What he described is not abstract and not my application...
I'm just going by what he said. He gave details on how this and that is going to happen, then said now watch it at full speed... and none of it happened.
First of all he was not talking about only unconscious bong sau, he also said there is active. Both are valid bong sau. I am not really clear on if he is demonstrating bong sau or only intending to demonstrate unconscious bong sau as he calls it. In addition he seems to jump to discussing punching as follow up to bong sau as well.
Second of all this is a demo. I did not say it was abstract demo, I was saying that one dealing with abstracts should understand more why a demo is not a reliable source. The demo is made to be instructional to students. As such it can be that he willingly prevented the risk that he would not react with a bong sau because his opponent would not apply enough force.
This can happen quite often when training as well with your sifu, he wants to demonstrate something related to a specific move but the move was not natural instead he forces it just to make sure his point can be demonstrated. Reason? He has nothing to prove, just something to teach.
Not true. I don't care if it's after retakes and whatever. If he could do it at full speed that would convince me that it can be done at full speed, at least against a single, known punch.
As it stands, after 3 tries he still couldn't do it even in a demo. So, we shouldn't even be dreaming about it working in a fight. It hasn't passed the first test outside of chi-sau.
Once more saying this was not a video intended to prove it works, it was a demonstrational and instructional video to teach students some details about bong sau. You want to apply this as proof but in fact it can simply be that he took no risk of opponent not punching with enough force to trigger a bong sau or because his mind is not clear but instead fully focused on what he is talking about to the camera.
One is clear in mind when fighting, not when doing an instructional video and need to follow a script, at least mental one, on what to say in order to not repeat yourself.
At the same time bong sau is not proven on video to be working, and quite frankly it matters not to me. I do not believe in any videos as proof. Instead I would advice you to ask yourself first "do you want it proven?" If yes, then train hard and then test to see if it works. If it does not, you either A) Trained badly, or B) it might not work for you.
EDIT: I am not trying to say you are wrong, I am trying to make you understand that the world is not black and white, it is a grey place. There are more truths than a single one. We should not trust YouTube blindly.
As for logics we should at least consider the fact that a very experienced and well versed fighter with his own schools might actually have felt something working has he describes it, if he says it works. Not because he could not have lied, but because people might laugh at him if he said stuff that was so easily proven false.