Unarmed Florida Teen Shot

From the above link:
The public outcry against Zimmerman, 28, has been intense: More than two million people signed a petition calling for his prosecution; civil rights leaders descended on Sanford, the Florida city where unarmed teen Martin was killed; and almost-daily rallies were held demanding Zimmerman’s arrest.


Anyone else think the media has gotten a little loose with the 'civil rights leader' label? The so-called civil rights leaders that descended on Sanford will not be happy unless Zimmerman is found guilty and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, apparently independent of the facts of the case.
Bill Mattock's thanks for bringing up that case today. I heard Psenka on the radio today and I was hoping someone would bring it up in relation to the Zimmerman case. After the man fled, Psenka chased after him, actually pursued him. If Psenka had killed the attacker, would he be in the same position as Zimmerman? The attacker is a recent Immigrant from Iraq, will there be an outcry as to Psenka's motive when he chased after the possibly muslim attacker? Is psenka an islamaphobe?

Hmmm...Psenka also mentioned that after the attacker stopped attacking the woman and fled the scene, he pursued the attacker in order to prevent his escape and to help the police catch the attacer....hmmmm...sound familiar to anyone on this thread....
From the above link:

http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/civil rights

Anyone else think the media has gotten a little loose with the 'civil rights leader' label? The so-called civil rights leaders that descended on Sanford will not be happy unless Zimmerman is found guilty and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, apparently independent of the facts of the case.

Screw that white Spics civil rights.....</sarcasm>

Yes, that stood out, didn't it!

And this, too:
&#8220;How can a juror feel free to vote their conscience and to place a fair vote when they know, okay, I may be safe in here because I&#8217;m sequestered, but once I go out there and once my name is made public, people are going to harass me?&#8221; he said.
If jurors face this kind of outcry after delivering &#8220;unpopular decisions,&#8221; he said, &#8220;it may create a chilling effect where jurors are afraid to vote not guilty because of fear for public backlash. Who wants a bunch of media trucks parked outside their house asking them and harassing them as to why they made their decision?&#8221;

it will take a special breed of person to serve on this trial.
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dont like his choice of language but he has an interesting point.
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From the MSNBC article:
Now that the legal process has begun, Zimmerman will get an opportunity to present his side of the story.

That's laughable. Until a real prosecutor got involved, all we have ever known was Zimmerman's side of the story.

I'll tell you what this case is demonstrating. Certain people are pleased as punch with the current iteration of the (incompetent, indifferent and corrupt) criminal system when it comes to making sure LeRoy and Tyrone do their hard time. Ironic that the same types of folks are now concerned about fairness in the same system.

How transparent.
From the MSNBC article:

That's laughable. Until a real prosecutor got involved, all we have ever known was Zimmerman's side of the story.

I'll tell you what this case is demonstrating. Certain people are pleased as punch with the current iteration of the (incompetent, indifferent and corrupt) criminal system when it comes to making sure LeRoy and Tyrone do their hard time. Ironic that the same types of folks are now concerned about fairness in the same system.

How transparent.
I think is pretty transpartent that Tyorne dont give a crap when LeRoy is killed by Rayquan but when Billy Smith kills LeRoy, Tyrone is marching in the streets.
I'll tell you what this case is demonstrating. Certain people are pleased as punch with the current iteration of the (incompetent, indifferent and corrupt) criminal system when it comes to making sure Jose and Juan do their hard time. Ironic that the same types of folks are now concerned about fairness in the same system.

How transparent.

Fixed that so now it better applies to this situation.
Which is why I instruct my students accordingly. Not that standing their ground is the wrong (or "liberal" or "democrat" or whateva) thing to do, but that they are expected to use good and sound judgment in reasonable anticipation of something happening.

Agreed. :)

I think you know, MJS, that I'm a Kajukenbo man. We tend to have a screw loose in terms of defending ourselves--sometimes we go the extra mile. And we don't apologize for that. My point is to be extra-judicious about situations, locations, confrontations, etc. So as much as I might be able to put hurtin' on somebody, doesn't mean that I ought to find the nearest biker bar, swagger in sporting my Al Sharpton button on my pro-affirmative action t-shirt, and stare down the nearest regular while uttering whatchoo lookin' at, b*tch! There's a good chance I'm gonna have to stand my ground--and that I or somebody else is gonna get hurt or killed. And while the law allows me to be there, and to stand my ground if I feel threatened, I shouldn't have placed myself in that situation.

That's all I meant.

Yes sir, I do recall you're in Kaju, and yes, I certainly understand what you're saying. :) Points taken. :)
For those who feel being the 'aggressor' means you cannot claim self-defense:


Psenka was clearly the aggressor here. He did not have to get involved. He had no authority to get involved. He didn't even dial 911 before grabbing a deadly weapon (a shovel) and confronting someone he *thought* was committing a crime. Now suppose that the rapist (or whatever he was) had started beating on Psenka? Psenka feels he is in danger of losing his life and he swings his shovel, cracking Shaso's skull cleanly in twain.

Can he not claim self-defense? I mean, he is clearly the aggressor here; he clearly was not the police and had no authority to get involved. He's obviously a wanna-be cop. Oh, and from the photo, it looks like he's white. From the last name of the suspect, I would guess he's of some other ethnic group. Racism too!

Good thing Psenka didn't have to actually swing the shovel, eh? Because according to some of you, he would have been legally required to stand there and be killed by Shasho as punishment for being the aggressor, wanna-be cop, and racist.

Am I right? Just checking.

Thing is, we can 'what if' this 20 different ways. In the case you present above, yeah, I can justify the guy doing what he did. Me personally, no, I probably wouldn't have physically gotten involved. Called the cops? Sure. Chase him down? Probably not. In the Martin/Zimmerman case, I'm viewing that as GZ assuming TM was up to no good. I still stand by what I've said...he wanted to play hero. And look, it bit him in the ***.
It's also a lie.

It *is* a lie. As long as there has been a persistent minority of Black and Brown people committing violent crimes, there has been a (virtually ignored) majority of Black and Brown men and women publicly denouncing it and calling for an end to it, be it public protests, marches, rallies or music or all of the above.
It *is* a lie. As long as there has been a persistent minority of Black and Brown people committing violent crimes, there has been a (virtually ignored) majority of Black and Brown men and women publicly denouncing it and calling for an end to it, be it public protests, marches, rallies or music or all of the above.

Regardless, you can't throw one person under the bus because another person got the raw deal in terms of justice.
Really? Because i was actually at a homicide this weekend. Guy was shot on a busy basketball court at about 9 pm. Prob close to 30 people there its located in a city owned housing project. Sad thing is all these concerned people you speak of somehow didnt see anything. In fact one comment i got was F that N he was a snitch he got what was coming to his B azz. Even sadder the guy wasnt an informant at all. So ill be waiting to see these protests in the streets but im pretty sure they wont be coming. But then again some of the famous stop snitchibg dvds were filmed a short few miles from thia murder amd i didnt see to manybpeople worried about the dvds either.

It *is* a lie. As long as there has been a persistent minority of Black and Brown people committing violent crimes, there has been a (virtually ignored) majority of Black and Brown men and women publicly denouncing it and calling for an end to it, be it public protests, marches, rallies or music or all of the above.
I just hope something good comes from martins death. I hope these protesters do stay motivated and fight to end violence. Put thetr energy to good use.

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