Racism and the Republican Party-as if!

The difference is pretty simple. When a republican, lets use Trent Lott as an example, utters words even construed, (by great leaps of idiocy) to be tolerant of racism REPUBLICANS demand he leave his leadership position and later his office. What democrats have called for Joe Biden's ouster? Had a republican said the dreaded N word on national TV, he'd have been run out of Washington on the proverbial rail, when Robert Byrd (He of every third public structure in W VA) says it, no big deal.

Trent Lott resigned from office to circumvent The Honest Leadership and Open Government Act, and start a lobbying firm, which he did this year. He made the Strom Thrumond comments in 2002, and stayed in office until 2007. It's commendable that the Republicans said that they didn't want him representing him, but there were no calls for him to leave office.

Joe Biden has always been something of a tool when he's not scripted-and has long served on the Senate Judiciary Committee and the Comittee on Foreign Relations, both of which he has chaired, but was not chairing during the latest bit of idiocy, and probably will never chair again. He has, incidentally, supported a great many Republican measures, such as bankruptcy reform.

Robert Byrd's use of the "n word" was unambiguous and prefaced-with the word "white," and he was making a cultural statement, albeit a rather clumsy one.He later apologized, of course-later on the very same program. He's also pretty much repudiated his racist past, and has a pretty solid "pro-Civil Rghts" record, with the NAACP, anyway-though it's easy to say that he's a racist merely for opposing Republican nominees that are also minorities, as he did with Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, one could also make the case that he did so because....well, because they were Republican nominees.
I am trying to restart this thread (and hopefully, though I doubt it, be successful). My question again to those how think that the Republican party has racist policies or is against civil right is how is this so? What proof is there of this position. What legislation or policies or have the Republicans supported / did not support that supports this?
The border fence.
Trent Lott resigned from office to circumvent The Honest Leadership and Open Government Act,
But, we have only your, clearly biased word for that...
He made the Strom Thrumond comments in 2002, and stayed in office until 2007. It's commendable that the Republicans said that they didn't want him representing him, but there were no calls for him to leave office.
I'm going to assume your memory is fuzzy rather than call you a liar. However:
But some Democrats were angry. Civil rights activist Jesse Jackson called for Lott to resign, and former Vice President Al Gore told CNN that the comment was "racist."
CNN says there was at least ONE call for him to leave office...
Joe Biden has always been something of a tool
That excuses his blatantly racist comments, how?
Robert Byrd's use of the "n word" was unambiguous and prefaced-with the word "white," and he was making a cultural statement, albeit a rather clumsy one.He later apologized, of course-later on the very same program. He's also pretty much repudiated his racist past, and has a pretty solid "pro-Civil Rghts" record, with the NAACP, anyway-though it's easy to say that he's a racist merely for opposing Republican nominees that are also minorities, as he did with Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, one could also make the case that he did so because....well, because they were Republican nominees.
So when a democrat uses the N word, it is ok, if he apologizes, a republican saying something nice to an old man at his birthday party, he should be censured, and/or resign... No double standard there...
"every suburban mother's greatest fear."
A raping murderer shouldn't be a cause for fear?
I'll get to the rest of your initial revival post in a minute-though I want to say that if you look at the original post, it was hardly my intention to call the Republican party racist. Both parties have practiced and continued to use tactics that target racial demographics-this is, like it or not, a form of racism. I don't think either party is particularly invested in keeping anyone down though.
The democratic party has to keep selling the lie that republicans are racist to keep minority votes
A raping murderer shouldn't be a cause for fear?
The democratic party has to keep selling the lie that republicans are racist to keep minority votes

First off, I need to point out that it was you who said the Republicans made Trent Lott resign from the Senate, when in fact, they didn't-who cares what Jesse Jackson and AL Gore had to say about it? Neither of them held any office of worth at the time........

And, actually, Don, don't you think it would be more accurate to say that the democratic party keeps minority votes by supporting welfare, medicare, and other "social assistance" programs?
There certainly was a public safety consideration, and Horton's actions-and the program that allowed it-were contemptible. Of course, that program was established by Dukakis's predecessor, a Republican.

