Racist Cop or Combative Professor?

What concerns me are the people attacking the woman who called 911 and the black police officer who supported Crowley.
There will be no "threats," only gentle persuasion, and a change will come over Sgt. Crowley. He'll publicly state that he's learned a valuable lesson, that he didn't realize what it was like to be a black man in America, and that he has a new understanding-and how he hopes he can spread that understanding, especially among police, to affect positive change in America......kumbaya, kumbaya, kumbaya.... :lfao:
That picture is quite offensive Elder...Obama does not have and never did have an eyebrow ring:rofl:
What concerns me are the people attacking the woman who called 911 and the black police officer who supported Crowley.

No good deed goes unpunished.....


As I've stated before...:deadhorse...

Sgt, Crowley was legally in the "right"... that's the big difference.

If you have a problem with how things went down in this particular case, then you need to address what "disorderly conduct" is and how it is considered a crime and when a LEO can charge somebody...

It doesn't matter IF Sgt. Crowley SHOULD have busted Dr. Gates or not. He had a legal right and even a responsibility to bust Dr. Gates the way the law is written today.

If you do not agree with what happened, then you should address the LAW, not the man responsible for upholding it.
What concerns me are the people attacking the woman who called 911 and the black police officer who supported Crowley.

Uh...that bugs the bejeezus out of me. I think it particularly stings because I am a 40 year old white woman as well.

My neighborhood is very diverse. Its built a hillside. The nicest residences in the neighborhood are a string of townhouses at the top of the hill. These townhouses are very similar to the houses owned by HarvardRES. They are houses that are leased out to local businesses that use them as executive housing.

If I were to go out for a walk and saw one or two people trying to get through a locked door on "executive hill" (as we call it), I'd call 911. I'd likely do the same thing if I saw something similar on Ware streeet. Doesn't matter if they were men, women, white, black, Asian, Latino...that's not the proper way to get through a door.

When you call the cops, you have to give the dispatcher a description. You can either say "There are two guys trying to break in to a residence" and wait for the dispatcher to prompt you through all the questions, or you can offer a description from the start.
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Uh...that bugs the bejeezus out of me. I think it particularly stings because I am a 40 year old white woman as well.

My neighborhood is very diverse. Its built a hillside. The nicest residences in the neighborhood are a string of townhouses at the top of the hill. These townhouses are very similar to the houses owned by HarvardRES. They are houses that are leased out to local businesses that use them as executive housing.

If I were to go out for a walk and saw one or two people trying to get through a locked door on "executive hill" (as we call it), I'd call 911. I'd likely do the same thing if I saw something similar on Ware streeet. Doesn't matter if they were men, women, white, black, Asian, Latino...that's not the proper way to get through a door.

When you call the cops, you have to give the dispatcher a description. You can either say "There are two guys trying to break in to a residence" and wait for the dispatcher to prompt you through all the questions, or you can offer a description from the start.

And when it comes down to it, skin color is just an identifying feature. I hope we are not going to enter into some silly phase where we can describe the color of a shirt a person is wearing but we cant describe skin color.
And when it comes down to it, skin color is just an identifying feature. I hope we are not going to enter into some silly phase where we can describe the color of a shirt a person is wearing but we cant describe skin color.
Virginia DMV records do not include race... and haven't for something like 20 years.

Nah, not an important detail for a cop running someone by name and DOB in the street. There couldn't possibly be say, more than one Michael Jordan. Or John Smith. Nah... Listing race or skin color couldn't help ID someone... (Of course, VA DMV will let you register your car as a "5 door sedan", too. One day, I want to see if they'll let me register a car with a body style "dog.")
The beer summit came and went and both sides agreed to disagree agreeably according to news reports. Neither Crowley or Gates would apologize, but will continue the discussion. It's a start.
The beer summit came and went and both sides agreed to disagree agreeably according to news reports. Neither Crowley or Gates would apologize, but will continue the discussion. It's a start.
I don't believe it is. Crowley had nothing to apologize for, Gates will never apologize.
Y'know... Moving to President Obama and where he may be going or what his beliefs are is kind of off topic here, and probably a discussion better suited to another part of the forum. I'm not wearing a mod hat, as I'm obviously very involved in this discussion... but I do think it's a bit of a distraction.

