There is a trickle down effect in martial arts though. So the champions influence the guys who can fight who influence the guys who can't.
So then a person who can't fight is still at least moving in the right direction and being influenced by people wh have a working knowledge of their own artform.
I mean we get this on here all the time when someone comes in and says he is training his own made up system with his friends in the back yard.
And all the posters who argue these points about not needing this top down competency suddenly flip and say you can't progress effectively like that.
This Idea behind competition is the same as the idea than you can't train yourself in a vacuum. There has to be an external testing mechanism.
if I spar like this and even if i towel up everyone in the room. I wont get any good. I will just get better than these guys.
And yes there is a huge gap. And that is my point. Even getting a guy with some sort of functional fighting skill would do a class a world of wonders.
The dud from this class. Whould improve that krav class a thousand percent.