Self defense question / situation

Look into the taser thing. Legally that might be your best option. I would carry something you could use as a weapon to at least escape from him if he attacks you.
I will think about it. First I must consult someone who can tell me what law says about tasers here. But whatever it says it would be useful.

Years here passed without escalation, so next month will too. Then I am moving to city and country which I believe is more civilized and where it's hard to have psycho next door.

Right today we passed each other on stairs. Usually, he is looking you aggressively, moves so you must avoid him and just looking for some justification to start bullyng (like his presence isn't bullyng).
I know very well what to do. I am adult and mature to deal with it mature should; but some here seems not to be!! I posted question and described whole situation too see what others would do; more then asking for advice.

And I got advices like I posted to some gang forum - buy a gun! If this is how you point a way to people that trust your advice? To good I didn't neither I plan.

Actually it's hard to believe that on martial arts forum, which I believed to be mature, somebody gets a response - buy a gun.
This advice isn't on here as 'immature' advice...In some situations it is good advice, if he were to attack you with the intent to kill, then having a gun would help you out, and possibly anyone else he would attack afterwords. However, I still have to disagree with their advice, because it doesn't seem like he's a murderer so much as just a bully.

Yes, America isn't center of the world and I am not in America. I will never understand how you American people every time acting like everyone is from America, on international forum. Here isn't allowed to posses a gun, about carry and use of it better not to think. Solution is simple, survive and move.
It's not that they/we think everyone is from america-it's that those are the laws we are used to, so they are what we relate to and can give advice for. In a situation where it can potentially involve legal matters, giving advice from another's country is a bad idea because the person giving advice won't be fluent enough in the other laws to give good advice. Besides, there wasn't any real indication that you weren't living in America, and since most users of the forum either are american or from a country with similar laws, it's generally a safe assumption.

And to those self defense masters, if I had to use any weapon against this men, it would be a knife. Because it's more effective weapon in close contact fights. But using any weapon is stupid because once it's out, you have to use it, and when you are using it you may end up in jail which is bad, or someone can pull out bigger knife or gun (which wouldn't be suprise with this guy.)
It's not "once its out, you have to use it", its "you dont take it out UNTIL you have to use it". And with proper training, at least as effective as a knife, more likely more and B.with proper training, and if you wait until its necessary, they wont have time to take out another weapon because they should already be shot (not saying you should shoot, but if you pull out the gun you've already made that decision).

For those that posted bad answers, this was shame!
Just because an answer doesn't align with your moral belief doesn't mean it's a bad answer. Is it more moral to do what you have been doing and let him continue beating and mentally and physically abusing him without any sort of self-defense ready or trying to stop him from continuing? Would that be a 'good answer'? If you knew what a good answer was, why bother asking?


Police here doesn't work as you think it does. Neither judges does, neither laws. Only thing I can document about him is being in army, but political parties here are really much on the side of war veterans so that would be even worse for me at the court. Of course political parties here rule the court. Corruption, it lives here.

We tried to move him but state is out of giving apartments (because veterans of war and social cases got all of them) and they can't get throw him and his familiy onai the street.
Fair enough, still think knowledge you lived in Croatia would have been useful at the beginning, but that's all settled now.

As for your other post, only one comment to that
And by some answers that I got, it seemed to me that some guys here are to easily at pointing and shooting gun at someone, instead of gun being they last resort; which made me feel like I am communicating with some pants-to-the-floors gang members, and allowing easy on trigger guys to posses a weapon is maybe even worse the forbidding it. And it's more worse if someone like that gives advice on martial arts forums.

Judging from everyone on here, I highly doubt any would suggest just going and shooting someone, they normally support the idea of not harming others unless absolutely necessary, and even moreso with killing others.

My own advice:I highly suggest getting a taser, or some other sort of stunning weapon, so you can use it and run away if an entanglement occurs. From what you've said about the guy, I doubt a knife would be sufficient for self defense, and could also get you in serious trouble for stabbing a vet.
Good idea to move to a different country...what country are you moving to, if you dont mind me asking?
We had some problems in the beginning of thread, but now we understood our culture differences (actually our differences in context of gun posses..culture is about same) so we found good language I guess.

I am moving to Germany, Frankfurt.

Right today, I checked does any political party trying to push gun law..none of them does. Just hipotetic question; could one sue country for disallowing gun posses for self defense purposes?
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Unfortunately, I highly doubt you can sue a country for that. protest, but not sue. Good luck living in germany though..everyone there is supposed to be wonderful! very few jerks like the one you mentioned in the beginning!
I am planning to continue with martial arts..

When I set my self up and see how much time I have for training then I will decide more exactly. You want to recommend something or just curious?
Just curious. While I have friends who lived near there, none of it was too recent, so things probably changed too much to recommend anything :/ Hopefully you have some free time to train though
911. That's a start and it creates a record on which to build should the situation call for it.

A good attorney. (That might actually be fun, and a good attorney is as devious as they come)

An iron clad alibi.

Either unused state land or land tied up in long court proceedings. (Hey, just saying.)
Hard to give you qualified advice when I'm unfamiliar with the laws in your area.

That said, I believe LKLawson's reply was met with undeserved criticism.

The OP did portray a situation that sounded extremely dire and sounded rather desperate. With such a disparity in force and lack of LEO support, ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

Whatever you can work out for yourself, good luck, but I think your current plan of action is probably the best to maintain until you can move.