New to Martial Talk: Taekwondo, Combat Hapkido

HapKiDo Bob

White Belt
Reposted from the Meet and Greet Threads.

[h=2]New to Martial Talk, Combat Hapkido[/h]
Hello Everyone,

Introducing myself: Bobby Harbin, Fort Worth Texas.

I've been reading threads for some months now while researching Hapkido and Taekwondo. Very Informative stuff here so I decided to Join.

My first Martial Art was Taekwondo Moo Duk Kwan. I started training in the early 80s in Rotan, Texas through the American Taekwondo Moo Duk Kwan Federation (Now Closed) earning First Dan Black Belt in 1986. My Lineage as follows:

Instructor: Joseph Hernandez, Rotan Texas, 2nd Dan Black Belt (at the time)

Master Instructor: Master Steven Alcala, Sweetwater, Texas, 5th Dan Black Belt (at the time)

Senior Master Instructor: Dale Higginbotham, Abilene, Texas, 6th or 7th Dan Black Belt (at the time)

Grand Master: GM John Chu, Nacadoches, Texas 8th Dan.

I have continued to train in Taekwondo under other instructors over the years as all of my original Instructors have since passed away except Joseph Hernandez who switched to Kook Sool Won. I have Trained with GM Dr. Dong Ja Yang when he came to train with us in Texas through Mster Dale Higginbotham in Abilene, Texas. I moved to Florida and Trained with Master Y.K. Kim in Orlando Florida for 2 years. I Joined the Army and was stationed at Fort Bragg, NC. There I trained with Grand Master Myong Sok Namkung Mayes in in Spring Lake, North Carolina. I recently started Training with GM Won Chik Park in Fort Worth Texas. For the past couple of years I have continued to train on my own with my sons to retain skills and knowledge of Poomse.

Recently I have started training in Combat Hapkido using the Distance Learning Program of the International Combat Hapkido Federation. I am enjoying that very much, Learning a lot, and looking forward to meeting Grand Master Pellegrini and Master David Rivas at upcoming seminars and the 20th Year Anniversery Conference coming up in November. I am also researching many Hapkido books and DVDs by GM Pellegrini, Marc Tedeschi, Steve Sexton,
Master Hui Son Choe, Master Bong Soo Han, Dr. He-Young Kimm, and Master Kwang Sik Myung.

Would Love to hear from anyone currently training in Combat Hapkido and/or anyone who Trained in the American Taekwondo Moo Duk Kwan Federation in Texas in the 1980s.

Thanks So much Everyone for all the great Posts out there.


Bobby Harbin
Fort Worth, Tx
Been to a couple of CH seminars. Recently at a Seminar they hosted with Bill Wallace.
A lot of people bad mouth Pelligrini but I found him to be forthright about what he teaches. Liked Rivas approach to groundwork. They have a pressure point guy and I thought I recognized a lot of his stuff so I asked about it. Seems a lot of it was based on PPCT material and I had been thru 2 of those courses so that is why it was familiar.

At the last Seminar Pelligrini seemed out of sorts, but perhaps he was having a bad day for some reason. Happens to all of us but if we do seminars we need to keep it in check. He also tried to impress us with the length of time he has been in MA which wasn't much longer than mine so I was not impressed.

As part of the Seminar they had a couple people do part of their test for a TKD 2nd Dan. The patterns were almost unrecognizeable. I made some inquiry of the candidates later and IMNSHO they were pretty clueless as to what they were doing. This was a good example as to why a group with certain credentiasl in one art really has no business issuing rnak in another.
Welcome to the board Bob. In regards to furthering your exploration of Hapkido, I'd recommend looking into the 'Lock-On' series by Master Alan Buresse. I've talked with him many times and have reviewed his training DVD's and they are well done. I would also recommend as worth your time looking at Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming (Chinese Shaolin Chin Na) and Tim Cartmell (Practical Chin Na & Effortless Combat Throws). Although not 'Hapkido', the underlying principles are sound and adaptable and can enhance your Hapkido training.
Hello Bob can I ask why you stop training with Won Chik Park? He is a very talented man and a goos friend. I am in Arlington Texas and the owner of Twin Dragons TKD anytime you are in my area bring your boys and come train. I have had the pleasure of working with both Pelligini and Rivas and find them to be great people as well as instructors. Master Mackie in McKinney Texas is one of Peligini BB and has hosted both of them at his school for seminars over the years. Hit me up sometime.
Hey Terry,

I stopped training with GM Park because I got deployed to Afghanistan again. Now I work nights and it just doesn't fit my schedule so I train mostly on my own now. I agree he's very talented and I miss his school very much. I've known him since the 80s when my original instructors would bring us to his tournaments. I'd be glad to come by your school. Always interested in learning from a new Instructor.

