Who is against this?

When one says prison there are so many levels or variants, just like Martial Arts training:

Low Security environments/Resident Halfway Houses
The County Jails, or “Houses of Correction” for misdemeanors & low-grade felons
Medium to Maximum Security State Prisons & Penitentiaries
The Federal low security camps - “Club Feds” for white-collar criminals
All other Federal Prisons up to “Super Max” in Colorado

Having been around, my two cents is I think the “Prison Rehabilitation Movement” which really blossomed during the 1960s is one of the great scams of the 20th century, not up there with the Ponzi Scheme called Social Security - but close.

At best, IMHO for those who will be on the outside shortly offering two “support programs” during incarceration that should focus on correcting two issues that are directly tied to why many of these people are in prison in the first place may be cost effective:

1) Offer to teach the inmates how to read & write at the high school level since so many inmates have almost no significant educational background. I am not talking “offsite college degrees programs” but correcting how many of them are functionally illiterate or worse.

2) Any reasonable therapies for them to address their alcohol and drug abuse problems. This is why so many of them are there in the first place. They are not just problem drinkers, but violent problem drinkers who also abuse a potpourri of prescription and illegal drugs. One cannot hold any type of stable employment on the outside with the frequent benders these guys (& girls) typically go on.

Short of that - lock ‘em up and any work details and/or light industry programs that help reduce the taxpayer’s cost are as a rule are a good thing. Just remove the Cable TV, or their weight gyms and squash courts. Keep on saying, “Incarceration is Punishment” and make it so every day.

BTW everyone talks about the costs of incarceration.
Has anyone done a comparison what a “career criminal” can cost society when they are on their crimes sprees amongst us law-abiding productive type citizens between jail stints?
When one says prison there are so many levels or variants, just like Martial Arts training:

Low Security environments/Resident Halfway Houses
The County Jails, or “Houses of Correction” for misdemeanors & low-grade felons
Medium to Maximum Security State Prisons & Penitentiaries
The Federal low security camps - “Club Feds” for white-collar criminals
All other Federal Prisons up to “Super Max” in Colorado

Having been around, my two cents is I think the “Prison Rehabilitation Movement” which really blossomed during the 1960s is one of the great scams of the 20th century, not up there with the Ponzi Scheme called Social Security - but close.

At best, IMHO for those who will be on the outside shortly offering two “support programs” during incarceration that should focus on correcting two issues that are directly tied to why many of these people are in prison in the first place may be cost effective:

1) Offer to teach the inmates how to read & write at the high school level since so many inmates have almost no significant educational background. I am not talking “offsite college degrees programs” but correcting how many of them are functionally illiterate or worse.

2) Any reasonable therapies for them to address their alcohol and drug abuse problems. This is why so many of them are there in the first place. They are not just problem drinkers, but violent problem drinkers who also abuse a potpourri of prescription and illegal drugs. One cannot hold any type of stable employment on the outside with the frequent benders these guys (& girls) typically go on.

Short of that - lock ‘em up and any work details and/or light industry programs that help reduce the taxpayer’s cost are as a rule are a good thing. Just remove the Cable TV, or their weight gyms and squash courts. Keep on saying, “Incarceration is Punishment” and make it so every day.

BTW everyone talks about the costs of incarceration.
Has anyone done a comparison what a “career criminal” can cost society when they are on their crimes sprees amongst us law-abiding productive type citizens between jail stints?

Very nice post! I'm in agreement with everything said here. Regarding 1 and 2, I'd like to comment on that. Those programs are offered to the inmates. School, Bible Study, AA, NA, etc., are all programs that are offered. Nothing wrong with this, as it just may turn someone around. However, one thing thats always been on my mind, is why didn't these people take advantage of these programs before they landed in jail/prison?? If someone is concerned with their narcotics addiction, one would think that they'd seek out the many programs rather than waiting.

Like I said, I'm not against those programs, but one has to wonder if they're really interested in turning their life around, or if they're using it as an excuse to get out of the block for a few hours.

IT'S JAIL, NOT A COUNTRY CLUB....I would like to see the penial system return to the Alcatraz Prison style settings..One man per cell and none of the EXPECTED comforts..That's why Sheriff Joe out in Arizona is a hero to many of us in LE..Make the inmates live in tents, wear pink shoes and socks etc...etc..
But they will... Anyhow, up in the Northwest the prison system makes a tidy profit off the inmates by overcharging for TV's, headphones, and cable service. Its a win win for the prison. They actualy profit.

