What isn't racism?

This statement made by the terrorist wife of Bill Ayers, the friend to the Obamas, and the man who launched Obamas political career said this about the manson murders:

Dohrn was criticized for comments she made about the murders of actress Sharon Tate and retail store owners Leno and Rosemary LaBianca by theCharles Manson clan. In a speech during the December 1969 "War Council" meeting organized by the Weathermen, attended by about 400 people inFlint, Michigan, Dohrn said, "First they killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them, then they even shoved a fork into the victim's stomach! Wild!"[SUP][12][/SUP] In greeting each other, delegates to the war council often spread their fingers to signify the fork.[SUP][7][/SUP]

This is the woman who introduced Michelle to Barak. The fork symbol was a great moment for this woman don't you think. And Rush, Hannity and O'reilly are supposed to be the bad guys, when Bill Ayers, and Bernadine Dorhn, and Reverend Wright are close and trusted personal friends of Barak Obama. Obama worked for Bill Ayers and Michelle was close friends with Bernadine Dorhn.
On Barak obama and the terrorists Bill Ayers and his wife:


the 1960s radical back on September 11, 2001, the same day as the al-Qaeda attack that killed thousands of New Yorkers at the World Trade Center. The piece by Dinitia Smith began: “‘I don’t regret setting bombs,’ Bill Ayers said. ‘I feel we didn’t do enough.’”

A short excerpt from that piece:
Mr. Ayers, who in 1970 was said to have summed up the Weatherman philosophy as: ''Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that's where it's really at,'' is today distinguished professor of education at the University of Illinois at Chicago. And he says he doesn't actually remember suggesting that rich people be killed or that people kill their parents, but ''it's been quoted so many times I'm beginning to think I did,'' he said. ''It was a joke about the distribution of wealth.''​
Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/rich-n...-stanley-kurtz-makes-connection#ixzz1X4Sv3RCj[/URL]
From national review on Obama and his relationship with the terrorist Bill Ayers and his terrorist wife Bernadine Dorhn:


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[TD]You might think the Times would be more curious. After all, the Democrats’ presidential nominee has already lied to the Gray Lady about the origins of his relationship with Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn. Back in May, in a cheery[URL="http://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/11/us/politics/11chicago.html?ref=politics"]profile
of Obama’s early Chicago days, the Times claimed (emphasis is mine):
Mr. Obama also fit in at Hyde Park’s fringes, among university faculty members like Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, unrepentant members of the radical Weather Underground that bombed the United States Capitol and the Pentagon to protest the Vietnam War. Mr. Obama was introduced to the couple in 1995 at a meet-and-greet they held for him at their home, aides said.
Now look, anyone who gave five seconds of thought to that passage smelled a rat. Ayers and Dohrn are passionate radical activists who lived as fugitives for a decade. There’s no way they held a political coming-out party for someone who was unknown to them. Obviously, they already knew him well enough by then to feel very comfortable. They might have been sympathetic to a relative stranger, but sponsoring such a gathering in one’s living room is a strong endorsement.
And now, even the Times now knows it’s been had. In this past weekend’s transparent whitewashing of the Obama/Ayers tie, the paper claimed that the pair first met earlier in 1995, “at a lunchtime meeting about school reform in a Chicago skyscraper[.]” That storyline is preposterous too, but it is also a marked revision of the paper’s prior account (which, naturally, reporter Scott Shane fails to mention).
Why the change? The tacit concession was forced by Stanley Kurtz and Steve Diamond — whom the Times chooses not to acknowledge but who hover over Shane’s sunny narrative like a dark cloud.
Despite all manner of stonewalling by Obama, Ayers and their allies, these commentators have doggedly pursued information about the Chicago Annenberg Challenge. That’s the $150+ million “education reform” piggy bank substantially controlled in the nineties by Ayers and Obama, who doled out tens of millions of dollars to Leftist radicals — radicals who, like their patrons, understood that control over our institutions, and especially our schools, was a surer and less risky way to spread their revolution than blowing up buildings and mass-murdering American soldiers. As Diamond observes, in a 2006 speech in Venezuela, with Leftist strongman Hugo Chavez looking on, Ayers exhorted: “Teaching invites transformations, it urges revolutions



