TKD instructors saves Texas woman from sexual assault

If martial arts training " informs your general movement" then yeah, the tkd training should come into play grabbing and holding someone down. Heck, I credit my MA training every time I trip and don't fall
If the only training they ever had was in TKD, then yes, it was from their TKD training.
Is that really so hard to understand?
Then I issue the same challenge to you: please post the belt requirements from any TKD school that list "grab someone and hold them down" as a requirement. Until anyone can do that, then the statement that they did not use their TKD training stands unrefuted.

Student Oath​

I shall observe the Tenets of Taekwondo.
I shall respect Instructors and Seniors.
I shall never misuse Taekwondo.
I will be a champion of freedom and justice.
I will build a more peaceful world.

Martial arts is more than the sum of the kicks, blocks, and punches one is taught. Every martial artist should know that. I do not study TKD, but like all martial arts I am aware of, it builds character, and give you the confidence and ability to do something about injustice.
Can you point out where, in all this mess, "grab someone and hold them down" is located? I can't seem to find it.
Side note, I looked up the school and the main instructor is a 6th degree black belt in hapkido. Given the rest of the instructors are his family, and teaching at his school, I'd be shocked if they didn't learn hapkido or he at least didn't incorporate it into his tkd.
Another response that does not offer a rebuttal to what I've said. Likely based on emotion, and nothing else.
Could you answer the question please? I'm interested in knowing what style of martial arts you study and how long you've been doing it.
If I grabbed someone and held them down until the police arrived, I wouldn't be attributing that to my training in Shotokan. The only possible motive I can see for doing that is if you own the school and want to take advantage of the news coverage as free advertising.
Could you answer the question please? I'm interested in knowing what style of martial arts you study and how long you've been doing it.
I've discussed this at length many times during the year that I've been here. If this is attempt to place me at a particular spot in the pecking order on this forum, then I'm not interested in your games.
So a feel good story about martial arts that I posted, gets hijack by a troll, who refuses to answer questions.....And at one point an attack on TMA is brought into it...... sorry I ever posted it.....I'm out, and will likely not post such stories again...... not worth wasting my time for this ridiculousness..... I shall no longer feed the trolls..... TTFN
So a feel good story about martial arts that I posted, gets hijack by a troll.... sorry I ever posted it.....
I mean, if we're going to discuss the martial arts part of the story...
That's not grabbing someone and holding them down. That also doesn't require TKD or any other martial arts training.

What type of kick are you getting out of this ridiculous trollish nit picking.... and when and when did you get into your training and most certainly is not in your profile.....

What type of kick are you getting out of this ridiculous trollish nit picking.... and when and when did you get into your training and most certainly is not in your profile.....
It actually never occurred to me look at my profile and see what information I could put in it. But based on my experience with facebook, people love to look at your profile and make the discussion about you, when the discussion about the topic isn't going their way. That's why nothing has been public on my facebook profile for over decade. I think I'll keep my profile here as is, if this forum is no different.
So a feel good story about martial arts that I posted, gets hijack by a troll, who refuses to answer questions.....And at one point an attack on TMA is brought into it...... sorry I ever posted it.....I'm out, and will likely not post such stories again...... not worth wasting my time for this ridiculousness..... I shall no longer feed the trolls..... TTFN
I just put him on ignore. Life is too short to feed the trolls, as you said. He got his kicks for a few responses, but no more of that.

You were absolutely right to post the story and it was neat. And it has everything to do with martial arts, as you said. The MA culture is one of giving back to the community around them, being good citizens, and doing the right thing when called upon. They did, and that's part of MA in my opinion.
The physical interaction is described in two paragraphs amounting to a dozen of lines. How the heck can one do a technical breakdown on that basis?
Then I issue the same challenge to you: please post the belt requirements from any TKD school that list "grab someone and hold them down" as a requirement. Until anyone can do that, then the statement that they did not use their TKD training stands unrefuted.
We teach lots of ways to "grab someone and hold them down" but that is not how it's described in the curriculum. So I can't point to it for you.
On the other hand, that doesn't change that fact that you're ridiculous.
We teach lots of ways to "grab someone and hold them down" but that is not how it's described in the curriculum. So I can't point to it for you.
Does that mean it's referred to by Korean terminology? Because if so, that's even better! So point it out.

On the other hand, that doesn't change that fact that you're ridiculous.
Yeah, make it about me since the discussion of the topic isn't going your way.
Then I issue the same challenge to you: please post the belt requirements from any TKD school that list "grab someone and hold them down" as a requirement. Until anyone can do that, then the statement that they did not use their TKD training stands unrefuted.

I am all for bagging out TKD. But it is funnier when you make sure you are right.

I also have no idea why everyone else danced around that for so long. I mean it was pretty easy to find