Another MA Instructor Molsests Child(ren) - Mature Content - Reader Beware

Tgace said:
Hmm...current charges and a warrant out of another jurisdiction for the same thing? While he is "innocent until proven guilty" in regards to our justice system, I can understand a little judgementalism by the man on the street. Just because the system hasnt proven its case doesnt mean I still cant think the guys a dirtbag.

Theres a big gap between a persons being proven guilty and public/personal opinion....unless you are an LEO on the case, a judge or a jury member who says you cant make a personal "judgement call" on a person? Guilty or not in the systems eyes, I would make a "judgement" and never let my children set foot on his dojo floor.

What facts do you use to decide this personal "judgement call"? Do you make this judgement based on what the media says? Do you know the man? Do you know the facts of his prior warrent? I am not saying you can't make this call, but how can you besure it is an accurate judgement?

Suppose this man truely is innocent of the current charges, and the active warrent against him also is nulled by proven innocence. (BIG if's I know, but bear with me please). Everyone makes these judgement calles based on media spin, no matter where he goes he has the public against him, how is that fair IF he comitted no crime?

No presonal attack intended, I am just curious.
I just think that some people take the legal concept of "innocent until proven guilty" and stretch it into "you cant have a personal opinion about somebody until the court says hes guilty." Much like the Michael Jackson case. Yeah hes never been convicted of child molestation, but if you were a parent who let your child spend the night alone in his place within the last five years than you are almost approaching child endangerment yourself IMHO. Of course thats my "lay opinion". In my professional opinion, you cant deny something to somebody that he/she should normally have (freedom, job, money, etc.) without legal process. However the whole "you cant judge somebody" tripe is a little silly. If thats the case why cross the street when a "suspicious person" is walking down the street towards you? Arent you being "judgemental?"....No anger, or scarcasm directed toward you either :) Just trying to express how I see things.

Besides arrest with suspicious circumstances, yeah maybe I would wait a little before taking my kids out of his school. I would still never leave them alone together. If I found out that he has a warrant out of another state for the same offense from a few years ago?? We're gone.. and I would recommend the same to the other parents. Just the way it is. Why should I wait? Who says I have to?
No one is talking about whether you should pull your own kids out...that's your choice. Having an opinion is only human. But trying someone in the media isn't right. It's one thing to think it, it's another thing to publicize it.
Thats true....But I do believe the sentiment of "now lets not judge the guy until hes proven guilty" has been expressed quite frequently here so far. Moreso than a condemnation of media coverage.

From a personal defense standpoint though, I believe that we should be "judging" people and places quite frequently. To place yourself or your loved ones in dangerous situations because you dont want to be "judgemental" is a dangerous game. That being said, your judgements should be constantly re-evaluated as new information is presented.
I agree. I read a well-written essay once--I wish I could remember where--pointing out that prejudice is good, and natural. You're prejudiced against known felons...good idea. Against drunks with guns...good idea. Prejudice is prejudging, which is your mind helping you predict what'll happen in your environment. Some prejudices are bad...but not all.

Here? If I know of the accusation, I take that data into account. But I also remember how many of these things pan out differently than expected--O.J., Robert Blake, etc. (Though I did expect the finger in the chili to be a fraud.) Sure, I exert some prejudice against the accused...but I also try to keep an open mind. Two slightly conflicting thoughts...not a problem.
arnisador said:
But I also remember how many of these things pan out differently than expected--O.J., Robert Blake, etc.
Even though OJ and Blake were found "not guilty" would you want to be in a dark alley with OJ while hes wearing leather gloves and Italian shoes...or would you wait while Blake goes back to the restaurant for his forgotten gun? ;)
OUMoose said:
There's something sticks out in my mind about this article. The guy is on the run evading a warrant for sexual assault in Florida, per the article. Why would he make himself visible and run a MA school?

Did the guy have a regular job and was able to get by without teaching martial arts for a living?

I am aware of some folks from Asia that can't get by in English very well, but are able to attract students due to their experience in martial arts in their home countries. A hell of a great percentage of them are frauds. They were only mediocre martial artists in their own country, their English is not on a par to let them get a decent day job, but the mere fact that they are Asians bring in enough students to let them live a decent life.

Is there any mention of how this guy made his living other than martial arts instruction?

And speaking as a person and not a member of a jury- this guy fled from the area where the crime seems to have happened. When most people move, they usually leave some way of contacting them with many people. That does not seem to be the case here. I think he is guilty as hell and death is too good for him. He raped a nine year old girl?!?!?!?! NINE YEARS OLD!?!?!?!?!?!?
Yes..and just because somebody has been found "not guilty" doesn't mean that Im going to let him babysit my children either.

Another girl, now 15, came forward after the initial media announcement were made saying she was also molested by this guy when she was 12.
He should thank whatever deity he holds dear that I didn't arrest him.
How come we can't take these dirt bags out and shoot them????.......
hammer said:
And i my opinion the the punishment for any such individual should be castration, with a hot molten rod shoved up his *** so he can burn from the inside .
I vote for "Buckwheats".........stick a .45 up his rectum and BANG......he dies a slow and painful death.
Apart from the discuss, and the ill will I have for this ######! I hope that the young individuals concerned have enough courage to see through this terrible ordeal, and recover from their misfortune as quickly as possible.
I noticed that I had recived A negative reputation piont award concerning my first reply in to this thread here is a copy of what I had posted

Honestly it sickens me, I to have a daughter, It presents a major concern for all parents regardless of the activity that the child participates in. How someone can be so misleading,and breach the trust of his or her students and/or players etc .to such a dregree. Deservers to be castrated!

And it dosent matter whether he is a martial arts instructor, you here this kind of activity happening with all kinds of people with a postions of trust, whether its a preist, a school teacher, a neighbour, Jezzz even a relative!!!

And i my opinion the the punishment for any such individual should be castration, with a hot molten rod shoved up his *** so he can burn from the inside .

I see nothing remotely wrong with such a post, but some ******* wishes to award a negative reputation for the above with his / her respones being

04-22-2005 12:47 PM

Yeah, you hate child molesters more than everyone else. Very cool of you. Makes you very tough.

Well to my new friend, you forgot to sign your comments, lol its easy to hide isnt?????? You are always welcome to convey your message in person *******

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Tgace said:
Even though OJ and Blake were found "not guilty" would you want to be in a dark alley with OJ while hes wearing leather gloves and Italian shoes...or would you wait while Blake goes back to the restaurant for his forgotten gun?
I didn't follow the Robert Blake case that closely, but I have serious reservations about the verdict in O.J.'s case...even after reading REASONABLE DOUBTS : The O.J. Simpson Case and the Criminal Justice System by Alan Dershowitz.
RRouuselot said:
I vote for "Buckwheats".........stick a .45 up his rectum and BANG......he dies a slow and painful death.
I'm just taping "Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead" so I can watch it again! Good movie--very well written dialogue.
I realize that this is a hot topic but

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Sheldon Bedell
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RRouuselot said:
How come we can't take these dirt bags out and shoot them????.......
Because that's also illegal in most civilized nations.
The individual here has not yet been convicted and the law states innocent until proven guilty.
Vigilantee justice is rarely effective or accurate.

Personally, I think once found guilty, they should spend the rest of their lives on the receiving end of what ever crime they commited. But thats my personal opinion.