Western 10th Degrees. Fake or legit?

Kaith Rustaz said:
I found no reference to "Angi Uzau" on Google.
I do find multiple references to "Angi Uezu", who appears to be a name in Isshin-Ryu.

I think he was referring to Angi Uezu, whom was I think the son in law of the founder of Issin-Ryu. Not surprisingly Calkins has misspelled the name
Someone Dinged me for the post on spellchecking. Ya gotta love it. Probably someone who labels his socks by day of the week or inventories his underroos I would guess. LOL

Oh, and AKJA dinged me back. So, now were both ding-a-lings. LOL!!! Have a cool one on me dude! :cheers:

As to Mr. Calkins, well, we tried. Some people refuse to let go of their fantasies.
Bester said:
Oh, and AKJA dinged me back. So, now were both ding-a-lings. LOL!!! Have a cool one on me dude! :cheers:


Who's disrupting now? :uhyeah:

UNLIKE OTHERS but like you I signed it.

I guess I didn't agree with getting dinged.
The Kai said:
I think he was referring to Angi Uezu, whom was I think the son in law of the founder of Issin-Ryu.
Yes, he's the real deal. Many thought he should have taken over after Tatsuo Shimabuku, the founder, died. Instead his son, Kichiro Shimabuku, succeeded. This was divisive.

(Not directed at The Kai.) I don't think there's cause for questioning his martial arts ability--how could we know? I'd suggest leaving that part be, unless someone has met him.
I'm not even sure if this nutjob is going to be able to read this, given the appearance of his reputation bar, but here goes nothing...

SokeCalkins said:
It is so funny that every one thinks my history and information is so fake.

Well, given the fact that several of us have a) lived in the countries from which you draw your bogus titles, and b) speak the languages from said countries, I'd expect we'd know a tad more about the issue than you. But whatever... Live in whatever fantasy world you choose.

I can point out 20-30 dojos that have Sempai as Assistant Instrucotr. (WHAT EVER THE TRUE JAPANESE TRANSLATION IS>>>)

Because the fact that they are using the title incorrectly somehow equates with their translation being correct? Your argument is painful to read, and I can't believe you buy your own BS rebuttals...

No body cares.

There's where you're wrong. Plenty folks care, far more than those who don't. People are, for the most part, intelligent and well-meaning folks, and when they find out they are doing something incorrectly, for the most part they want to correct it. Only hucksters, frauds and the like are content to swim in the ignorance of others, especially when confronted with the truth.

I went to Japan and worked out in some school there I don't conciser it training because It was very short.

How long were you there? Who did you "work out" with? Names, dates and locations would be nice... I'm sure we can verify your information, right? Or would the super-secret master(s) with whom you trained have to kill you if you divulge their identities?

Also the Belt "THEROY" I love hearing from the Mister Know it alls.... I have worked with many masters that have varafied this to me.

And they aren't "know it alls" at all, right? Names of the "masters" who verified the story of dirty belts leading to belt colors would be nice...

First the GI... Is not an american invention. it is based on the Japanese Clothing.

Thanks for that, Captain Obvious. I don't recall anyone claiming that the traditional karate/judo uniform (dogi, not just "gi," mind you) was an American innovention...

and the Kung-fu uniform was held with a canvas sash.

God, how many errors does this make so far? The sash was a common clothing accessory in China, but wasn't made from canvas...

The Students and People of those times used it to cary their items. I did Just the fancy colors of today I said were made because we don't do the Outside training

Can anyone actually make sense of that painful bit? Random capitalization, misspelling and poor grammar make it totally unintelligible for me...

the Dirty theroy has been confermed for years.

Confirmed? Really? By whom?

Even Angi Uzau confermed it do you want to doubt this master.... I think not.

Wrong is wrong. Period. If this guy claimed this story to be the truth, I'd expect he was a) echoing what he'd been taught, and b) didn't know his history at all. No big deal, since most martial arts folks aren't necessarily academicians and historians. But wrong is still wrong, regardless of his technical skills...

Even the Japanese Expert that thinks he knows everything. This time you have made a mistake Live with it. Not all History you think is right is right. The History I have mentioned is not written in Books but I learned it from people that lived it.

And by your own argument, you invalidate their experiences... Just because they claimed to have lived a certain thing doesn't make it true. Verification from independent third party sources is what establishes facts. Your facts are subjective accounts, most likely NOT from first hand experiences but simply the retelling of stories told to the sources you received them from.

All just need to remember one thing. This is the 21st century. Not Old Nipon of Japan or China.

Thanks for that. I'd forgotten. That's what happens when you spend too much time in your parents' basement playing Dungeons and Dragons...

