defending from this


Purple Belt
I've never started a thread. Until now

this is weighing so heavy on my heart now.

Is anyone following - and learning from the Sandusky trial?
I believe Sandusky is guilty of these charges and many more.

a few weeks ago, MT members noted a thread on a MA instructor in Florida, accused of sexual
assault of his students. posts were understandable and, painfully, predictable:
outrage, vengance, incomprehension, rage, disgust.

another thread arises every few weeks, about sexual abuse, sometimes in MA. Posts of rage, disgust,
incomprehension. revenge.

Then the issue disappears. really, it disappears.

MA is no more or less likely than other activities, except for one component.
MA proposes to teach defending from assault. with near total concentration on
physical techniques/skills.
The Sandusky assaults make it clear that emotional/psychological assault and manipulation
comes first, works best and victim selection, grooming and control are the strategies of choice.

My MA friends, instructors etc all share that they are avoiding the Sandusky trial -
except to add comments of rage and some sympathy for victims and families.

The testimony and information presented in this case are like a carefully laid-out
description and analysis of how the vast majority of sexual predators operate - how they
make it work successfully - on hundreds of kids, tweens and teens and adults every day.
We pay close attention to how predators operate and succed - when they are strangers
"on the street". God, how I am sick of that cliche.

People I know in MA, even here on MT, remain fixated - almost obsessed - with stranger danger.
The predators like Sandusky persist, and are avoided by MA.
Revulsion? fear? disgust? It can't be ignorance, right? There's just too much accumulated evidence
research, reporting data etc.

The vast, overwhelming number of predators of women, teens, kids,
are known and trusted people already in the life of their targeted victim.

The coverage has been clear and unflinching. Predators like Sandusky like this are in every town
and community.

Today, the last victim-witnesses testified. They are, without any doubt, the bravest young men
imaginable. I honor them by listening and learning from the horror they have endured.
I work to make their presence honored and useable in my SD classes and my contacts with
survivors, both male and female.

No sarcasm or scorn intended or present here.
I really want to know from MT participants: are you following? why? why not?

Has this case affected your thinking and teaching about defense?

with respect

These people who weedle their way in until you trust them enough to not think theyre a predator? The only way to avoid them, is to not get to know anybody ever.

That girl you just married? Well, theres a chance she actually wants to steal your credit card information. Her identity is fake, and shes just been pretending for the whole year youve known her. There are other men, too. She makes her money this way.
That guy who you like at work? Hes actually a highly manipulative thief, who wants to follow you home, scope out your house, have a sick day at work when he knows youll be there, then rob you blind.
That guy you just met who actually likes you? Theres a chance hes a manipulative sexual predator. Best avoid him, and every other male on the planet.
That girl you know? She invited you out to coffee, but it could be a trap. There could be two men waiting in a van in front of your car when you come out. Your 'friend' will distract you before they seize you and throw you into the van, restraints applied as they go.

You can be paranoid if you like. But in the example about the guy who actually likes you, im displaying that being overly paranoid equates to refusing to ever know anyone.
And so forth.

All you can do to combat this sort of stuff, is to be as prepared as you can. Because no amount of training will help you if youre unconscious. Or restrained. Or beaten to a pulp. Or held down by a group.
Not really. Not any more than a few bites on the morning news. I think it's pretty clear that this happened for so many years because people believed him to be a saint and just refused to see what was happening in front of them.

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SD in our martial arts it is mostly attuned to avoidance and expedient resolution of physical assault, this is what you are saying A yes? It is what we know and it is what we train and what we impart to our students, yes?

Maybe though I think this is not to say that it brings nothing at all to emotional defence.. correct? As martial artists who among us does not feel more confident, not just in an altercation and but more confident to say – No! I do not like how you are treating me? Yes, we preach stranger-danger and situational intellect.. And but do you not also show to your SD students that the more accurate danger is of the father or uncle or brother or neighbour?? The real danger I think it is NOT the person it is the complacency of our students. We become familiar, familiar locations, familiar situations and people.. THIS is the danger I think!

I teach this same thing everywhere even when I am not teaching MA, I have other college students in evenings I say to them here is possibilities in reality do not be complacent over it.. I say it is wise to have clear in your mind your personal boundaries and I say to them yes these boundaries they need not be fortified electrified fences, it is fine to lean over and have friends and even if that boundary is unlatched to allow someone in, that is fine so long as you ALWAYS know how to fast re-close and shoot the bolt in the frame if it is necessary.. Hardest part is in knowing WHEN to close this door over again.. Sometimes it is obvious.. not always.. Yet they are aware that the boundary is there and I teach MA skills for bolting it down quickly.. then it is at least a plan for SD that some do not even think of.. It is not sposd to induce paranoia, it is simple prudence..

I have not followed this case.. I have no stomach for details..
aedrasteia - First, I have only been following this in the news on radio and TV, when it is mentioned. I do not seek out coverage. I may be a little different than others here on MT. I used to do work that among other things, had me dealing with such complaints.

I don't teach any more, but when I did, I never taught SD. I taught Hapkido. When I was asked about SD, I would provide specific answers. I don't recall ever being asked about sexual assault by 'trusted' acquaintances. I have been asked about SD for assault and battery, and attempted rape.

You are very passionate about this. We need some people who are. I don't know that everyone needs to be. It might lead us places we don't want to go. I certainly don't mean that to facilitate predators, but to prevent exagerated paranoia.

Sorry, but in the USA, there must be too many lawyers. It seems they compete for business, and are almost willing to create it where it may not be. MA in general, and especially those who have schools, must always bear that in mind.

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