what style is based on a lot of grabbing and locks?

There was a very recent story about the SAS running out of ammo and charging a bunch of ISIS insurgents and taking them with empty hands and knives, and winning

Your link is from a tabloid newspaper, the Daily Express, not the best place to get true articles from. It claims a 'source' and then proceeds to get mixed up. It says a soldier from the SBS actually did the drowning. The SAS and the SBS are different... the SBS the far better unit... are Royal Marine Commandos (not soldiers but itself a Spec Force) the SBS goes one step further. The only reports on this are from tabloid newspapers such as the Express, S*n and the Star ( we don't talk about the S*n as it is one of the most disgusting sewer rags). The Ministry of Defence doesn't allow troopers in the SAS to speak to the media for obvious reasons, it puts people in danger and incites terrorist attacks here. It sounds like a tremendous story but you'll find that it isn't true. The true stories you won't ever hear or read about in the media.
i train tang soo do and i have found myself during sparring doing a lot of grabbing and manipulation, arm locks wrist locks just grabbing the arm etc, i wanna train in a style that specifies in that, what style would that be? i talked to my sensai and he said he doesn't suggest training at another dojo yet, he said hapkido is pretty much taught the same thing we teach, but i wanna learn more

i guess i'm looking for something a little more like deadly combat related? ill be joining the marines soon because i wanna use my martial arts in that way

From my observation, many TKD and TSD schools have added Hapkido like techniques because they are popular with students. Sometimes they are taught with only a seminar or two under the instructor's belt, and therefore may be flawed. Others do have belted Hapkido practitioners teaching and can indeed teach correctly.

I have no way of knowing your instructor's experience, but to say what you quoted him as saying would need clarification for me to agree. The Hapkido I learned was certainly not taught like TKD. However, there may indeed be some that have deviated from the original teachings.

As to the Marines, they will teach you what you need to learn to be a good Marine. But in general, you will not be using a lot of TKD unless you might get in to specialized unit.

Done by Chinese people, it can be chin-na (a sub-set of Wusho / Kung Fu?). Hapkido and Teakwondo cover similar stuff, I am quite sure. Krav Maga...

See my answer to the OP above.

EDIT: I meant to add that Hapkido as I learned it would be a good MA for what you say you want. However, as others have said, you wouldn't likely need it, unless you were in a specialized unit, and I don't recall how old you are, but I doubt you could learn it between now and when you join the Marines.
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Except, he didn't say that he wanted to learn martial arts because he wants to join the USMC. He said he wants to join the USMC so that he can utilize his martial arts.

I interpreted that to mean that he wants to use his MA training to facilitate his going into the Marines and wants something that would help him in that goal. However, I can see why you interpreted it in the manner that you did. You may well be correct. Perhaps the OP will clarify his intent.
I interpreted that to mean that he wants to use his MA training to facilitate his going into the Marines and wants something that would help him in that goal. However, I can see why you interpreted it in the manner that you did. You may well be correct. Perhaps the OP will clarify his intent.
"i guess i'm looking for something a little more like deadly combat related? ill be joining the marines soon because i wanna use my martial arts in that way"

It isn't really an interpretation, he directly states "Ill be joining the marines because I want to use martial arts", not "I want to use martial arts because I will be in the marines". That, combined with his other thread that he stated "i don't learn martial arts for sport, i learn it so i can make anyone who threatens someone i care about sorry" have me trying to figure out if we should be concerned about giving this guy advice, or just chalk it up to 17 year old machismo.
"i guess i'm looking for something a little more like deadly combat related? ill be joining the marines soon because i wanna use my martial arts in that way"

It isn't really an interpretation, he directly states "Ill be joining the marines because I want to use martial arts", not "I want to use martial arts because I will be in the marines". That, combined with his other thread that he stated "i don't learn martial arts for sport, i learn it so i can make anyone who threatens someone i care about sorry" have me trying to figure out if we should be concerned about giving this guy advice, or just chalk it up to 17 year old machismo.

