And I think the first two years of college should be universaly free. This would include all the remedial training to get you to the starting point. We are the richest nation on earth, by the way.
Let me get this straight, you are saying that people who mamage to get through 12 years of free education and still do not have basic skills should be then given
even more free education in the hope that this time it will be different?
Either the case is the free educational system is a failure (which would mean that even more would just be throwing good money after bad) or you have to think that
there are reasons other than lack of education that cause people to turn to crime.
I lean toward the latter. I think that it is not a case of a lack of education leading to crime, but a factor or factors that cause people to turn to crime
and cause them to do poor in school.
Look over that again. The reason they can't read and the reason they are boosting cars are the same thing. If you only try to treat one of the symptoms in the hope the other one goes away you are going to fail and fail miserably.
The reasons are probably quite varied, but it is pretty much beyond the educational system to deal with. Hence we need to courts and jails. I can tell you as a teacher that there are kids I see that I just know are going to be in trouble with the law later on. There is not a damn thing I can do to prevent it. If they want help to get themselves better educated the teachers will fall over themselves trying to help them. But these kids will not seek it out if they don't know something. A few of them actually do well, but are just twisted in some way.
And I think that your opinion is an insult to the guys that do not do well in school and yet struggle to walk the straight and narrow. Over my years as a teacher I have seen kids who just can't seem to grasp some of the stuff they are being asked to learn. In a few cases, they made bad choices about how much to study and in some cases they were just born without the ability to learn as much as the typical person. I know a few of these kids even years after they have left me and are now adults.
One of them works at a convinience store at the last train transfer of my journey home after martial arts class. I stop by and get a
chuhai or something to drink on the last train I take across town and help kill the pain from training. He is probably going to be working jobs like that the rest of his life because he does not have the ability to do much of anything else. But he does his job damn well and always greets me and the customers with a big smile and an honest desire to help.
This guy spent years in English class and all he can use is "Hello Mr Roley" but he does not do crime. But why should be bother if there is an excuse that criminals would not be criminals if only they were better educated? Why try to walk the correct path when there is a ready- made excuse for taking whatever actions you want instead of resisting the temptations?
But if you really want to help people go to school, you are quite free to contribute
your money to various charities that will help poor kids go to college. Before you ask anyone else to be
forced to spend money so you can feel morally superior you should cut back on any spending for yourself and lead by example. So come back after you have stopped training in martial arts, going to the movies and such and instead use the money to send kids to college.