Also from the article:

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Be clear on that much: Whether clothed as a terrorist or an academic, Ayers has made abundantly clear in his public statements, both before and after he established a working relationship and mutual admiration society with Obama, that he remains a revolutionary fueled by hatred of the United States. And while Obama now ludicrously pleads ignorance about Ayers’s terrorism — the terrorism that made the unabashed Ayers an icon of the Left — understand that this rabid anti-Americanism is the common denominator running through Obama’s orbit of influences.
Yes, Ayers is blunter than Obama. As he so delicately told the Times, America makes him “want to puke.” The smoother Obama is content to say our society needs fundamental “change.” But what they’re talking about is not materially different.
Such sentiments should make Obama unelectable. So, when it comes to his own radical moorings, Obama is engaged in classic liar behavior. He changes his story as the facts change — and the burden is always on you to dig up the facts, not on him to come clean. Yesterday, asked to comment on the Ayers relationship, David Axelrod, Obama’s top political adviser, hilariously chirped, “There’s no evidence that they’re close.” Translation: Get back to us when you can prove more damaging information — until then, we don’t need to further refine our perjury.
And then Axelrod gave us still more lies: “There’s no evidence that Obama in any way subscribed to any of Ayers’ views.”
Oh yeah? Well, Mr. Axelrod, how do you explain Obama’s breathless endorsement of Ayers’s 1997 Leftist polemic on the criminal-justice system, A Kind and Just Parent? As Stanley Kurtz has recounted, Ayers’s book is a radical indictment of American society: We, not the criminals, are responsible for the violent crime that plagues our cities; even the most vicious juvenile offenders should not be tried as adults; prisons should eventually be replaced by home detention; American justice is comparable to South Africa under Apartheid. Obama’s reaction? He described the book as “a searing and timely account” — a take even the Times concedes was a “rave review.”
Obama and Ayers shared all kinds of views. That is why they worked so well together at the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC), fundingthe likes of Mike Klonsky, a fellow SDS and Maoist associate of Ayers who, as Steve Diamond relates, used to host a “social justice” blog on Obama’s campaign website. With Obama heading the board of directors that approved expenditures and Ayers, the mastermind running its operational arm, hundreds of thousands of CAC dollars poured into the “Small Schools Workshop” — a project begun by Ayers and run by Klonsky to spur the revolution from the ground up.
Precisely because they shared the same views, Obama and Ayers also worked comfortably together on the board of the Woods Fund. There, they doled out thousands of dollars to Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity Church to promote its Marxist “black liberation theology.” Moreover, they underwrote the Arab American Action Network (AAAN) founded by Rashid Khalidi, a top apologist for Yasser Arafat. As National Review’s David Pryce-Jones notes, Khalidi once directed WAFA, the terrorist PLO’s news agency. Then, like Ayers, he repackaged himself as an academic who rails at American policy. The AAAN, which supports driver’s licenses and public welfare benefits for illegal aliens, holds that the establishment of Israel was an illegitimate “catastrophe.”
Khalidi, who regards Israel as a “racist” “apartheid” state, supports Palestinian terror strikes against Israeli military targets. It’s little surprise that he should be such a favorite of Ayers, the terrorist for whom “racism” and “apartheid” trip off the tongue as easily as “pass the salt.”
And it’s no surprise that the like-minded Obama would be a fan. Khalidi, after all, has mastered the Arafat art of posing as a moderate before credulous Westerners while (as Martin Kramer documents) scalding America’s “Zionist lobby” when addressing Arabic audiences. The Obama who decries “bitter” Americans “cling[ing] to guns or religion” when he’s in San Francisco but morphs into a God-fearing Second Amendment enthusiast when he’s in Pennsylvania — like the Obama who pummels NAFTA before labor union supporters but has advisers quietly assure the Canadians not to worry about such campaign cant — surely appreciates the craft.
Obama and Ayers not only demonstrated their shared view of Khalidi by funding him. They also gave glowing testimonials at a farewell dinner when Khalidi left the University of Chicago for Columbia’s greener pastures. That would be the same Columbia from which Obama graduated in 1983.
