1.) You forgot workouts in parks and playgrounds
"Bruce Lee Worked in the Park and trained outside with no mats or Equpment. Does that make him a Fake"
2.) They can't cause it won't "sell":shrug:
Due to the High cost of insurance Full contact tournaments are a thing of the past. Besides in point fighting you don't have to kill your partner to win. Even socalled Full Contact fights like the UFC, have rules to make it winable by mostly Jui Jitsu Fighters. They don't allow Biteing or Eye Gouges or Groin Kicks to get out of the arm bar. Those are against the rules."
3.) Yes, the good old days.....but there were some cons to those days.
"In the Good old days Martial Arts were Brothers. No mater what their style and many worked together. I have been in the arts from 1968 to date and Cross training and Martial Brotherhood is still all good."
We need to just open our minds and hearts to new ways of thought and build the Martial Arts world