Different schools and organizations have different requirements for earning the responsibility of teaching and running a class. In my school an instructor has to have a minimum rank of 1st Dan to be an instructor. Typically after getting your black belt you would have been helping out in class taking belt groups through their patterns or pad work here and there and checking and adjusting the technique of the color belts. You might take the occasional class, either under the supervision of the branch instructor or when the branch instructor is unable to make it to the class. Once the branch instructor is satisfied with your skill level, knowledge,maturity and dedication to the art he or she will recommend to the regional or regional master instructor that you become an instructor.Then after you have been instructing for a year or few and you have shown an aptitude and interest in running a school the regional or regional master instructor will recommend to the Master Rhee that you either take over a branch that needs an instructor or start a new one.
What are the requirements for becoming a branch instructor in your school or organization?
What are the requirements for becoming a branch instructor in your school or organization?