Khalidi was leaving to become director of Columbia’s Middle East Institute, assuming a professorship endowed in honor of another Arafat devotee, the late Edward Said. A hero of the Left who consulted with terrorist leaders (including Hezbollah’s Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah) and was once photographed hurling rocks at Israelis from the Lebanese border, Said was exposed by researcher Justus Reid Weiner as a fraud who had created a fictional account of his childhood, the rock on which he built his Palestinian grievance mythology.
We know precious little about Obama’s Columbia years, but the Los Angeles Times has reported that he studied under Said. In and of itself, that is meaningless: Said was a hotshot prof and hundreds of students took his comparative-lit courses. But Obama plainly maintained some sort of tie with Said — a photo making the Internet rounds shows Obama conversing with the great man himself at a 1998 Arab American community dinner in Chicago, where the Obamas and Saids were seated together.
Said had a wide circle of radical acquaintances. That circle clearly included Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn. When they came out of hiding in the early 1980s (while Obama was attending Columbia), Ayers took education courses at Bank Street College, adjacent to Columbia in Morningside Heights — before earning his doctorate at Columbia’s Teachers College in 1987.
Said was so enamored of Ayers that he commended the unrepentant terrorist’s 2001 memoir, Fugitive Days — the book in which the haughty Ayers brags about his Weatherman past — with this glowing dust-jacket blurb:
What makes Fugitive Days unique is its unsparing detail and its marvelous human coherence and integrity. Bill Ayers’s America and his family background, his education, his political awakening, his anger and involvement, his anguished re-emergence from the shadows: all these are rendered in their truth without a trace of nostalgia or “second thinking.” For anyone who cares about the sorry mess we are in, this book is essential, indeed necessary, reading.
Sorry mess, indeed. For his part, Ayers is at least equally enthralled by Said, of whom, even in death, Ayers says “[t]here is no one better positioned … to offer advice on the conduct of intellectual life[,]” than the man who was “over the last thirty-five years, the most passionate, eloquent, and clear-eyed advocate for the rights of the Palestinian people.”
After they left Columbia, both Obama and Ayers went to Chicago: Obama to become a “community organizer” (the director of the Developing Communities Project, an offshoot of the Gamaliel Foundation dedicated to Saul Alinsky’s principles for radicalizing society); Ayers, two years later, to teach at the University of Illinois. Diamond details how they both became embroiled in a major education controversy that resulted in 1988 reform legislation.
Ayers’s father, Tom Ayers, a prominent Chicago businessman, was also deeply involved in the reform effort. Interestingly, in 1988, while Obama and Ayers toiled on the same education agenda, Bernadine Dohrn worked as an intern at the prestigious Chicago law firm of Sidley Austin — even though she could not be admitted to the bar due to her contempt conviction for refusing to cooperate in a terrorist investigation. How could that happen? It turns out that Sidley was the longtime outside counsel for Tom Ayers’s company, Commonwealth Edison. That is, Ayers’ father had pull at the firm and successfully pressed for the hiring of his daughter-in-law.
The next summer, though he had gone off to Harvard Law School (another impressive accomplishment he prefers not to discuss), Obama returned to the Windy City to work as an intern at Sidley. Dohrn was gone by then to teach at Northwestern. A coincidence? Maybe (Diamond doesn’t think so), but that’s an awful lot of coincidences — and a long trail of common people, places and experiences — for people who purportedly didn’t know each other yet managed to end up as partners in significant financial and political ventures.
In short, Bill Ayers and Barack Obama moved in the same circles, were driven by the same cause, and admired the same radicals all the way from Morningside Heights to Hyde Park. They ended up publicly admiring each other, promoting each other’s work, sitting on the same boards, and funding the same Leftist agitators.
You could conclude, as I do, that it all goes back to a formative time in his life that Obama refuses to discuss. Or you could buy the fairy tale that Bill Ayers first encountered an unknown, inexperienced, third-year associate from a small Chicago law-firm over coffee in 1995 and suddenly decided Barack Obama was the perfect fit to oversee the $150 million pot of gold Ayers hoped would underwrite his revolution.