Out of curiosity, how do you know how much the prison charges for this stuff?

They will just fight in the rec room.

Having a TV, headset or any other amenity is not going to prevent a fight. An environment like this can blow up at any moment. Having items such as you mention is not going to decrease the violence in prison.

Question that I hope someone can answer....

Is it true that the courts have ruled that it is their right to have a television in their cell with cable if they want?
I remember enjoying that post as well. I am not that educated on this particular subject, and I'll admit that I don't know if having cable tv lowers the instances of fights, etc (someone posted something about paying for cable vs paying for another guard). But I do know that it bums me out to think that I don't feel I can spend the money on cable for myself, yet any prisoner that lives off of my tax dollars gets it (they also have a better work out facility, and probably classier food than me too!). Now I am not saying "woe is me." I am pretty fresh out of college, live alone, and trying to get my foot in the door as a professional martial artist, but it's still hard to feel good about how my tax dollars are used when I wouldn't even use them that way on myself.

Like I said in another post, having a TV is not going to limit the number of fights. I recall one night a fight breaking out in the dayroom over a board game. I saw the post that you're referring to about the decrease of violence. Speaking for myself, I'm curious as to how that assumption came about. :)

Question that I hope someone can answer....

Is it true that the courts have ruled that it is their right to have a television in their cell with cable if they want?

Honestly Don, I really don't know. I wonder if it said that they had to be allowed access to TV. Now if it was termed that way, then its pretty open ended. They have access to a TV in the dayroom, so as I said, if thats the case, they're technically not being denied.

IMO, those that commit heinous crimes against society should be processed for fertilizer. There is no need to keep them around. In our effort to be so humane to those that see others as being less human we have created a beast of a system that continually feeds off of society.

Sometimes, society must do what doesn't feel good to keep society safe. Safe isn't just about the people it also the resources that support the people within the society.

Having said all that... Where's the humanity? :p
IT'S JAIL, NOT A COUNTRY CLUB....I would like to see the penial system return to the Alcatraz Prison style settings..One man per cell and none of the EXPECTED comforts..That's why Sheriff Joe out in Arizona is a hero to many of us in LE..Make the inmates live in tents, wear pink shoes and socks etc...etc..

I saw a segment about Sheriff Joe. I thought his idea was TOTALLY AWESOME!
IT'S JAIL, NOT A COUNTRY CLUB....I would like to see the penial system return to the Alcatraz Prison style settings..One man per cell and none of the EXPECTED comforts..

I really liked the idea of Devil's Island, the French Penal Colony off the coast of French Guyana (I believe that is the location). What is the name of that prison movie where they were on a high security island and were warring with one another?

I really liked the idea of Devil's Island, the French Penal Colony off the coast of French Guyana:)

Violent sexual offenders, murders, etc...etc..will go there..The run of the mill criminal will go Alcatraz..
I was Jamming to my new "Kings X" CD and I caught them bitching about paying for cable TV for prison inmates. Who is against this and why?
No TV, no free time no anything. They are in prison for a reason. If we are complaing about over crowded jails, start issuing the death penalty to every prisoner that has been convicted of murder or worse. Then we dont have to worry about not enough room.

Out of curiosity, how do you know how much the prison charges for this stuff?

Having a TV, headset or any other amenity is not going to prevent a fight. An environment like this can blow up at any moment. Having items such as you mention is not going to decrease the violence in prison.

A former inmate told me he was charged $350 for a $60 TV and why, thats how. The idea of the head set is that you are in your cell by yourself, not bothering you celly, as opposed to a large rec room with one show on in a room full of violent criminals. And, I'm sorry, but statistics show you are wrong. I don't know what else to tell you.
I really liked the idea of Devil's Island, the French Penal Colony off the coast of French Guyana (I believe that is the location). What is the name of that prison movie where they were on a high security island and were warring with one another?

They were soooo successfull.
No TV, no free time no anything. They are in prison for a reason. If we are complaing about over crowded jails, start issuing the death penalty to every prisoner that has been convicted of murder or worse. Then we dont have to worry about not enough room.

I'm sorry; I was discussing reality.
Sean, what is it that determines Success and failure?
Cost for the growing population actually. Those evil prisons you mentioned can't hold all the folks we want gone. And its not as if guys that came out of Alcatraz became business executives.

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