...Yeah screw boxing. (I give up. I just realized how little I know. Long read.)

If you marry the wrong woman you are in hell for three to ten years.

If you marry the right woman you are in hell for the rest of your life.

(I pray she's not looking over my shoulder)

JowGa, I don't know if you're on my side but I think Jobo just has no life and spends all day irritating people in this forum. He does it successfully because of how consistent he is. Just another coward.

Anyway, I just spent 30 minutes earlier designing my boxing training program. Not the boxing training itself, but the fitness and strength aspect of it. It starts next week... Bye bye, frequent heavy squats. At least for three months. lol. I train "block" by "block", and I was told that now is a good time to do sport-specific stuff. In this case, boxing. Heavy lifting with squats, clean-pulls, and standing overhead presses are relegated to once a week. Isolation movements are also once a week, while shoulder strength and conditioning will be relatively a lot in this training program... And then, as long as I can handle it, CARDIO EVERYDAY. Or at least as often as everyday, however much I can handle. Stairmill.
To clarify, when it comes to leg strength, specifically squatting strength, all I care about is STRENGTH. Strength, strength, and more strength. That's what I want and that's what I always train for. Obviously, right now, after talking to you, everyone else here, and people in another forum, I realized I have to un-fixate myself with having a big squat and do the things that will help me in the ring. But in the past, and some future "training blocks" in my journey of being a good boxer, I have to restructure my training program for sport-specific purposes.
I'm not saying that you should do this. My personal thoughts on the matter is that you don't need any excuse or approval to do what you want to do. Everyone has a preference. But if you are trying to obtain a certain goal then you'll have to follow a similar path.

When I was was in my 20's I wanted to be strong and have a little build, but not much. I wanted to be extremely strong but not big. So in my 20's my dumbbell work out used to look like this.

Dumbell press
Warm up with 20lbs each hand 3 sets of 50 reps
Move to 30lbs each hand 3 sets of 35 reps
Move to 50 lbs each hand 3 sets 20 reps.

Now I don't have 50lbs because I don't have a gym membership and to buy the weight is more expensive than I want to pay for. But I train with heavy weapons and in order to be effective with these weapon I have to have a good amount of strength and endurance. When I was in my 20's I used to care about how much I can lift Maxed out at 225 bench press was happy with that. It was just something that I did to see if I could lift that much. After that, I lost interest in lifting weights to see how much I could lift. This was right around the time I got into kung fu and felt power from my Kung Fu teacher and how strong he was but he didn't look strong, I thought he was just on the chubby side, but man I was wrong.

People who are truly strong can do the smallest things, for example, give a normal handshake, not a hard squeeze, and you can feel just how strong that person is. And you'll walk away thinking "I better not let that guy grab me".

These days I don't lift more than 30 lbs. If I feel like I need to lift heavier than that, then I just do more reps. For me if I really want to get the most out of Kung Fu then I have no other choice but to do strength training.
I'm not saying that you should do this. My personal thoughts on the matter is that you don't need any excuse or approval to do what you want to do. Everyone has a preference. But if you are trying to obtain a certain goal then you'll have to follow a similar path.

When I was was in my 20's I wanted to be strong and have a little build, but not much. I wanted to be extremely strong but not big. So in my 20's my dumbbell work out used to look like this.

Dumbell press
Warm up with 20lbs each hand 3 sets of 50 reps
Move to 30lbs each hand 3 sets of 35 reps
Move to 50 lbs each hand 3 sets 20 reps.

Now I don't have 50lbs because I don't have a gym membership and to buy the weight is more expensive than I want to pay for. But I train with heavy weapons and in order to be effective with these weapon I have to have a good amount of strength and endurance. When I was in my 20's I used to care about how much I can lift Maxed out at 225 bench press was happy with that. It was just something that I did to see if I could lift that much. After that, I lost interest in lifting weights to see how much I could lift. This was right around the time I got into kung fu and felt power from my Kung Fu teacher and how strong he was but he didn't look strong, I thought he was just on the chubby side, but man I was wrong.