And Horton never went by "Willie"; his name was "William," and, by most accounts, he was sometimes called "Wimpy"-which might have been black enough.And, from your very own wiki page, we get this gem of subtle, concealed manipulation in the Bush campaign's use of Horton:

I'll get to the rest of your initial revival post in a minute-though I want to say that if you look at the original post, it was hardly my intention to call the Republican party racist. Both parties have practiced and continued to use tactics that target racial demographics-this is, like it or not, a form of racism. I don't think either party is particularly invested in keeping anyone down though.

Horton did commit his crime while on furlough in a suburb. You could argue that the were simply being techicnally correct in their comment. Besides, during this time, more and more black people were moving to the suburbs, so that would have included black suburban moms.

And I am not arguing the merits of the furlough program itself, as I am sure you understand, regardless of who started it. But rather the use of Horton as a campaign strategy.

Now, I will grant you, all of that may not be on their minds when the as was made. However, I will again go back to the point that all politicians shape their message. In that way, they are both, Republicans and Democrats, homophobic, racist, sexist, ageist, Americanist, etc. But that all depends on who they are talking to at the time. The demographics of thier audience.

One note, I didnt mean to imply that you were calling Republicans racist. I am sorry ifyou got that impression. It is simply that the common interpretation that the Republicans have somehow changed into the new party of the white man.

The border fence.

Ok. What about the border fence? First, I would like you to explain it in my interpretation of the border fence. How is it rasict to pyhsically secure your most porous border from the most prevelent ethnicity trying to illegaly cross into the United States. Including the consequences of which are lost jobs to American citizens and low wages in jobs. And that also doesnt include the One Billion Dollars in benefits (in California) a year that illegal aliens, mostly from south of the U.S. take.
Horton did commit his crime while on furlough in a suburb. You could argue that the were simply being techicnally correct in their comment. Besides, during this time, more and more black people were moving to the suburbs, so that would have included black suburban moms.

That seems like equivocation to me-during that time, my family had lived in the suburbs for almost 20 years, and we hadn't seen many more black people moving to them.

Ok. What about the border fence? First, I would like you to explain it in my interpretation of the border fence. How is it rasict to pyhsically secure your most porous border from the most prevelent ethnicity trying to illegaly cross into the United States. Including the consequences of which are lost jobs to American citizens and low wages in jobs. And that also doesnt include the One Billion Dollars in benefits (in California) a year that illegal aliens, mostly from south of the U.S. take.

The fence is a sham-most illegal immigrants that lead to all those consequences come into the country on legal visas and stay after they expire.
Ok. What about the border fence? First, I would like you to explain it in my interpretation of the border fence. How is it rasict to pyhsically secure your most porous border from the most prevelent ethnicity trying to illegaly cross into the United States. Including the consequences of which are lost jobs to American citizens and low wages in jobs. And that also doesnt include the One Billion Dollars in benefits (in California) a year that illegal aliens, mostly from south of the U.S. take.
You have to help me with "ethnic." Plenty of people in Mexico and South America are white, asian and black.

I thought the fence was a means of keeping non-citizens from sneaking in when nobody's looking? Like the Great Wall of China, wait, didn't that just keep innovation out?
Walls and fences don't work.

As long as America has chances for illegal immigrants to advance, they will come. As long as the process is flawed and $$$, More will come the "illegal" way.

Besides, who is going to build that border wall? The illegal immigrants?

Think about it.
One could argue that the border fence would be absolutely ineffectual, but that's not the point of the thread. The point is whether or not such a policy is based on racist beliefs. If so, make your point to that matter. I don't think it is.

My point was that there are many, many other reasons why a concept of a border fence would be anything but racist.

elder999 said:
The fence is a sham-most illegal immigrants that lead to all those consequences come into the country on legal visas and stay after they expire.

I will say this though. According to wikipedia, in 2006, 55% of illegal immigrants are from illegal border crossings, up from previous years. I agree that visa overstays are a problem. Also, 82% are from countries south of the United States, hence why it is looked at as a bigger problem.


