I am at a loss as to understand why a Ninjutsu Newaza video has been posted in the self defence section of the forum. It is not represented as self defence, makes no claims to be self defence, and is clearly not a self defence.
Well, it's very clearly not sport based stuff. He's not teaching that for MMA or grappling tournaments. It's not some historical cultural piece he is trying to preserve. So that really only leans self-defence. I suppose it could be ninja fantasy fighting... But somehow I doubt Hatsumi is saying "Hey, check this out, it won't work in reality but it looks really dope!"
It's kind of a thing in a lot of traditional styles. The guy with the highest rank becomes infallible and no one questions them and just goes with everything. If it was just some self-trained ninja that read Ashida Kim's books no one would care... but this is a high ranked and very respected person with a ton of followers, and this is being presented as practical and realistic techniques.