Raging Ignorance in Self-Defense

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Worthy respect must be earned. Populist notoriety, on the other hand (which is easily confused with respect at the most superficial levels) can be cheaply bought.

The currency required is simply the willingness to condemn both sides of any argument, coupled with jeering at the most prominent adherents to one or both camps.
Ah said:

Translation: I'm a spectator taking shots at someone else because I've seen how quickly it makes me popular among a larger group of similar critics.

No. I could care less on my popularity. I simply attempted to distill your verbose and complex writing down to a simpler level, so that the mere mortals, and couple of dung beetles who were reading may bask in them and perhaps be enlightened. You use 50 dollars worth of words, when 5 cents would do, often with long tiring run on sentences which violate the laws of professional grammar. But then again, so do a hundred others out there I suppose.

Let me cut the crap for a moment here Phil. You are nuts. But then again, so are we all. You write some beautiful stuff. All kidding aside, I like about 30-45% of your articles. I don't like another 40-45% of them for various reasons. I think 5-10% are absolute bollocks. In some areas, you come across quite well, and in others as a delusional turnip suffering from delusions of paranoia. You have an opinion, and every right to share it. That's your problem, you share it, and you share it often. So, you get hit. But you hide behind your walls and will not engage in a solid debate. You're right, end of story, and everyone else is somehow a "loser" for not seeing the brilliance of your ideas. There in lies part of the problem. One cannot debate or expand while sitting protected behind walls of their own construction. The simple truth here is you are a reasonable talented writer, who seemingly hides behind a waterfall of big words, and as a result some laugh and point. This is life. We move on. Right or wrong in your writings, I do admire your perseverance. I don't dislike you, I don't like you. I care not either way. But, I will point and laugh, knowing full well than 3 other fingers point back, and one points to the heavens.

Your detractors are a mixed lot. Some are 90 pound weaklings who couldn't hold up to the strain of a beginners chi sao class. Others big burley brawlers, the types of guys who smash full beer cans on their heads for kicks or haul cars around by their willies. Some are intellectuals, and others can't muster the power to walk and chew gum at the same time. Some think hitting a bit of wood for 8 hours makes them a master, others delude themselves into thinking that a hockey helmet, padded gloves and a 5 minute timer is somehow a true test of their techniques. Some are actually normal people who fully understand the limits, strengths and weaknesses of their arts. I don't really give much credit to the talkers who are just as guilty of hiding behind a keyboard as you are. I've taken just as many shots at these clowns as you. The difference is, they respond and you my friend react.

You are allowed, entitled, and I dare say it, encouraged to continue writing whatever it is you write. Some will applaud, some will laugh, some will understand and some will not. It matters not.

It would be nice if you would open your mind a bit, and engage in the debate, rather than pointing at articles half the readers cannot see, or otherwise evading the issue. It would also be nice if certain individuals, who I suspect tire easily from simply moving their mouse, would cease their childish attacking of the messenger through veiled sling and arrow, and instead focus squarely on the message. But neither of these will happen. You will continue to write your missives, and they will continue to drool on their keyboards and grunt at each other while picking fleas off themselves I supose.

See, self defense, street awareness, survival knowledge, etc. All are valuable tools for any martial artist to have, in order to be complete. The idea of an AOL tin being useful was a novel one, and one I followed, with some minor personal modifications. But, I do so like my tea. :asian:

Take this as advice, or an attack, it matters not which to me. I will continue, as I always have, to do what needs to be done, popular or unpopular, regardless of how many times this time lord must regenerate.
I am willing to wager that you do not at all see the irony in such a lengthy and thorough post proclaiming your indifference.
Next you'll show me your class ring from the Pee Wee Herman School of Verbal Warfare. I believe the appropriate counter to the "I Know You Are, But What Am I" defense is the time-tested "I'm Rubber, You're Glue" gambit. If I'm not mistaken, Rommel used it repeatedly to good effect.

Carry on, President Ford.
Either go rent some friends to act as seconds and take it to the dueling green, or drop it. Either way, enough.

But could you spot me a fiver? Rent-a-Troll raised their rates this week.
(don't hit me, I'm just trying to inject some humor) :asian:
Moderator note:

Recess is over.
Thread moved to TGD and locked.

G Ketchmark / shesulsa
MT Senior Moderator
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