People who are truly strong can do the smallest things, for example, give a normal handshake, not a hard squeeze, and you can feel just how strong that person is. And you'll walk away thinking "I better not let that guy grab me".

These days I don't lift more than 30 lbs. If I feel like I need to lift heavier than that, then I just do more reps. For me if I really want to get the most out of Kung Fu then I have no other choice but to do strength training.

I can confidently say that I really, truly think I know better than you when it comes to strength development. I don't know if you're willing to believe me but here goes...

Just like striking efficiency and grappling efficiency, strength is also a motor skill. If you look up the 170-pound Cuban weightlifter, Idalberto Aranda, you'll learn he's FAR stronger than most 220-pound bodybuilders. The secret is the way he trains. There's nothing mystical about it. Strength, speed, and endurance are all sport-specific, and all are influenced by motor skill. Mister Aranda had stronger legs and stronger squatting strength simply because he did way more heavy squatting than heavier bodybuilders. Take Aranda to these bodybuilders' workouts and he wouldn't survive it. Because successful training requires specificity, and people will get exactly what they train for.
I can confidently say that I really, truly think I know better than you when it comes to strength development. I don't know if you're willing to believe me but here goes...

Just like striking efficiency and grappling efficiency, strength is also a motor skill. If you look up the 170-pound Cuban weightlifter, Idalberto Aranda, you'll learn he's FAR stronger than most 220-pound bodybuilders. The secret is the way he trains. There's nothing mystical about it. Strength, speed, and endurance are all sport-specific, and all are influenced by motor skill. Mister Aranda had stronger legs and stronger squatting strength simply because he did way more heavy squatting than heavier bodybuilders. Take Aranda to these bodybuilders' workouts and he wouldn't survive it. Because successful training requires specificity, and people will get exactly what they train for.
You're talking about weight lifting and bodybuilding. And you very well may know more than a lot of us in that regard (and less than others). But that's different than just strength development in general. If you want to know the most about strength development, you have to know the different purposes for strength, how each muscle interacts with that, how to build up endurance strength vs explosive strength, and when strength will interfere with other things such as cardio and/or flexibility. From what you've posted, I don't think you know all that.
What are you talking about? I've even posted videos of me working out with weights, both during my forms, footwork, and staff? You literally cannot use the weapons I train with without being strong.

Nevermind. I just remembered.
i was talking about HEAVY weights, if you think a spear is heavy it just means your weak, i know its got a metal point on it, but its doesn't weigh 300 lbs does it,even weak Brian can move that

put your silly pointy stick down and do a bit of proper strength training, then pick your light stick up and it will actually feel light

'' i takes strength to do baton twirling'' you both as bad vas each other ding girly excercises and thinking your strong
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If you marry the right woman you are in hell for the rest of your life.

(I pray she's not looking over my shoulder)
ha ha ha..you'll know if she saw it before the end of the night. Make it to morning and you're home free.

I can confidently say that I really, truly think I know better than you when it comes to strength development.

Just like striking efficiency and grappling efficiency, strength is also a motor skill. If you look up the 170-pound Cuban weightlifter, Idalberto Aranda, you'll learn he's FAR stronger than most 220-pound bodybuilders. The secret is the way he trains. There's nothing mystical about it. Strength, speed, and endurance are all sport-specific, and all are influenced by motor skill.
After reading this I can confidently say that my strength training already covers this. All of my strength building is Functional by default. This is common with many Martial Arts systems. There's a big difference between being strong and functionally strong.

I don't lift weights like I used to before kung fu. That one experience with my teacher then changed me for life.
lol still trying to push those buttons
well you wont be able to push buttons, not if its got a strong spring

your wife picked it up and was twirling it, thats got to tell you its not that heavy, doesnt it ???? or is she the one that does the heavy lifting at your house
I think Jobo just has no life and spends all day irritating people in this forum.
I don't know about Jobo's life but, Yes he irritating, but I think he knows that. That's why he keeps going on about my spears and me being weak. It just doesn't irritate me. I'm used to him now, so I don't take him serious anymore.
I don't know about Jobo's life but, Yes he irritating, but I think he knows that. That's why he keeps going on about my spears and me being weak. It just doesn't irritate me. I'm used to him now, so I don't take him serious anymore.
i resent that, i take a couple of hours off to go out and irritate people in person
I can confidently say that I really, truly think I know better than you when it comes to strength development. I don't know if you're willing to believe me but here goes...

