In human anatomy, Synaptic Dynamics dictate a different perspective. I essentially agree with Dr. La Tourrette, but for different reasons. Synaptic Dynamics to not support "first in, last out," or "last in first out" responses. These are intellectual or or lay term "Mind Memory" perspectives.
Physical responses are a product of physical and mental familiarity. Synaptic Pathways, (also in lay terms called "muscle memory") are a product of the dynamics of creation over specific extended repetition. This, in addition to a "hardening process" of "startle reflex" responses subjected to adrenal stimulation, determine the availability and likelihood of response to external stimuli.
"The body will ALWAYS execute what it knows best, not what you intellectually know best, most recent, or least recent." - Dr. Ron Chapél
(Thanx Doc L. for the call)