From what i've been reading it seems to be a popular notion that the traditional blocking is just a foundation from which adaptations are made to deal with real stimuli, or real situations. This was the bigger point I was getting at. Since you have to change what you were taught to fit against a real stimuli, or adapt it to the situation, should we not just train that way to begin with? Coming from a self defense point of view, and, from a supposedly self defense oriented system, should we not help the system evolve, and cut the traditional manner of blocking out as the first step, in favor of practicing the adaptations, since that is what you'll use when it comes down to it?
After all, what you first put into your muscle memory, is what will come out first. Just an older practitioner's point of view for dealing with real self defense situations. From what i've been reading you all apply that criteria in your training, such as distance to apply the tech's from, the what if phases, etc... anyway, deep down I think we all agree.