its a little more complex than that, just coz your strong dorsnt mean you can hit hard, it certainly has thepotential t, but technque plays a significant part , and perhaps the most impirtant element, you have to be actually able to hit them with out getting hit yourself, they can punch hard as well, and punching thin air soon saps your strenghSir, lifting weights develop FAST TWITCH MUSCLE FIBERS. A person with a 500 pound deadlift has more fast twitch fibers than someone who can only do 400.
It's not a false assumption I assure you. Just to further this argument, there is a reason combat sports are divided into weight classes. Between two guys who have identical technique, the one with more strength will hit harder.
But I agree. Buka gave great advice and I'll take it to heart.
Give me five years of boxing training. Five years. I won't get very far because I'm too old. But I'm betting if I become refined, my sparring partners would constantly remind me before every match to hold back. Muscle counts. Strength and muscle are the pillars of POWER, and "power", in sports literature, is nothing more than an expression of what a person can do with his brute strength.
as a rule of thumb, strong people want to graple you, as that where their advantages lies, once they have hold of you your toast