And what, pray tell, are your alleged qualifications to be "soke" of anything? Please, a curriculum vitae to establish your training record would be something of interest to all involved, would it not? Mine is posted here on Martial Talk, as is that of several others. In fact, there was a rather long thread regarding just such things a while back. Please, establish your credentials. Doing so should be simple enough, don't you think?
I just looked at this guy's homepage... OHMYGOD.

First, the website is an eyesore.

Second, he calls his students "deshi," Japanese for "disciple." Yeah, whatever.

Third, "Unborn Enlightenment?" Youbetcha... :idunno:

Mr. Calkins, your entire public image, both here on MT and through your website, mark you as yet another iteration of martial fraud and ignorance. You perpetuate what you've been taught and resist correction because to do so would require admitting you'd been had by your teacher, that you've defrauded your own students, and that you've wasted whatever time you've spent training. You jealously guard your rank and titles because anything else would identify you as the victim of someone else's fraud. I pity you for having been taken to the cleaners.

It's sad, but the ignorance and fraud rampant in martial arts as a whole has claimed another casualty.

arnisador said:
Yes, he's the real deal. Many thought he should have taken over after Tatsuo Shimabuku, the founder, died. Instead his son, Kichiro Shimabuku, succeeded. This was divisive.

(Not directed at The Kai.) I don't think there's cause for questioning his martial arts ability--how could we know? I'd suggest leaving that part be, unless someone has met him.
Whoa, I never meant to sound like I was questioning Angi Ueza-who by all acounts was a great Karate-Ka. And IMHO the figurehead (if not the actual head) of Issin ryu
The Kai said:
Whoa, I never meant to sound like I was questioning Angi Ueza-who by all acounts was a great Karate-Ka. And IMHO the figurehead (if not the actual head) of Issin ryu
He eventually did break away from Kichero's organization, Isshin ryu now has many "heads". But on Okinawa my understanding is that Uezu is considered "head", Kichero is not as well respected.

Outside of Okinawa... well... let's just go back to there are lots of heads and no one agrees on one...

Rather off topic in this thread though....
Basically I think it is both probable and possible for a western to become a 10th degree. But, here's the catch-you only be a tryue Soke if you registar at my website!! Just kidding

I think too many people rush the process. If you are around the scene for lets say 30+ years, well respected, knowledable and promoted in a linear fashion (ie not one rank from this group, next higher from another group),
Generally Those that ask for Sokeship don'r deserve it
Those that deserve don't ask
Does that make sense??
Matt Stone said:
You perpetuate what you've been taught and resist correction because to do so would require admitting you'd been had by your teacher......

......guard your rank and titles because anything else would identify you as the victim of someone else's fraud.

It's sad, but the ignorance and fraud rampant in martial arts as a whole has claimed another casualty.

Hey I admit-two instructors (of a few) I had in the past seemed odd.

I will not claim rank or title from them.

Blind leading the blind.
The Kai said:
Whoa, I never meant to sound like I was questioning Angi Ueza
Sorry, I wasn't clear. I meant all those questioning Mr. Calkins' martial arts abilities. We can't judge that from here. The appropriateness of the Soke title, yes; but his skills, no. They may well be real.
47MartialMan said:
Hey I admit-two instructors (of a few) I had in the past seemed odd.

I will not claim rank or title from them.

Blind leading the blind.

I've had about 7 or 8 martial arts teachers (depending on how you count them). They have been teachers I've actually attended classes with, not those with whom I've done seminars with.

One I have official rank from, and allow that rank to be publicized.

One I have semi-official rank from (he told his teacher I'd attained X rank under him), but I neither acknowledge nor publicize that rank.

The rest I've studied under for one period or another, have no rank from nor do I wish any rank from them. It was/is their knowledge that I'm after to increase my level of understanding for purely personal reasons, nothing more.

I refuse to be referred to by the traditional term for a teacher in my primary style. I refuse to bill myself by that title as well (since referring to one's self in such a fashion is the height of presumption; it is for others to refer to you by that title, not to refer to yourself in that fashion). I'm just me, plain and simple. If folks really need to refer to me by something other than my name, I tell them that "mister" is just fine.

When I attended Catholic school once upon a time, I heard that a person who was worthy of sainthood would never acknowledge it. I read a while back in a book by Kensho Furuya (which is really nothing more than a collection of articles he's written for Black Belt ragazine, but it was still a good read) that a "master" worthy of being called a "master" would never admit that he had reached "mastery." So, in that vein, anyone who either thinks themself worthy of the title "soke" (whatever they may think it means and regardless of how inappropriate the term's usage actually is), and more specifically anyone that would actually refer to themself as a "soke" is most likely the absolute last person that would deserve such respect and honor.

The greatest teachers I've ever had the opportunity to meet and/or train with simply said "Hi, my name's so-and-so. Nice to meet you." Not "I'm uber-god-sensei-shihan-super-ku-dan Bill," just their name. Plain and simple.

