Unarmed Florida Teen Shot

I think people genuinely care about what they think are important issues but don't know what to productively do about it. I understand Mob Mentality, but I don't think all we're seeing is that, exactly.
You dont come across as critical of the media. All your "facts" on the case are coming from the media you bit hook line and sinker on the racist coon comments and now the media has backed off that along with several other "opps" moments that have happened with the media on this case.
I may not have come across that way, here. But on my own blog, I have called out the mainstream media for being comprised of people who are anything but mainstream--usually, over-privileged, aloof and naive. And one of the criticisms I had was back-pedaling on the "coons" comment. It's what I heard. If I'm wrong, then I am. My other criticism with the MSM as it relates to this case, is how easily they can be bullied into making something a two-sided issue. Weeks after Trayvon was dead and buried, they succumbed to the despicable pressure of trying to make sure that "we" all saw the not-so-innocent looking Trayvon. And while their efforts failed, they still lost a great deal of respect. They did not and will not do that when the next Natalie Holloway or Elizabeth Smart turns up missing. They shouldn't have done so in this case.

As to the "facts"; yes, I reasonably relied on them to present what would or could be construed as evidence. And if I were inclined to view Trayvon as just another dead thug, I wouldn't have even bothered. But I wanted to know what I could, without being completely reliant on the same media that I knew would ultimately do an about face, and buckle to the whims of the "other side".
I may not have come across that way, here. But on my own blog, I have called out the mainstream media for being comprised of people who are anything but mainstream--usually, over-privileged, aloof and naive. And one of the criticisms I had was back-pedaling on the "coons" comment. It's what I heard. If I'm wrong, then I am. My other criticism with the MSM as it relates to this case, is how easily they can be bullied into making something a two-sided issue. Weeks after Trayvon was dead and buried, they succumbed to the despicable pressure of trying to make sure that "we" all saw the not-so-innocent looking Trayvon. And while their efforts failed, they still lost a great deal of respect. They did not and will not do that when the next Natalie Holloway or Elizabeth Smart turns up missing. They shouldn't have done so in this case.

As to the "facts"; yes, I reasonably relied on them to present what would or could be construed as evidence. And if I were inclined to view Trayvon as just another dead thug, I wouldn't have even bothered. But I wanted to know what I could, without being completely reliant on the same media that I knew would ultimately do an about face, and buckle to the whims of the "other side".

What do those girls have anything to do with this case?
Here is a look at the paperwork filed by the states attorney in the case. If the article is accurate, it may be a bumpy road to the courtroom...


This is going to be a rough case in the courtroom and those who really want him convicted of "something" may be disapointed, just by looking at this article.

First, "the public" isn't entitled to a presentation of all the evidence. Moreover, it won't be a rough case in the courtroom if the system functions as usual.
I may not have come across that way, here. But on my own blog, I have called out the mainstream media for being comprised of people who are anything but mainstream--usually, over-privileged, aloof and naive.
Sounds good to me I didnt know you had a blog but I agree with what you have here. Reporters stopped being reporters and now want to be entertainers
And one of the criticisms I had was back-pedaling on the "coons" comment. It's what I heard. If I'm wrong, then I am
Its hard to unhear something once your told what it is your supposed to hear. I think had they just played the clip and not told you they said "Coons" and allowed you to make you own mind as to what he said you may hear it differently. I tried to hear it for what it is without thinking coons, cold, punks, or anyhting else and I dont hear anything but garbled mess. Once I listen to what Im told then I hear coon or cold depending on what they tell me Im supposed to hear.

My other criticism with the MSM as it relates to this case, is how easily they can be bullied into making something a two-sided issue. Weeks after Trayvon was dead and buried, they succumbed to the despicable pressure of trying to make sure that "we" all saw the not-so-innocent looking Trayvon. And while their efforts failed, they still lost a great deal of respect.
I think had they not been so Bias in the fist set of pictures this would have never been an issue. They went from one extream to the other. They should have just found normal current pictures of both not a 12 year old kid and a guy in a orange jump suit neither of which were accurate representations of the truth.

They did not and will not do that when the next Natalie Holloway or Elizabeth Smart turns up missing. They shouldn't have done so in this case.
I wont deny a bias in the media when it comes to blone hair blue eyed girls. We had a case of a missing black female here Phylicia Barnes went missing while visiting her older sister in Baltimore. Im pretty sure that never made national news and it was a long time until we found her body. The comparisons have been made to that story and the attention Halloway got and still gets.
I think had they not been so Bias in the fist set of pictures this would have never been an issue. They went from one extream to the other. They should have just found normal current pictures of both not a 12 year old kid and a guy in a orange jump suit neither of which were accurate representations of the truth.

Agree. They could very well have used the pictures of Trayvon as a teen. It's not like he would have looked more sinister or threatening as a 16 or 17 year old. He just looked like most gangly and dorky kids at that age.
Latest photos?


If they're real, shame on the media for not releasing them earlier.

If the photo of the injuries to the back of Zimmerman's head are real (and I would expect they are, given the source), then that pretty much blows the theory that Zimmerman did not have his head slammed into the pavement as he claimed; unless one wants to argue that Zimmerman had the presence of mind to do that to himself after he shot Martin, but before the police arrived. While the photo of the back of his head does not prove that he was 'reasonably in fear of his life', it does lend credence to his statement that he was.

Anyone want to argue that this was manufactured, faked, or that it doesn't go to Zimmerman's statement about what happened?
As someone said earlier, shame on the media IF they had those photos and did not make them public. As well, shame on whatever gov't body had them and didn't make them available before this case grew to the magnitude it did. No, we the public weren't necessarily entitled to them. Nor were we entitled to the emergency audio recordings other other info.

In either event, the timing of the photos are worthy of serious questions. Do these pix exonerate Zimmerman? No. But if authentic in every way, they would support the fact that a physical confrontation manifested upon his contact with Trayvon.
If the photo of the injuries to the back of Zimmerman's head are real (and I would expect they are, given the source), then that pretty much blows the theory that Zimmerman did not have his head slammed into the pavement as he claimed; unless one wants to argue that Zimmerman had the presence of mind to do that to himself after he shot Martin, but before the police arrived. While the photo of the back of his head does not prove that he was 'reasonably in fear of his life', it does lend credence to his statement that he was.

Anyone want to argue that this was manufactured, faked, or that it doesn't go to Zimmerman's statement about what happened?

It doesn't go against what he said logically because he said his head was bashed against the ground. What remains to be determined is if he sought out the confrontation (along with other things).
But but wait i was told due to crappy racist police work there were no crime scene photos and zimnerman had no injuries. There are 30 plus pages of people saying that hmmmmm. So maybe there are some other "Facts" out there.
But but wait i was told due to crappy racist police work there were no crime scene photos and zimnerman had no injuries. There are 30 plus pages of people saying that hmmmmm. So maybe there are some other "Facts" out there.

So the Sanford PD took that photo?
So the Sanford PD took that photo?

Who knows but i was told there were no crime scene photos. For all we know it may not even be Zimmermans head at all but thats the point everyone was so quick to judgement without any facts. People were so sure a bunch of racist cops and a racist criminal justice system was at work here.
Who knows but i was told there were no crime scene photos. For all we know it may not even be Zimmermans head at all but thats the point everyone was so quick to judgement without any facts. People were so sure a bunch of racist cops and a racist criminal justice system was at work here.

Given the provision of (a) the 911 non-emergency recordings; (b) the police reports; (c) the video at the police station; and whatever else has been either provided or leaked, it's a reasonable presumption that something so fundamental as a crime scene photo did not exist.

In any event, if this particular photo is going to be trial evidence, then it will have to be authenticated. Not always an easy task.
The photo, if it is actually a photo of zimmerman would simply support what several witnesses already say. The important part of this is who initiated the violence and that is something, at this point only zimmerman and martin know. Since Martin is dead, I think a fair jury may have a very difficult time convicting Zimmerman of anything.

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