I don't disagree with what you're saying, except that I am not tying it to Neighborhood Watch; I just don't see the link. GZ was a CCW permit holder. That doesn't mean that most NW groups go about armed, or that anyone else on his NW was typically armed. As to whether or not we was a 'wanna be' cop, again, I just don't have enough information to see that; it could be true, or not. But again, even if GZ is a 'wanna be' cop, that doesn't make NW full of wanna-be cops. Same if he turns out to be a racist. Does it make NW members racist? I don't see the connection you see to be wanting to draw. GZ was a NW member. He was also X, Y, and Z, and he might have been A, B, and C. But those attributes (fill in the blank) just don't necessarily MEAN anything with regard to NW. If I meet a bunch of NW members who are tall, shall I imply that NW members are all tall? Or that they're all men? Or all of mixed white/hispanic ancestry? See, just because GZ was a CCW holder doesn't have any meaning with regard to his NW membership that I can see. Unless you have some kind of data on the bloodthirsty NW wanna-be cops getting arrested left, right, and center. I see your other post, but that's ONE other situation. How many NW groups are there? More than two, I'm guessing.
If I'm mistaken about you trying to tie whatever GZ is or is not (racist, wanna-be cop, etc) to NW in general, forgive me, but that's what I'm getting from this and I just don't see it that way.
Hey Bill,
Sorry for the delayed reply. Now that I'm home, rather than at work, I can try to clarify myself.
1) Regarding the CCW permit. Forgive me if this was already discussed, but did we establish whether or not GZ had the gun concealed right up until he was supposedly attacked by Martin or was he walking down the street with it out? I ask this, because IMO, if you're going to take it out, then regardless of the SYG or any other law, I feel that you damn well better be justified in using it. I mean, we're not in the wild west anymore, and furthermore the courts apparently felt that GZ was in the wrong, otherwise the probably wouldn't have charged him with murder.
2) Many times on here, when people start talking about bad cops, I've said that yes, there are bad apples in the bunch, but by no means, if every cop bad. The same with the NW groups, security guards, etc. However, I think you and I both know that those 'wanna be's' do exist. IMHO, moreso in the 2nd case I linked, those guys seemed to go seriously overboard.
3) How many NW groups are there? No idea. I've seen signs posted on certain streets, that this is a NW area. However, I've never seen people patrolling. Hey, by all means, if someone wants to do something for their neighborhood, knock your socks off. Hell, I've taken countless calls from folks, who've looked out their window, and saw something suspicious, a burg in progress, and many times, those people are responsible for the badguys getting caught. But, IMO, you gotta know where to draw the line. I mean, you yourself, have said that in certain SD situations, its better to comply first, rather than go in with guns blazing. Same thing can apply here. Instead of taking it upon yourself, as a citizen, a non LEO, to chase after, confront, etc, a suspicious person, observe from a safe distance. If I was going to follow someone, I'd rather do so from my vehicle, rather than on foot. At least if things started going south, I'd be able to hopefully get the hell out of dodge faster.
Hopefully this clarified my stance. Feel free to give your comments.