Yes, with these connections to two radical terrorists, who bombed people in the United States, proudly, and held the beleifs they still hold, to say that Rush, and Hannity and O'reilly are the bad guys is truly absurd. Does anyone think that any republican candidate could have been elected if even half of this information had been true about them.

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A nice tie up of their relationship:

In short, Bill Ayers and Barack Obama moved in the same circles, were driven by the same cause, and admired the same radicals all the way from Morningside Heights to Hyde Park. They ended up publicly admiring each other, promoting each other’s work, sitting on the same boards, and funding the same Leftist agitators.
You could conclude, as I do, that it all goes back to a formative time in his life that Obama refuses to discuss. Or you could buy the fairy tale that Bill Ayers first encountered an unknown, inexperienced, third-year associate from a small Chicago law-firm over coffee in 1995 and suddenly decided Barack Obama was the perfect fit to oversee the $150 million pot of gold Ayers hoped would underwrite his revolution.

To say that Bernadine dorhn did not introduce Michelle and Barak is itself dishonest. Michelle worked at the lawfirm, and knew the terrorist and charles manson admirer Bernadine, and Bill Ayer's knew and worked with Barak Obama. To say that they were not introduced by them is being intentionally naive. For the president of the united states and his wife to have been introduced to each other by a couple who detonated bombs in the united states, unapologetically, and admired the killings of innocent americans by the manson family would be slightly embarrasing to the first couple, don't you think.

I believe the author of the article Andy McCarthy is the former prosecuter who prosecuted the Blind Sheik, the first terrorist who tried to bring down the world trade center. In fact he is the same guy: from wikipedia

Andrew C. McCarthy III is a former Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York. A Republican, he is most notable for leading the 1995 terrorism prosecution against Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman and eleven others. The defendants were convicted of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and planning a series of attacks against New York City landmarks.[SUP][1][/SUP] He also contributed to the prosecutions of terrorists who bombed US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. He resigned from the Justice Department in 2003. He is currently a columnist for National Review.
A nice tie up of their relationship:

To say that Bernadine dorhn did not introduce Michelle and Barak is a lie is itself dishonest. She worked at the lawfirm, and knew the terrorist and charles manson admirer Bernadine, and Bill Ayer's knew and worked with Barak Obama. To say that they were not introduced by them is being intentionally naive.er.

Well, no billi, it's not. Dohrn worked at the law firm from 1984-88. Michelle Obama graduated from law school in 1988. Obama came to work at Sidley Austin in the summer of 1989. This is, again, all a matter of corporate-and thus, public-record.

It really bugs me that I'm coming to Obama's defense, but a lie is a lie, billi, and that's what you're posting. Not to be insulting, but I would suggest you broaden your sources of reading material, and get your facts straight. In the meantime, you might talk about how racist Obama is, or his relationship with Wright.

Of course, those things don't change that Hannity, Limbaugh and Beck are racist. Then there's this:

I have to ask the others out there on martialtalk.com, would any of you have knowingly associated with Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorhn, let alone allowed them to help you with your political career? Keep in mind what these two had done in the past, how they are unrepentant about it, and how they feel about the United States. These two terrorists who hate the United States and set off bombs to change the nature of the united states, are the close personal friends of the President of the United states and his wife.

