Greetings From South Florida Sensei,
1) I will turn sixty-six this year. I am a bit slower not quite as strong as I was in my youth. Although I am a non smoker and a non drinker, I suffered three heart attacks, the first at the age of thirty-six, the third at age forty-one. Each time it was right out of the hospital and back onto the mats. (Probably a foolish thing to do)
Over these past fifteen years I have had both rotator cuffs repaired, I have developed progressive degenerative disc disease with a total collapse of L 4 & L 5. (after eight years it is finally healing itself) However, I have not slowed down, I still teach every class and learn when somene is teaching.
Doctors have told me since the first heart attack that I would die if I did not stop my activity. Well, IÂ’m still here and two of those doctors are not. Both were younger than I.
I refused to let these little annoyances or road blocks in my life defeat me. I am in a heck of a better shape than many who are considerably younger. Now no one else may agree, but in my mind, I hope that it qualifies me as an Old Warrior.
2) Also sir, you said, "I for one would not want people of questionable nature and ethics associating themselves with the name of my school or my teachers system." I agree with you 100% as that has been my policy always. While we are cordial and polite, we make sure that we do not even take pictures with them or do anything that can be construed as supporting or legitimizing their stuff.
3) Our philosophy can be found on our web site. There we have our Code of Bushido and Code of Ethics.
I hope that I have answered to your satisfaction.
Be Blessed,
The Prof