Do the millions of poor that pay nothing and take Govt assistance freeloaders? do they make you angry?
why do you begrudge them their having nothing?
They don't go anywhere, do nothing. They consume. That means they spend money.
On the other hand, the top accounts do not help the country. The CEOs you defend have damaged the economy. Don't believe me? Look up K-Mart and Enron. And those are just the tip of the iceberg!
You are defending people who take away the jobs of the poor people. The manufacturing jobs, heck, even the mildly skilled jobs like customer service, giving them to some folks on the other side of the globe, so they can save labor cost and maximize their bottom line, all while not paying taxes. Where does that play into your world picture?
So far the bottom part of the social pyramid is getting screwed and charged for it. Figuratively speaking.
I am all for fairer taxes: I settle for the money bags paying the same % in taxes that I do.
Oh, I know, those 4% points they have to thow into the bucket extra will be much more than my contribution, probably for my lifetime, but you said you wanted fair taxes....In case you wonder where my numbers came from: Ole Mitt reportedly paid about 14% taxes, Yours truly pays roughly 18%. Fair?
so far what is happening: Schools are being stripped of money, leaving those with no alternatives (AKA money) to suffer in ignorance. Instead we build more jails. Logic at work....
but while we doom the low end to remain poor (all the different mechanisms at work, going past the scope of this thread) we also begrudge them the measly pennies, the crumbs off society's table.
Yes, I know there are carrier poor who milk the system. But I bet you, for each who does that, there are plenty who do not. Who do not flaunt their status, but adhere to the rules. Because they know very well the scorn of people, not unlike yourself, who judge them harshly, without knowing a single thing about them and their circumstance.