Always remember, the first lesson taught and the last lesson understood is how to bow... :asian:
Matt Stone said:
Mr. Calkins, your entire public image, both here on MT and through your website, mark you as yet another iteration of martial fraud and ignorance. You perpetuate what you've been taught and resist correction because to do so would require admitting you'd been had by your teacher, that you've defrauded your own students, and that you've wasted whatever time you've spent training. You jealously guard your rank and titles because anything else would identify you as the victim of someone else's fraud. I pity you for having been taken to the cleaners.

It's sad, but the ignorance and fraud rampant in martial arts as a whole has claimed another casualty.

After re-reading my post, I wanted to clarify one thing... I absolutely, positively, categorically deny that I am passing judgement on your physical skills in any way, shape or form. I cannot, in this medium, do so in good conscience. I would have to see you perform, either via video or in person, to get a rough idea of what skill you may or may not possess.

I will say that, in my experience with "soke" people, that the alleged level of skill they claim to possess has come nowhere close to what would be expected of someone of that caliber of training. Not once. Every "grandmaster," "master," "renshi," "shihan," etc., has fallen far short of what I would expect someone deserving of those titles to be able to demonstrate.

Perhaps you are the exception to my admittedly limited exposures. I have no idea.

arnisador said:
Sorry, I wasn't clear. I meant all those questioning Mr. Calkins' martial arts abilities. We can't judge that from here. The appropriateness of the Soke title, yes; but his skills, no. They may well be real.
That is kinda what I have been saying-I don't judge his skills, or him as a person. I can't take in consideration his rank or title. I must be crazy, because I lay no claim to rank and titles. Even though I have a few. My students call me Mr., or plain Rich, some "slip" in Sensei, Shifu, and on occassion "Master" :erg: (these were names from those that trained in martial arts previously), but I never introduced myself this way. Strange, I introduce my teachers as Master, or Shi gung, but they halt me and to say Mr. or first name-informally.

This thread is in close realtion to another:


And my posts are viewed the same.
Matt Stone said:
A.) After re-reading my post, I wanted to clarify one thing... I absolutely, positively, categorically deny that I am passing judgement on your physical skills in any way, shape or form. I cannot, in this medium, do so in good conscience. I would have to see you perform, either via video or in person, to get a rough idea of what skill you may or may not possess.

B.) I will say that, in my experience with "soke" people, that the alleged level of skill they claim to possess has come nowhere close to what would be expected of someone of that caliber of training. Not once. Every "grandmaster," "master," "renshi," "shihan," etc., has fallen far short of what I would expect someone deserving of those titles to be able to demonstrate.

C.) Perhaps you are the exception to my admittedly limited exposures. I have no idea.
A.) Very well said. This is why I "enjoy" (using your closures), reading your posts.

B.) Same here. But then again, I have witnessed black belters, some with "dans", get their butt beat by common street thugs/brawlers. I have seen a 5th Dan get beat by a 1st Dan. Does that make any of these less of the rank/title they earned?

C.) I do not think he is the exception, rather a abnormality. And I mean this not in such a way to give him recognition as such rank/title. As my posts do reflect that I consider him a martial artist. I think, he has been mislead by many others like him, to have many mis-understandings. Thus, he continues the cycle and so forth will his students. Ignorance (and I don't mean non-intelligence) "breeds" ignorance. gullibility and rgo breeds the same. Teacher done-students do, in many cases.
As an even more interesting example, BJJ blackbelts get a degree for every 3 years they are training after going black (http://www.answers.com/topic/brazilian-jiu-jitsu).
I dont know if this has been mentioned, but this is not true. No american holds the rank above 1st black belt. and it is a measure of skill, not years, that determine your rank.
Shogun said:
I dont know if this has been mentioned, but this is not true. No american holds the rank above 1st black belt. and it is a measure of skill, not years, that determine your rank.
Wrong, Roy Harris is 2nd Degree under Joe Moreira and listed as such at bjj.org.
The every 3 years after black belt rule is used, perhaps not by everyone. But it is used. I'd also imagine there is more then one North American with a higher then 1st rank....
Andrew Green said:
The every 3 years after black belt rule is used, perhaps not by everyone. But it is used. I'd also imagine there is more then one North American with a higher then 1st rank....
You're right. Roy Harris, Chris Hauter, Hideki Frazier and John Will are listed as 3rd degree. John Lewis and several others are listed as 2nd degree.
Given that at every 3 years, than someone can get 10th dan in 30. Per if it is a matter of skill and not years, I know of some lower ranks whom can best higher ones. The simple fact is that some can have higher skill than others in shorter amount of time. Should they be rank the same or higher than those with many more years, but have lesser skill?