Fair enough. At this point, I think it is likely that he is just a teenager with, as you put it, too much machismo, and who uses poor turns of phrase, but I guess I could be wrong. Regardless, the recommendations given to explore BJJ, Catch Wrestling, Hapkido, Judo, etc. are hardly going to create some rabid monster. I suspect all of those environments will squash that out pretty quick, or at least send him packing if he expresses those traits. But, if you want to avoid giving him advice because of that, that's your call.
"i guess i'm looking for something a little more like deadly combat related? ill be joining the marines soon because i wanna use my martial arts in that way"

It isn't really an interpretation, he directly states "Ill be joining the marines because I want to use martial arts", not "I want to use martial arts because I will be in the marines". That, combined with his other thread that he stated "i don't learn martial arts for sport, i learn it so i can make anyone who threatens someone i care about sorry" have me trying to figure out if we should be concerned about giving this guy advice, or just chalk it up to 17 year old machismo.

With regards to offering advice and information, chances are he will find out what he wants on his own. So would you rather the information come from us where we can hopefully guide him in the right direction, or from some random misleading video on youtube?
With regards to offering advice and information, chances are he will find out what he wants on his own. So would you rather the information come from us where we can hopefully guide him in the right direction, or from some random misleading video on youtube?
I don't really care if the information comes from us or elsewhere. Either way he'll get the same information, most likely, but I won't personally give him information to help him towards that end.

I'd rather have a discussion with him about his thinking patterns, and what's underlying his desire to learn how to kill people, but I don't think that's likely considering this is an online forum and I'm not his therapist. I really just posted so other posters are aware, since I gathered that many had missed that line about him wanting to learn deadly martial arts then find people to use them on (and some posters here likely have the same hangups I do about giving someone information that they want to use to hurt/kill others).
I find the comments about dropping one's weapon and throwing down action movie style as funny as the rest.

However, on a serious note, there have been a bunch of cases in the War on Terror were guys have had to use hand-to-hand skills. There was a very recent story about the SAS running out of ammo and charging a bunch of ISIS insurgents and taking them with empty hands and knives, and winning. Getting human intelligence from enemy combatants is extremely important, so having the ability to restrain and hold someone, or to take them and control them empty handed if they are putting up a fight, is important.

SAS soldier 'drowned ISIS jihadi in puddle as group fought terrorists with bare hands'

If the OP is serious about his plans to join the USMC, then this time next year he could be, literally, in a fight for his life.

OK, end of serious note. Get back to the jokes now! LOL

We are also not in WW1 anymore. there are guys in war zones who don't need to be killed but do need to be handled.

But there was a famous one in fallujah.

Paul Cale did a pretty decent hand to hand.
Diggers defend killer Commando

I think if you are running into houses and caves after people. The need for tactical fist beatings increase.

And this is aside from just being able to show you are the big dog in a group full of alpha males.

I interpreted that to mean that he wants to use his MA training to facilitate his going into the Marines and wants something that would help him in that goal. However, I can see why you interpreted it in the manner that you did. You may well be correct. Perhaps the OP will clarify his intent.

So one person expressing concern about the OP saying he wants to learn martial arts to hurt people out of about 10 people replying (and one other person informing him training with a gun may be more useful) counts as dogpiling? I think you and I have very different definitions of dogpiling then...
I don't really care if the information comes from us or elsewhere. Either way he'll get the same information, most likely, but I won't personally give him information to help him towards that end.

I'd rather have a discussion with him about his thinking patterns, and what's underlying his desire to learn how to kill people, but I don't think that's likely considering this is an online forum and I'm not his therapist. I really just posted so other posters are aware, since I gathered that many had missed that line about him wanting to learn deadly martial arts then find people to use them on (and some posters here likely have the same hangups I do about giving someone information that they want to use to hurt/kill others).
I thought the same thing at first, but then I thought he'd get his first reality check in the dojo, then an even bigger reality check in the Marine Corps.
Rationalise it how you want. But it is the reason you can't have nice things.
I really don't see how it's a rationalization. A dogpile requires multiple people, and I'm not misrepresenting his question as I'm taking word for word what he said and asking him for clarification. Then when someone asked me about that, I explained why I wanted clarification.
I really don't see how it's a rationalization. A dogpile requires multiple people, and I'm not misrepresenting his question as I'm taking word for word what he said and asking him for clarification. Then when someone asked me about that, I explained why I wanted clarification.

'Dogpiling' is one of DB's triggers, I wouldn't worry about it, he's trying to make you bite. :rolleyes: