Training Wing Chun?

pro tip: if you binge watch all the Yip Man movies in one night, that equates to about 2 weeks of hands-on training! LOL.
COOL!!!!! I will have to do that this weekend..... no need to even go to class then :D

But I also should confess...I did not watch Ip Man 3 last night....all I did was workout, work on Taijiquan, work on the Mook Jong form I'm learning, work on Siu Lim Tao, and do some of the drills my Wing Chun Sifu has me doing..... so.... I must movie.... so...I didn't train last night at all, I got lazy :(
Great class today, have not done this in a wing chun school before
Free style drills
first kind of a shadow boxing, only using one hand
Then an unscripted partner drill, partner throws 2 punches, any punches, you block
The 3 punches, same thing
then 3 punches and you can respond, with anything, block, strike, takedown.

It was a great class, tiring, but great

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