This guy would kick 90% of BlackBelts *** **WARNING -- EXPLICIT CONTENT**

An important lesson there. If for some reason you have to be involved in a mass melee and can't leave the situation, you're much better off being the guy who is taking people out opportunistically from behind than the guy who is squaring off exchanging punches.

And standing up does not allways prevent you getting smashed by the obligatory five jump in guys who hang around every fight
Reviewing this whole thread I think the poster's only intention was was to get a rise out of us. I took that bait, hook, line and sinker.

I certainly hope that's the case, because if it isn't - the poor guy obviously didn't train in a very good dojo. A pity, that.
Reviewing this whole thread I think the poster's only intention was was to get a rise out of us. I took that bait, hook, line and sinker.

I certainly hope that's the case, because if it isn't - the poor guy obviously didn't train in a very good dojo. A pity, that.

I'm not sure whether Kofo trains or has ever trained in any martial art. Looking back through his posts he seems to be a UFC fan with lots of concerns about big bad mean street fighters. I don't see anywhere that he mentions actually training in anything.
After watching this video it seems this guys huge looping punch looks kinda Pigua zhang lol.

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And standing up does not allways prevent you getting smashed by the obligatory five jump in guys who hang around every fight

That's true, and neither does going to the ground! That is why it's important to always assess each situation accordingly.
i agree with your observations around kung fu panda ;)

thinking that most of these big guys could do with some serious training too ;)

most of the guys that are in the gym i use are well built slim guys ;)
Apologies if offended but in my opinion i didn't see much fighting? It looked like constant punching, but fighting is so much more than punches you have to either block or get out of the way of their punches and use a variety of techniques other wise the punches can be easily countered (I'm probably going to disagree)
It is as the title suggest Pi Gua Zhang 劈挂掌 chopping and hanging palm. Basic strikes are Pi a chopping attack going downwards and Gua a palm attack upwards. I learn it to compliment baji quan
Mark Hunt was discovered due to a similar fight:

Mark Hunt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He had no intention to be a professional fighter until a late night altercation outside a nightclub in Auckland changed the course of his life.[SUP][3][/SUP]The brawl did not last long. Sam Marsters, one of the bouncers at the door was impressed by the young man's knockout power and invited him to his gym to take up formal training
But as an example of trained vs untrained. Mark hunt would kill that guy.

When Mark Hunt was untrained, he was similar to that guy. A trained actual Mark Hunt, of course, is better than that guy.

But Mark was beaten by DosSantos with one of the supposedly more ineffective taekwondo kicks:

I'm not sure why people think the knee must break to end the fight. Hyper extension to the side or front without breaking still hurts enough to stop a fight. A nice knee sprain will weaken the joint enough to drop someone and need a few weeks of rest with no breakage
I remember a game of football I played many years back. I ran into a pack, fell to the ground and couldn't stand up. I had been knocked on the side of the knee, not hard, no pain but totally debilitating. Don't ever discount the value of a kick to the side of the knee.
Ok I didn't bother to read through all 10 pages of replies, but am I seriously the only who's thought of KICKING THE FAT WANKER IN HIS GONADS?

I don't think I've seen any person (without a groin cup) not react to a kick down to his family jewels, be he the friggin hulk or the top MMA fighter of the world.

And no I don't think that's an honorable tactic but if a guy that big starts whaling at me, then I'm kind of fighting for my life there... Also I practice Krav Maga and groin kicks are kind of our mantra.
Ok I didn't bother to read through all 10 pages of replies, but am I seriously the only who's thought of KICKING THE FAT WANKER IN HIS GONADS?

I don't think I've seen any person (without a groin cup) not react to a kick down to his family jewels, be he the friggin hulk or the top MMA fighter of the world.

And no I don't think that's an honorable tactic but if a guy that big starts whaling at me, then I'm kind of fighting for my life there... Also I practice Krav Maga and groin kicks are kind of our mantra.

Apparently this debate is as old as mankind. I just posted this photo on another thread, but it seems to speak directly to your post (see bolded section above) so I'm re-posting it here:

The "friggin Hulk" of classical mythology was Hercules. When he was attacked in the groin, he just gritted his teeth and crushed his opponent. LOL

WTF Art History: Cop a Feel of Hercules' Family Jewels
Ok I didn't bother to read through all 10 pages of replies, but am I seriously the only who's thought of KICKING THE FAT WANKER IN HIS GONADS?

I don't think I've seen any person (without a groin cup) not react to a kick down to his family jewels, be he the friggin hulk or the top MMA fighter of the world.

And no I don't think that's an honorable tactic but if a guy that big starts whaling at me, then I'm kind of fighting for my life there... Also I practice Krav Maga and groin kicks are kind of our mantra.

If a person has any experience, they've experienced this-and fought through it each time.

"A lick in the nads?" Yeah, sure, it sucks, but it's only pain-it's rarely incapacitating.

And the fellows themselves? Not exactly an easy target-you can train for a groin kick, but if a person has any experience and training, they can pretty much defend against it or minimize it is with their body positioning.

I've seen people shrug it off, just as I've seen people shrug off a punch to the nose.

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