My issue is the opposite. Everyday I told myself that I was going to take easy today. I ended up still doing what I did as the day before.
My issue is the "guilty feeling". I'm afraid if I stop doing today, I may stop doing tomorrow, and I may stop doing forever. May be I just don't have faith in myself that "I will take easy today, but I'll train hard tomorrow."
My Taiji teacher told me that I will appreciate Taiji when I get older. Today, I still don't appreciate Taiji. I'm afraid that the moment I start to appreciate Taiji, the moment that my heart no longer feel young. I just can't let that happen.
- Throwing a high kick make me feel young.
- Do a slow Taiji movement make me feel old.
My fear is "If I don't use it, I may lose it forever." I want to be lazy. But I don't know how and I'm afraid to do it.
Laziness -> bad body shape -> high blood pressure, diabetes, heart problem -> death
Ah yep I know that feeling, I'd definitely look into the guilt feelings.
There's a difference between laziness and planned rest and recovery. I'm finding rest to be so important for me nowadays, and if I ever feel guilty, it's usually due to that need to constantly do-do-do, and like you said it can catastrophise into the 'what ifs' which eventually leads to death. So I question the guilt, and really ask "well, what would actually be the result of having a rest day?". I always then find I'm so very relieved to have a day of rest, and it's a real honoring of myself to do so. A real service to myself

But yeah more and more I'm inquiring into this, as a life lived driven by guilt and fear just doesn't seem worth it at all, and I no longer want to live like that. So finding out what the guilt is about... eg if I don't train does it mean I'm worthless, incapable, going to lose my youth/energy etc etc.
All these assumptions we carry just weigh us down, the body obviously ages, but we don't have to lose the spirit of youth, and I'm certainly learning to ease up on myself nowadays, that's its 100% okay to have a slobbing around day of rest if I'm buggered.
For you (just a thought, you certainly dont have to!) I'd really recommend scheduling in a day of rest, no training at all (maybe light stretching if you like), and just seeing what comes up in you and process those fears and guilts, allow them to come up and really question them. And just as a way of being kind to yourself, caring for yourself also means giving yourself permission to rest. Can easily train the day after, and you may even feel so much better for it
(Am actually STILL in my pyjamas and dressing gown now, and it's 10:30am haha! And I'm loving it)