And yes, there are many reasons that illegal immigrants come to the United States. But again, on topic, are the efforst made to stop it based on racial profiles?
My post might be way off base.

I don't think that the Republican party is racist. All the Republican party is is a group of individuals who work together for a common shared goal. Same with the Democratic, Libertarian, Green and other parties. I gotta figure they have a charter, and I'm pretty sure that it doesn't state that they are racist.

I think everyone has racist tendencies, that's just part of human nature.

What you can look at is people who are racist and how they affiliate themselves. Are people who are more vocaly racist likely to be Republicans or Democrats. I think that in America today, most people who have strong racist feelings tend to affiliate with the Republican party over the Democratic party. Between the two major parties, will the Grandmaster of the KKK be more likely to vote for McCain or Obama/Clinton.

This hasn't always been the case and it doesn't always hold true. David Duke was a Repbulican member of the Louisiana House of Representative and ran for president both as a Republican and a Democrat.

Illegal imigration is just the current scare tactic to deflect attention from real issues used by people who want to avoid them. It's like gay mariage back in 2004. You would hear about it everyday, and once the election was over it went away.

I don't think that illegal imigration is not so much a racial issue as it is a financial issue. My opinion on illegal imigration is that the current focus the imigrants is wrong. If we really wanted to keep illegal imigrants out, then we need to take away the incentive for them to come. I think the best way to do that would be to heavily fine any company caught employing illegals. Make the fines stiff. If they go bankrupt, so what. The problem with passing this type of legislation is that the people who seem to be the most vocal on anti-imigration issues are the Republicans, and they tend to be the one's who favor business.

Go figure.
One could argue that the border fence would be absolutely ineffectual, but that's not the point of the thread. The point is whether or not such a policy is based on racist beliefs. If so, make your point to that matter. I don't think it is.

My point was that there are many, many other reasons why a concept of a border fence would be anything but racist.

Racist? Probably in some peoples minds. I think the percentage of people who advocate for said wall are in fact closet racists is higher than we are led to believe. I truly believe that a lot of this "protect our borders fr0m t3h terr0ism" is clearly ********. "Terrorists" Can come in from the northern border or the coasts too. For millions of people advocating the fence, it is an act of racism. Sheer xenophobia. I think you missed the point of some of these anti-wall posts.

If you can argue the actual effect on "protecting the boarder" the fence would have, then you're admitting by proxy that the idea is being pushed without regard(for possible facts)..by far-right Xenophobes who act hard...At least in part.

crossing the border illegally is a CRIME. Ergo, every illegal alien is a criminal. In what other crimes do we "not focus on the criminal, but rather take away the motivation to commit the crime"?


At any rate, and back on topic, I dont believe either party's platform shows any deliberate racist ideaology.
Racist? Probably in some peoples minds. I think the percentage of people who advocate for said wall are in fact closet racists is higher than we are led to believe. I truly believe that a lot of this "protect our borders fr0m t3h terr0ism" is clearly ********. "Terrorists" Can come in from the northern border or the coasts too. For millions of people advocating the fence, it is an act of racism. Sheer xenophobia. I think you missed the point of some of these anti-wall posts.

If you can argue the actual effect on "protecting the boarder" the fence would have, then you're admitting by proxy that the idea is being pushed without regard(for possible facts)..by far-right Xenophobes who act hard...At least in part.

Ok. You believe. But from where do you get your facts to support your supposition? That is the point of my originaly question. What policies or actions has the Republican party enacted to show that they are racist?

And dont mis-understand, the Federal government is doing things along the coast and the northern border to prevent terrorism as well. But, I believe, because there is no race dimension to the issue, you will only hear things about it if we actually catch people, which there have been.

And I admit no such thing as you suggest, that because you can debate whether the wall would be effective or not, that the far-right must be full of xenophobes. Any technique that has never been tried before (or even some of those that have) are legitimate issues to debate. It may or may not work, but we will never know unless we try.

To try to suggest that just because I believe its effectiveness can be debated means that I am saying that those that advocate its existence are racist is preposterous.