Green Belt
Can't really put it all down but to summarise.
Shotokan Karate
Complete all requested basics, called out in japanese.
Couple of examples: (all from jiyu dashi)
Soto Ude Uke/Gyaku Zuki/Kizami Zuki/Gyaku Zuki/Gedan Barai
Gyaku Zuki, Mae Geri, Mawashi Geri, turning Shuto uchi, Gyaku Zuki
there are roughly 16 sets of basics, 10 forward, 10 back (or turning round)
Sets 1, 2 and 3, Kihon Ippon and Jiyu Ippon
Groups of 3, attacked from both sides, one after the other. (one doing right side, one doing left)
Used to be sets 3, 4 and 5. Which is what i did for my intermediate black but straight after they changed it and effectively 'made it easier' but the standard had to be a lot higher. Still know and practice them though.. give me a leg up for my nidan
Kankudai + JiÂ’in, Wankan and basically every other previous kata.
Plus some applications. on mine I was asked to do applications/bunkai on hein nidan.
Written and Oral exam
Additional to this we did free sparring against multiple partners (think i sparred against 6 different people). This was full contact (gum shield/mitts and box on)
And a mandatory 4 hour course previous to the grading with extra training in.
in all the grading was around 6.5 hrs.
In Aikido, I've only graded once but that was a surprise grading and basically had to go through all ukemi, basic movements and all known forms (in my case it was just 1st form)
Shotokan Karate
Complete all requested basics, called out in japanese.
Couple of examples: (all from jiyu dashi)
Soto Ude Uke/Gyaku Zuki/Kizami Zuki/Gyaku Zuki/Gedan Barai
Gyaku Zuki, Mae Geri, Mawashi Geri, turning Shuto uchi, Gyaku Zuki
there are roughly 16 sets of basics, 10 forward, 10 back (or turning round)
Sets 1, 2 and 3, Kihon Ippon and Jiyu Ippon
Groups of 3, attacked from both sides, one after the other. (one doing right side, one doing left)
Used to be sets 3, 4 and 5. Which is what i did for my intermediate black but straight after they changed it and effectively 'made it easier' but the standard had to be a lot higher. Still know and practice them though.. give me a leg up for my nidan

Kankudai + JiÂ’in, Wankan and basically every other previous kata.
Plus some applications. on mine I was asked to do applications/bunkai on hein nidan.
Written and Oral exam
Additional to this we did free sparring against multiple partners (think i sparred against 6 different people). This was full contact (gum shield/mitts and box on)
And a mandatory 4 hour course previous to the grading with extra training in.
in all the grading was around 6.5 hrs.
In Aikido, I've only graded once but that was a surprise grading and basically had to go through all ukemi, basic movements and all known forms (in my case it was just 1st form)