills and visions
-chance to increase seminar bookings
-alliances will be formed
Loses -
-students/schools may change affiliations
-you may fall flat on your face.
The Kenpo folks have a saying "Time will either promote or expose you".
I do not expect to see the estemed Jeff Delaney there...he has too much to lose, and his 'empire' is rapidly shrinking. Mired in multiple scandels and his senior members jumping left and right.
You can all look at it as a "put up or shut up" event (which it is). You can also look at it in a more positive way, a chance for your group to shine. IMHO the IMAF inc should encourage ALL of the MOTTs to be there. It would give them a lot of good PR. Another plus might be the establishment or reestablishment of a number of relationships and communications chanels.
Just My thoughts...which usually end up with me in hot water. Ah well.
Peace Yall.