This is from wikipedia on Bill Ayers:

In June 1969, the Weatherman took control of the SDS at its national convention, where Ayers was elected Education Secretary.[SUP][11][/SUP] Later in 1969, Ayers participated in planting a bomb at a statue dedicated to police casualties in the 1886 Haymarket affair confrontation between labor supporters and theChicago police.[SUP][15][/SUP] The blast broke almost 100 windows and blew pieces of the statue onto the nearby Kennedy Expressway.[SUP][16][/SUP] (The statue was rebuilt and unveiled on May 4, 1970, and blown up again by other Weathermen on October 6, 1970.[SUP][16][/SUP][SUP][17][/SUP] Rebuilding it yet again, the city posted a 24-hour police guard to prevent another blast, and in January 1972 it was moved to Chicago police headquarters.[SUP][18][/SUP])
Ayers participated in the Days of Rage riot in Chicago in October 1969, and in December was at the "War Council" meeting in Flint, Michigan. Two major decisions came out of the "War Council." The first was to immediately begin a violent, armed struggle (e.g., bombings and armed robberies) against the state without attempting to organize or mobilize a broad swath of the public. The second was to create underground collectives in major cities throughout the country.[SUP][19][/SUP] Larry Grathwohl, a Federal Bureau of Investigation informant in the Weatherman group from the fall of 1969 to the spring of 1970, stated that "Ayers, along with Bernardine Dohrn, probably had the most authority within the Weatherman".[SUP][20][/SUP]
Another article on Bill Ayers and Barak:


Global Labor and Politics, June 7, 2008).
Consider as well:
  • In November 20, 1997. Michelle Obama, then Associate Dean of Student Services and Director of the University of Chicago Community Service Center, organized and participated in a panel that included Barack and Bill,Should a child ever be called a “super predator?” at the University of Chicago. See also, Chicago Tribune.
  • In 1997 Barack wrote a review of Bill’s book “A Kind and Just Parent: The Children of Juvenile Court”. Chicago Tribune published a blurb from Obama about books he was reading. See also USA Today.
  • April 19-20, 2002, Barack, Bill, and Bernadine participated in a conference and panel “Intellectuals: Who Needs Them?“. See also, Chicago Tribune.
  • February 2005. Barack and Bill participated in a conference and dinner for Rashid Khalidi at Columbia wherein they offered testimonials to Khalidi. Mayor Daley also attended this hate-fest. (See The Sun and Campus Watch for some commentary. Khalidi subsequently lost his position at Columbia because of his comments, seeNew York Times.)

But first, let’s get back to Barack, Bill, and Bernadine. Again, Michelle plays at least a bit role in this but to what extent is still unclear. Over the years Barack, Bill, Bernadine, and Michelle show up together, along with other Chicago figures that include Rev. Wright, Minister Farrakhan, Rev. Meeks, Rev. Pfleger, Sen. Jones, and many, many more. Throughout this Barack also had his early ties with friend, businessman, and political financier Tony Rezko and Rezko’s partners and associates. And finally, let’s also not forget organizations that received funding from Barack and Bill, such as:
  • Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN)
  • Arab American Action Network (AAAN) founded by husband and wife Rashid and Mona Khalidi.
  • Maoist Mike Klonsky, another terrorist member of the Weatherman
  • Children and Family Justice Center, Bernardine’s organization.
  • Trinity Unity Church and Rev. Wright.
Finally, what role did Barack’s position as a sitting state senator play in all of this?
I have to ask the others out there on martialtalk.com, would any of you have knowingly associated with Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorhn, let alone allowed them to help you with your political career? Keep in mind what these two had done in the past, how they are unrepentant about it, and how they feel about the United States. These two terrorists who hate the United States and set off bombs to change the nature of the united states, are the close personal friends of the President of the United states and his wife.

This is from wikipedia on Bill Ayers:

And I'd have to ask,keeping on topic, does Bill Ayers association with Obama indicate racism on either of their parts?

