And that is where you fail. I train BJJ, but no matter how long I train a week, I'll never be as good as Rickson. Just because he's good, doesnt mean everyone else will be on his level.
Of course not. Because you're too busy thinking in a straight line and don't have an open mind. You subscribe to the belief that you'll never be as good as him, therefore why try? You're just gonna do what you do, being what you'll always be. Average.
I do not subscribe to the belief that "If they can do it, I can do it too" DEFINITELY NOT. I know I've tried a lot of things where I couldn't grasp the concept and I was just terrible at. I accept those things.
The difference between you and I, is that I don't place any barriers in what I do. The sky's the limit if I put the time, and if I have the talent for it. That's not to say, you go around saying you can beat anybody or are better than everybody. Most definitely not. I've gone through a period of my life when I did that in video game competition, not being on their level, get destroyed because they knew wtf they were doing. I learned my lesson.
You have to think that there's always something you can improve, something to perfect, there's always a new idea out there waiting for you to try it out and seeing what happens as a result. Pushing yourself to become better and better and better.
One day, you start to realize that your personal quest has made you one of the top people. It's not because you compare yourself to the top people, I can attest from personal experience, if you do that, you will NEVER reach the level they are at. The only thing stopping you from being better than Rickson is you. Your OWN personal barriers. Remove those barriers, gain more experience, be hungry for competition, learn from your mistakes and keep on going. You may, or may not ever beat Rickson, but if you train well, no one else can beat you and if they did, they'd have to fight all they have to do it.
Rickson did not get the way that he is by just training. The Gracie family holds a lot of values, discipline, mindsets that dwarfs anything that you thought possible. They did not get this way by saying, hey, we may never be as good as <so and so>. There's more to it than just training. That's only one part of it. I gave you the other part but I believe that it's beyond your comprehension at this point.
edit: I notice you say "no matter how long" this is wrong. Just because you have time does not mean you can become better than somebody. Time is certainly a factor, but quality of training within that time frame that you have is more important.