Why do Middle Class & Upperclass victims INSIST going 1 on 1 on bullies?Without getting into shape?

Would it be wrong to ask for the bunny again? I mean, that is a good 10 minutes of my life that I'll never get back.

There is a possibility that I'm stupid, but I feel like the bunny with the pancake on it's head was the high point in this thread.
You; really missing the point.

I chose THe Family as an analogy because it portrays a contradictory mindset to whats being taught as "self Defense" and "anti-bullying measures" in the mainstream Western world. Ya might want to read this post before reading the rest of what I'll write.

Marc MacYoung - Someone asked why so many martial artists... | Facebook

And this post.

MA Lies about Self-defense

Marc MacYoung's humorous short story about a bear raping a hunter.


As well as Marc MacYoung's basics on bullying.

Bullies and NOT backing down

and this AllExpert question on the topic

Self Defense: Does bullying happen to people with traits that by theory should deter it (WTF immense physical strength and HUGE TALL BUFF Body, lots of social connections, superb people skills, not a nerd and is someone into the latest fads, etc)?

Honest question: Why are you so obsessed with Marc MacYoung? And is he aware of your obsession?
Honest question: Why are you so obsessed with Marc MacYoung? And is he aware of your obsession?
It's what debaters used to call an "Appeal to Authority" fallacy which is kinda funny because said authority (MacYoung) isn't actually saying what the OP thinks he is.

Peace favor your sword,
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It's what debaters used to call an "Appeal to Authority" fallacy which is kinda funny because said authority (MacYoung) isn't actually saying what the OP things he is.

Peace favor your sword,

Looking again at the link in the OP, while it does say 'chat with MacYoung' but was it actually written by Marc MacYoung? I can't find anything that actually says he wrote that nor can I find any info on the blog/site/whatever it is. Most of the things I've read he puts on his own website or up on FB which is where I see them and answer sometimes, a lot of people do.
Looking again at the link in the OP, while it does say 'chat with MacYoung' but was it actually written by Marc MacYoung? I can't find anything that actually says he wrote that nor can I find any info on the blog/site/whatever it is. Most of the things I've read he puts on his own website or up on FB which is where I see them and answer sometimes, a lot of people do.
I'm pretty certain the blog has no connection with MacYoung. It's not written in his style. It seems more someone like Orcophile posting semi-coherent essays addressed to Marc.
I'm pretty certain the blog has no connection with MacYoung. It's not written in his style. It seems more someone like Orcophile posting semi-coherent essays addressed to Marc.
Just checked the only other post on the blog and verified that it's someone talking "to"* Marc MacYoung, responding to the writers interpretation of something Marc had written elsewhere.

*(I highly doubt Marc has taken the time to read this nonsense, so it's really more ranting to the universe at large.)
It's what debaters used to call an "Appeal to Authority" fallacy which is kinda funny because said authority (MacYoung) isn't actually saying what the OP thinks he is.

Peace favor your sword,
It's what debaters used to call an "Appeal to Authority" fallacy which is kinda funny because said authority (MacYoung) isn't actually saying what the OP thinks he is.
Well, technically, an appeal to authority (or ethos appeal) isn't a fallacy unless the authority, well, isn't one (as you suggested) ... or if the authority lies outside the individual's area of expertise. Ethos and pathos (emotion) appeals are legit rhetorical techniques, even though they're strictly not logical (logos) appeals, but they can support logos appeals.

Martial arts is full of ethos appeals. Chang San Feng said so. :D

Argument from authority - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sorry, I didn't have a bunny, so this is the best I could do. Carry on.
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Not certain but I'm truly thinking that in my world there are some major differences between movie entertainment fantasy and reality in real life. I think I'll research more movies for comparison.
my life is just like the movies.
I don't know who wrote the original blog post, but it sure reads like Orcophile's work. Long, rambling, semi-coherent, confusing movies with reality, obsessed with Marc MacYoung but misunderstanding what Marc writes, asking questions based on faulty premises. If it wasn't Orcophile, does that mean there are more like him out there?

So - your question is why middle and upper-class folks are less likely to settle disputes by leading armed gangs to ambush their adversaries in a dark alley? Perhaps because they have something to lose if they are charged with assault with a deadly weapon and attempted murder.

Probably. Where do you get the idea that this doesn't happen.
lol I bailed out a long time ago with the anime comparisons lol.
I'm pretty certain the blog has no connection with MacYoung. It's not written in his style. It seems more someone like Orcophile posting semi-coherent essays addressed to Marc.
lol I watched some of MacYoung's videos and none of them were of the wall. some were outdated but none speak the way Orcophile is suggesting.

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