Top "Stupid Cop Myths"

Just to be clear, I have no problem with the ticket I got. But decisions by politicians to remove red light cameras based on lack of revenue when the cops say that they're helping reduce accidents and such is compelling evidence that they're largely about revenue and less about public safety.

I agree. The problem is that most politicians try to run EVERYTHING like a business. Go to a hospital now, and you have CEO's and they try to run it like a business and figure out a formula to speed up the "taking care" of people.

I think we are on the same page, but just thought I would reiterate. Police view tickets etc. to try and help public safety and aren't concerned about revenue. It's the "bean counters" that try to turn law enforcement into a business and therefore a way to make money from it. Why do you think most of the time police funding is the first to go? It's a big expenditure that doesn't make money really for the district. Different topic, but I think that is why many places are taking the IRS classes on how to partner up with them to seize property, money etc. off of drug busts on the highway. It's a way for them to get money and free press time.
In my PD, we don't have a particular number of tickets set as a performance standard. Each shift is averaged and you are compared to "the curve". If everybody on your shift averaged 100 tickets over 6 months and you only issued 2 you will be spoken too. However, if you have double the shifts average narcotics arrests you may just be told to try and do a little more traffic enforcement.
And unless there is some punishment involved or a "hard standard" of you MUST write 30 tickets a month, I wouldn't consider it a "quota". Most of us are talking about a performance "target". If I realize that I haven't issued a ticket in a few days I may go sit on a stop light so that I can show some traffic enforcement activity.

Like I said upthread, while we like all of our officers to be well rounded in their enforcement avtivity we also recognize that some cops are going to be more gifted at one form of policing over another.
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