Just like striking efficiency and grappling efficiency, strength is also a motor skill. If you look up the 170-pound Cuban weightlifter, Idalberto Aranda, you'll learn he's FAR stronger than most 220-pound bodybuilders. The secret is the way he trains. There's nothing mystical about it. Strength, speed, and endurance are all sport-specific, and all are influenced by motor skill. Mister Aranda had stronger legs and stronger squatting strength simply because he did way more heavy squatting than heavier bodybuilders. Take Aranda to these bodybuilders' workouts and he wouldn't survive it. Because successful training requires specificity, and people will get exactly what they train for.
Well thats the most sensible thing youve said, the problem is you dont appear to be training with specificity in mind for out of gym events.

if you work on your lamentable weak squat it will improve, if that '' skill'' is ever a great deal of use other than showing off in you tube vids is very debatable.

its just not a motor skill that occurs very often outside of the gym, dead lifting however is a far more useful skill, but you dont seem to be doing those ?
lol. I can explained it. Drained cardio and muscle wise. Heart tired, arms tired, hands tired lol. The funny part is that training usually requires that we train for longer than what we expect to use. Want to run 100 yard dash then sprint 200 yards. Want to fight for a minute with out getting tired then, train to fight for 2 minutes. Want to wrestle for 1 minute then learn to wrestle for 4 minutes lol.
no thats not how you train sprinting at all, you do long slow runs and 70 yard dashes, then 80, then 90 right up to 110, but never ever 200 yards

nb if you do a hundred yard sprint in competition your likely to loose as the distance is generally 100m now

the others are a bit questionable as well, if you want to be able to go at 80% for one minute, then you need to increase the effort your putting in the one minute, not increase the duration, no one can go at 80% for 4 mins, so your building a skill not not reliant to you and not the one you need
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That doesn't make sense. Having someone else move your furniture from one house to another could simply mean that you don't want to do it, so you pay someone else to do it. For example when I moved, from one state to another, I was able to pay a company to move everything in one big rig. Had I tried to move it myself, I would have had to take multiple trips instead of that 1 trip.

You can also have movers help you when you have no one else to help you move. things.

I'm talking about strength training too. The OP said he wants muscles then he tied it into attracting woman, which is different than strength because there are a lot of people who are strong but not cut, big, or have large muscles. There are people who look out of shape but are actually very strong. So what I'm talking about is from the concept of bodybuilding because that's what the OP seemed to be heading
well sort of, you either cant do it your self or you dont want to and pay

but your missing out here on the karma skill exchange marget

friends family neighbours people ive never seen before in my life, knock on if they need a hand moving something or generally lots of thin, because im noted to be both strong and amiable , all of thse people have skills that i can draw upon, typists,book keeping, roofers,lawers, etal.

and its not just strength, i have lots of other marketable skills, skills should be marketable really

many many years ago, i guy id never seen before knocked on very late at night,, his mother was baking a wedding cake at short notice and the cooker had broken, so round i went to fix it, that single act of charity has saved me 100s, of thousands of pounds since, then, the guys a mechanic and not only does he service and fix my cars, i buy broken cars to fix and i do his home maintenance in return and he showed me how to be a mechanic, so i fix other people cars and so the good will cycle continues

a guy whos 600lb motorbike was down a steep embankment is still doing my garden for free 30 years later, so grateful was he that i pulled it out, before the thieves and vagabonds got it, the bike was worth 10 grand and wasn't insured, we are probably about even now

and some times , perhaps most times you dont get paid back by that person, you get paid back by a complete stranger who does you a good turn and that where the karma comes in

my car had run out of petrol in a very dangerous position on a steep hill, sh1t what should i do, no problem, karma sent me a custom car club who just happened to be driving by, , 10 of us pushed it to safety

that paid me back for the numerous times ive stopped and given petrol to other forget full souls
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