It's not off topic at all......President Obama FIRMLY injected himself in to this debate to the point that his is inseparable from it.......I can prove that with one simple question.........if President Obama hadn't involved himself, would we even be discussing this? I rest my case.

In fact, President Obama is not only NOT off topic......regardless of what else we discuss he is the REAL topic.......neither Skippy Gates or Sgt. Crowley effect most of our lives directly........the most powerful man on the planet is an ENTIRELY different story......his poor judgment on the matter SHOULD be concern NUMBER ONE!
I am, however, reluctant to put them on a pedestal and treat them as sacrosanct. I cannot, in the face of what appears to me to be a blatant lack of judgement and restraint, allow someone to be given a free pass simply because he is a cop.
Spare me.........you want to label everyone else's position as emotionally charged, but it's obvious you're the one that's taking the emotional track.....bottom line is that your 'treat them as sacrosanct' argument PROVES it......i'm not giving Sgt. Crowley a free pass simply because he's a cop......a cop TRULY does something wrong, i'll be the first to condemn him as a disgrace to the profession.

The difference between you and me is that i've DONE the job, and you haven't......therefore, I know what is PART of the job and what occurs on the job, and I have the perspective to critique the behavior of other officers based on experience.......not cop show reruns. Therefore, your statements about what ANYTHING 'appears' to you to be, on the face of it, NEEDS to be taken with a huge grain of salt........I know you're smart enough to realize that appearances and reality are often two different things.

It's like watching ER and critiquing the operation of a surgeon........or if that's too much for you, watching a few episodes of 'Deadliest Catch' and then deciding you're an expert on crab fishing and critiquing the technique and actions of some crab fisherman you happen to see working. ;)

Does that mean you don't have the right to critique? Absolutely not, as a citizen of a free country it's you're right to be as wrong as you want.
jks, I'm sorry I missed this response. Regarding this statement by you, I am reminded of something that hits close to home. My oldest is 13 now. When he was much younger, about 4 or 5, he was willful. I would tell him to do something... go to bed, perhaps. He would defy me. I would demand that he obey and he would say no. Now, I understand (and understood then) that this was normal. However, I would handle the situation poorly. I would draw a line in the sand and he would cross it. "Don't do X or you're losing TV for a day." He'd do X. "Do it again and it's 2 days." Before I knew it, he'd be out of TV for 5 years or some ridiculous thing like that. Point is, he misbehaved, but I was as much to blame for the situation. I am the adult and I allowed the situation to spiral out of control and the consequences to exceed the crime. I would always regret it (and remember these situations with regret and some amount of shame), and I would like to think that I am much better at managing myself, so that I can better control situations like that.

In much the same way, I believe that Crowley lost control of the situation. While Gates acted like a buffoon, Crowley SHOULD have been able to manage the situation, but didn't. At some point, he began drawing lines in the sand, and before he knew it, the consequences were far in excess of the situation.

Since you brought it, how do you think you SHOULD have handled it? Tolerate the behavior? I've seen the effects of that. Perhaps you let your guilt override your original better judgment. The notion that you CREATED the behavior by NOT tolerating it is a bit silly.

By the way, what experience do you have (other than dealing with a 4 year old) to make the judgment about what Crowley 'SHOULD' have been able to manage?
I don't know...I'm still confused on why this is centering around Crowley. He was sent to a burg in progress, according to what was told to the dispatcher. He gets there, after fishing thru the mess, determines that Gates is the homeowner, was having issues with the door, returned from a trip and somehow, its being said that the cop is a racist because he was 'harassing' a black man. This is the biggest load of bull that I've seen. People are asking why Crowley didn't leave. Ok, why was Gates being an ***? Did he have to yell and act like a 2yo who didn't get his way with mommy and daddy? For the same reason those claim that Crowley should have left, Gates should've shut his piehole long enough to see that the cop was only doing his job. But like always, the almighty race card has to be played, God forbid it isn't. I wonder...would Gates have been an *** if it was a black cop that arrived on scene? IIRC, wasn't there a pic. floating around somewhere with a black cop present?

It's centered around Sgt. Crowley because to look to closely at the other two clowns involved in dangerous, politically speaking.......there are many folks trying to spin this situation as being about 'Racist Cops'.......one of whom is the President of the United States.

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