What isn't racism?

Sheila Jackson Lee:

Ms. Jackson Lee seems to be confused. When has our government ever paid our bills? Seems to me all that our government is doing is making payments to cover the interest, while ignoring the principle balance. But what does she care? She is living high on the hog on the backs of everyday Americans.
representative Joe Walsh is not going to be at Obama's big jobs speech. When obama decided, like a little kid, to hold his job speech, which he can give whenever he wants, during the republican debate, Joe walsh decided that he wasn't going to attend. Not because it was going to be held during the debate, but because Obama was calling for congress to make an appearence. Normally, the joint sessions are held for state of the union addresses. Because Joe Walsh will not attend, he has been accused of not attending because Obama is black...


Here is what Rep. Joe Walsh stated about Obama's speech:

Rep. Joe Walsh on Friday accused President Obama of abusing his power when he
House Speaker John Boehner
to address a joint session of Congress to outline
his latest vision for how he wants to create jobs.
"There is no reason for him to call a joint session of Congress," the
Illinois Republican said in an interview with MSNBC, "we reserve that for heads
of states from dignitaries around the world and presidents in moments in crisis,
and monumental moments."
"I believe he is abusing the position here," Walsh added.
MSNBC host Martin Bashir called the current circumstances "a monumental
crisiss because we had job growth of zero," referring a Labor Department
reported issued earlier Friday that showed the
U.S. economy add no new jobs
in August.
"Come, on Martin. This is a political exercise and political theater. This
president respectfully has made a career out of simply giving speeches," Walsh
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Dennis Prager weighs in on the congressional black caucus member who said members of the tea party movement want to see blacks hanging from trees, and didn't apologize:


Imagine a Jewish Congress member accusing the members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) of wanting to see Jews gassed. How would any decent American -- on the right or left -- describe such a statement? Loathsome? Morally reprehensible? An obvious lie? All three descriptions would be entirely accurate.
Next question: How much media exposure would that libel be given?
Would it make the front page of The New York Times and The Washington Post? Would we read ferocious editorials from coast to coast? Would the story lead on TV newscasts?
Correct on all three, again.
Final question: Would said congressman be allowed to stay in office?
We all know the answer to that one, too.
So here's a real question: If a black congressman charged that members of Congress who support the tea party "would love to see you and me (blacks) hanging from a tree," what's the difference between that libel and the made-up libel about the CBC wanting to see Jews gassed?
Let's see...

Tea party wants the government to spend less = racist.

Al Gore says people who don't believe in man made global warming are like 1960's democrat racists...

Don't believe in man made global warming = racist

People who were against the Clinton's when they tried to take over health care also don't want Obama, Reid and Pelosi taking over healthcare

You don't want Obamacare = racist

You want public unions to pay for part of their medical and retirement benefits, is that also racist?

Is there literally anything out there in the politicial world where if you disagree with the democrats on a policy issue, you are not automatically considered a racist?

what do global warming clinton, economy, got to do with racism? I'd like to know that too.
Here is Rush with an exended transcript on the history of Colin Powell and how he voted for Barak Obama over John McCain.


I said, "Secretary Powell says this endorsement's not about race. Okay, fine.
What I'm doing now Jonathan is researching Powell's past endorsements to see if
I can find all the inexperienced, very liberal white candidates that he has
endorsed. I'll let you know what I come up with." Then the next paragraph I
sent to Jonathan Martin of the Politico said, "As for Powell's statement of
concern that he would have difficulty with two more Republican Supreme Court
nominees, I was unaware that he had dislike for John Roberts, Clarence Thomas,
Samuel Alito, Anthony Kennedy, and Antonin Scalia. I guess he also regrets
Ronald Reagan making him a four-star general. I guess he also regrets George
Bush making him secretary of state. I guess he also regrets George H. W. Bush
naming him chairman of the Joint Chiefs. I guess he's also upset that a
Republican appointed his son to head the FCC. Yeah, let's hear it for
transformational figures," because Powell had said Obama's a transformational
figure, and yet Colin Powell is who he is and is a household name because of

At any rate, flew home after the game, I guess we rolled in at 10:45 or so, got
into the house at 11:30. I still wasn't aware how much it had blown up. I did
a little work when I went home, went up to bed, it was a long, taxing,
exhausting day. I'll tell you, it is tough physically going to a football
game. I can't imagine playing in one. I got home last night feeling like I had
played in the game. So I got up this morning and talked to Cookie. Cookie says,
"Okay, here's a preview of the sound bite roster," and, lo and behold, the media
had a cow over this. Folks, I must have struck a nerve on this because
everybody in the Drive-By Media has something snarky to say about my two little
paragraphs to Jonathan Martin at The Politico regarding the Powell endorsement.
Now, there's something else interesting -- I got one thing wrong. It was not a
Republican that nominated his son, Michael Powell, to head the FCC. Michael
Powell, by the way, has not only endorsed McCain, Colin Powell's son has
endorsed McCain, he is campaigning for him. Colin Powell's son is debating Obama
surrogates on communications issues. What actually happened was -- and this is
even more fascinating -- what actually happened was, and my friend Professor
Hazlett informed me of this, it was McCain who got Michael Powell appointed to
the FCC by Clinton in order to forge a relationship with his father, Colin
Powell, as was reported at the time.