More to the point, does it in any way negate the racism of Rush Lamebag, Sean "Wave the flag with my chin" Hannity, or Glen "Nutty as a wagon load of pralines" Beck? :lfao:
Well, first Rush, Hannity and O'reilly are not racists. Second, your clips brought up the connection of Bill Ayers and Barak, the one with the young turks on Rush. You opened the door to Ayers elder, I just posted some facts about Barak his terrorist friends and their connections as well to ACORN and other left wing political activist groups.

  • Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN)
  • Arab American Action Network (AAAN) founded by husband and wife Rashid and Mona Khalidi.
  • Maoist Mike Klonsky, another terrorist member of the Weatherman
  • Children and Family Justice Center, Bernardine’s organization.
  • Trinity Unity Church and Rev. Wright.

Oh, by the way, thanks for the clips of Hannity, O'reilly and Rush. It is good for people who may be unfamiliar with them to hear what they actually said.
This is Dorhns history with the law firm:

Nonetheless, she was hired as a legal clerk by Sidley and Austin, a major Chicago law firm, in their New York office in 1984. Howard Trienens, then managing partner of the firm, recently told the Chicago Tribune that he arranged the hiring of Dohrn as a favor to his fellow Northwestern University trustee and classmate, Tom Ayers. Tom Ayers' firm, Commonwealth Edison, has used Sidley as outside counsel for many years. She later worked in their Chicago office when she and Bill Ayers moved back to Chicago in 1987. She left Sidley in 1988.


One of the best known contacts between Obama and Ayers was when the couple hosted a "meet and greet" for Obama at Ayers house in Hyde Park -– an upper middle class neighborhood on Chicago's south side, where Obama now lives as a neighbor of Louis Farrakhan.

Update: In 1989, Obama was a summer intern at Michelle Obama's law firm. One of Michelle's co-workers was Bernadine Dohrn. So the relationship between the Obamas and Ayers has spanned twenty years.

"I can remember being one of a small group of people who came to Bill Ayers' house to learn that Alice Palmer was stepping down from the senate and running for Congress," said Dr. Quentin Young, a prominent Chicago physician and advocate for single-payer health care, of the informal gathering at the home of Ayers and his wife, Dohrn. "[Palmer] identified [Obama] as her successor."

essay exploring when and how Barack Obama and Bill Ayers really first met:
Michelle Obama joined Sidley & Austin as an associate in the fall of 1988. She had previously been a summer associate at Sidley & Austin—evidently in the summer of 1987.
According to Wikipedia, Bernardine Dohrn worked for Sidley & Austin from 1984 to 1988, while she unsuccessfully sought admission to the New York and Illinois bars. (According to Sidley’s managing partner, Dohrn didn’t get admitted to the bar because “She wouldn’t say she’s sorry” for her acts of domestic terrorism.) It appears that Dohrn first worked in Sidley’s New York office, and then in its Chicago office.
Did Michelle Obama and Bernardine Dohrn work together? Did they know each other at Sidley? When and how did they come to know each other?
I don’t mean to suggest by these questions that there’s any reason to conclude that Barack Obama and Bill Ayers met through their wives. As Andy suggests, it’s quite possible that they met earlier in New York. Another alternative, as Steve Diamond speculates, is that Obama and Ayers may have worked together during a battle over reform of Chicago’s public schools in 1987 and 1988 (before Barack met Michelle).

from wikipedia:

[h=3]Sidley & Austin LLP[/h]After graduating from Princeton and Harvard Law School in 1988, Michelle Obama worked with Bernardine Dohrn at Sidley & Austin, the law firm where she and Barack met. Michelle worked on marketing and intellectual property. Dorn is the wife ofWilliam Ayers, one of the founders of the Weather Underground and a friend and associate of Barack Obama. Bernadine Dohrn, Bill Ayer's wife, took credit for the bombings in New York by the Weather Underground.[SUP][15][/SUP]