Reposted from the Meet and Greet Threads.

New to Martial Talk, Combat Hapkido

Hello Everyone,

Introducing myself: Bobby Harbin, Fort Worth Texas.

I've been reading threads for some months now while researching Hapkido and Taekwondo. Very Informative stuff here so I decided to Join.

My first Martial Art was Taekwondo Moo Duk Kwan. I started training in the early 80s in Rotan, Texas through the American Taekwondo Moo Duk Kwan Federation (Now Closed) earning First Dan Black Belt in 1986. My Lineage as follows:

Instructor: Joseph Hernandez, Rotan Texas, 2nd Dan Black Belt (at the time)

Master Instructor: Master Steven Alcala, Sweetwater, Texas, 5th Dan Black Belt (at the time)

Senior Master Instructor: Dale Higginbotham, Abilene, Texas, 6th or 7th Dan Black Belt (at the time)

Grand Master: GM John Chu, Nacadoches, Texas 8th Dan.

I have continued to train in Taekwondo under other instructors over the years as all of my original Instructors have since passed away except Joseph Hernandez who switched to Kook Sool Won. I have Trained with GM Dr. Dong Ja Yang when he came to train with us in Texas through Mster Dale Higginbotham in Abilene, Texas. I moved to Florida and Trained with Master Y.K. Kim in Orlando Florida for 2 years. I Joined the Army and was stationed at Fort Bragg, NC. There I trained with Grand Master Myong Sok Namkung Mayes in in Spring Lake, North Carolina. I recently started Training with GM Won Chik Park in Fort Worth Texas. For the past couple of years I have continued to train on my own with my sons to retain skills and knowledge of Poomse.

Recently I have started training in Combat Hapkido using the Distance Learning Program of the International Combat Hapkido Federation. I am enjoying that very much, Learning a lot, and looking forward to meeting Grand Master Pellegrini and Master David Rivas at upcoming seminars and the 20th Year Anniversery Conference coming up in November. I am also researching many Hapkido books and DVDs by GM Pellegrini, Marc Tedeschi, Steve Sexton,
Master Hui Son Choe, Master Bong Soo Han, Dr. He-Young Kimm, and Master Kwang Sik Myung.

Would Love to hear from anyone currently training in Combat Hapkido and/or anyone who Trained in the American Taekwondo Moo Duk Kwan Federation in Texas in the 1980s.

Thanks So much Everyone for all the great Posts out there.


Bobby Harbin
Fort Worth, Tx

Welcome to the ICHF family brother, you will have a great time in November, Grandmaster is total gentleman and everytime he visits, I continue to learn and refine my technical understanding of his synthesis of Hapkido into a practical self-defense art.

Hopefully, you can visit a ICHF school and get familiar with a local chartered instructor and get promoted. If anything, I will see you in November, its sure to be a grand ole' time.
Welcome to the ICHF family brother, you will have a great time in November, Grandmaster is total gentleman and everytime he visits, I continue to learn and refine my technical understanding of his synthesis of Hapkido into a practical self-defense art.

Hopefully, you can visit a ICHF school and get familiar with a local chartered instructor and get promoted. If anything, I will see you in November, its sure to be a grand ole' time.

Thank you so much for the welcome. I am looking forward to it. Newest Chapter in the Lifetime Martial Arts Journey.

Welcome to MT Bob! Glad you're enjoying CHKD! Never personally trained in it, but a number of people that I know who have been to CHKD seminars spoke very well of their experiences. I also spoke at length with GM Pelligrini on the telephone and thought very highly of him afterward.

There are several threads on the hapkido forum about CHKD, and in one of them, I did post about my phone conversation with GMP.

Again, welcome aboard!
Welcome to MT! My school has both Combat Hapkido and TKD. I'm seriously thinking of cross-training both arts (I currently do TKD) this year, if my budget allows for it.

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