So McCain went out of the way,
went to Clinton, said, "Please nominate Michael Powell to the FCC." Clinton did
it. This was an effort by McCain to forge a continued relationship. We've also
heard -- I can't substantiate this -- we've also heard that the reason that
Senator McCain has had Jeremiah Wright off-limits is in hopes of getting the
Powell endorsement himself. But one of the interesting things to point out
about this is, who is Powell? If you stop and think about how Powell is
characterized by the Drive-Bys, he's the epitome of today's moderate, right?
And that moderate, Mr. Powell, that kind of person is the target for McCain's
campaign, is it not? And so we see, ladies and gentlemen, just how -- I mean,
he gets his kid on the FCC with Clinton, forge a relationship, bam. I don't
know if McCain thought Powell was bought, but if so, it's obvious Powell doesn't
stay bought for very long.
And here, from the extended transcript in2008 is Rush talking about the "intellectual" republicans who went for Obama, and then at the end he asks the question, how many inexperienced guys did colin powell endorse before obama...

RUSH: Here's what it is, folks. This is very, very simple. I'll tell you when
this first hit me, and it probably hit you a little sooner than it did me. When
I traveled around the country, four years ago, three years ago, shortly after
the Iraq war started; I ran into people from all political spectrums who didn't
like Bush simply 'cause they thought he couldn't talk. He wasn't "articulate,"
and to them, that made him seem stupid. So when people who know Bush -- and I,
as a powerful, influential member of the media am one who knows Bush -- would
tell them, "You have no idea what you're talking about. The guy is sharp as a
tack, people that know him personally say." "Well, he doesn't come across that
way. He's just stupid," and then Obama comes along, and I see Christopher
Buckley who says things like, "Well, I read his books."

Chris, he may
not have written one of them, but that's beside the point. "I read his books.
He's a very thoughtful guy; a very, very thoughtful guy. Somebody that
eloquent, somebody that able to write so well has to have a good mind. So I'm
for Obama. You gotta go with the mind," and then they mention Palin as being
some sort of trailer trash hick. They don't like her accent; they don't like
the fact she leaves G's off of some of her words like mornin', instead of
morning. They don't like that. And then Chris Buckley said, "But, you know even
if he goes lefty when he's elected, I'll have a problem with that." I was
reading this and I'm stunned. If he goes "lefty"? So what it is, folks, there
is an alignment of elites taking place, pseudointellectuals who don't

They don't think McCain can speak. They don't think McCain is
articulate. They think of Obama as one of them, even though he has ideas
diametrically opposed to theirs, he's still smart. He's cool. He's eloquent.
He's elegant. He's calm, and he represents us well. He makes it look like
Americans elected somebody smart. And of course Palin, she doesn't fit that
mold. This is why there are so many defections on our side, and there's another
reason, too. You know, it's directly traceable to this Powell endorsement.
Look at this. If Powell had endorsed McCain, you know what would have
happened? Donna Brazile and the other black elites in the Democrat Party would
never have forgiven him. This was all about Powell and race. It was nothing
about the nation and its welfare. He said it's not about race, and I said,
"Okay. Show me all of the inexperienced white liberals you've endorsed. If it's
not about race."

If Powell had endorsed McCain, you know what would have
happened? Donna Brazile and the other black elites in the Democrat Party would
never have forgiven him. This was all about Powell and race. It was nothing
about the nation and its welfare. He said it's not about race, and I said,
"Okay. Show me all of the inexperienced white liberals you've endorsed. If it's
not about race."
In this short article you can hear rush say it in his own voice:


There is a video of Rush and this short note from therightscoop.com

I’m sure the MSM will be up in arms over this calling Rush a racist for even uttering such words. But what good reason could Powell have had for voting for Obama in the first place? His foreign policy experience? His military experience? His community organizing experience? No, we all knew Colin Powell endorsed Obama because he was black. It was a historic vote, remember? Even Rush said so much back in 2008 when Powell endorsed Obama, that it had everything to do with race. So why should we expect anything different now?
I don't know what isn't racism, but I know that this is:

Well, the " conspiracy" which you can read in Ayer's book, the one that came out on Sept. 11 the day of the attack, is he and his cohorts in the weather underground wanted to change the nature of the united states. They went about it by bombing buildings, and then, when a couple of them died building a bomb to set off in a military dance in New Jersey, Ayer's and his terrorist wife Bernadin, decided to go into education and the law to achieve their end of changing the nature of the country. Ayer's doesn't hide it. Obama's book talks about it as well. Ayers, the terrorist and personal friend of Obama, and his boss at the foundation where Obama worked, helped launch Obama's political career. Bernadine Dorhn, Ayer's terrorist wife, also introduced the young couple, Michelle and Obama to each other. Remember, Ayers and Bernadine, the terrorist bombers, hated this country. Ayers lectured a class I took in college on his movement. He was an education professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

from wikipedia on the terrorist Bill Ayers and his terrorist wife:

In 1970, Ayers and other Weather Underground leaders set up a bomb-making factory in New York's Greenwich Village. Their intended targets were Fort Dix and police headquarters in New York and Detroit. However, a bomb accidentally exploded, killing three people and injuring others. [SUP][21][/SUP]
After the Greenwich Village townhouse explosion, in which Weatherman member Ted Gold, Ayers' close friend Terry Robbins, and Ayers' girlfriend, Diana Oughton were killed when a nail bomb being assembled in the house exploded, Ayers and several associates evaded pursuit by US law enforcement officials. Kathy Boudin and Cathy Wilkerson survived the blast. Ayers was not facing criminal charges at the time, but the federal government later filed charges against him.[SUP][4][/SUP] Ayers participated in the bombings of New York City Police Department headquarters in 1970, the United States Capitol building in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972, as he noted in his 2001 book, Fugitive Days. Ayers writes:
Although the bomb that rocked the Pentagon was itsy-bitsy - weighing close to two pounds - it caused 'tens of thousands of dollars' of damage. The operation cost under $500, and no one was killed or even hurt.[SUP][22][/SUP]
However, his bombs killed at least seven people, including three policemen.[SUP][23][/SUP] Some media reports and political critics have suggested that Ayers, Dohrn or the Weathermen were connected to the fatal 1970 San Francisco Police Department Park Station bombing but neither Ayers nor anyone else has been charged or convicted of this crime.[SUP][24][/SUP] Yet according former Weather Underground member Larry Grathwohl, Ayers confided to him that Dohrn had planned, developed, and executed the bombing.[SUP][25][/SUP]
While underground, Ayers and fellow member Bernardine Dohrn married, and the two remained fugitives together, changing identities, jobs and locations.

These two people are the close personal friends of the First family of the united states, and yet, Rush and Hannity and O'reilly are supposed to be the bad guys here.
This is from wikipedia on Bernadine Dorhn, the terrorist bomber wife of Bill Ayers and the woman who helped introduce Michelle to Barak obama:

Dohrn became one of the leaders of the Revolutionary Youth Movement (RYM), a radical wing of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), in the late 1960s. Dohrn with ten other SDS members associated with the RYM issued, on June 18, 1969, a sixteen-thousand-word manifesto entitled, "You Don't Need a Weatherman to Know Which Way the Wind Blows" in New Left Notes. The title came from Bob Dylan's song, "Subterranean Homesick Blues."[SUP][7][/SUP] The manifesto stated that "the goal [of revolution] is the destruction of US imperialism and the achievement of a classless world: world communism."[SUP][8][/SUP] The manifesto concludes with, "The RYM must also lead to the effective organization needed to survive and to create another battlefield of the revolution. A revolution is a war; when the Movement in this country can defend itself militarily against total repression it will be part of the revolutionary war. This will require a cadre organization, effective secrecy, self-reliance among the cadres..."[SUP][9][/SUP] The manifesto also asserted that African-Americans were a "black colony" within a U.S. government that was doomed to overextend itself. And the RYM was needed to quicken this process. Dohrn said, "The best thing that we can be doing for ourselves, as well as for the [Black] Panthers and the revolutionary black liberation struggle, is to build a ****ing white revolutionary movement."[SUP][7][/SUP]

And yet Rush, Hannity and O'reilly are supposed to be the bad guys.
Ayers, the terrorist and personal friend of Obama, and his boss at the foundation where Obama worked, helped launch Obama's political career. Bernadine Dorhn, Ayer's terrorist wife, also introduced the young couple, Michelle and Obama to each other..

None of this is true. Barack and Michelle Obama met while he was a summer intern at her law firm. She was assigned as his advisor. This is a matter of corporate record at Sidley Austin, the Chicago law firm where they met.

Ayers was never Obama's boss-they served together on the board of the Chicago Annenberg Foundation (I think). Investigations by the New York Times, FoxNews and CNN concluded that Ayers and Obama were not close.

:rolleyes: Alinsky much? :lfao: