This guy would kick 90% of BlackBelts *** **WARNING -- EXPLICIT CONTENT**

Looks like we started out on the wrong foot (from my thread) but you are right in saying that I am inventing possible scenarios since the topic is entitled, "This guy would kick 90% of BlackBelts ***".

No, Sherman, we didn't start out "on the wrong foot"… you have posted some very flawed videos, and honestly, I was being incredibly gentle with you (as that was your intro thread)… although I did suggest that you should be posting them in other areas, such as this forum, if you wanted actual feedback. But here's the thing… my thinking that your videos, your post here, and your explanations are all incredibly lacking isn't us starting on the "wrong foot"… it's that you're getting honest appraisal. I, and others here, are under no obligation to like what you're presenting… nor are we required to agree with it… and we're certainly not, in any way, needed to encourage that you continue to present such dangerous advice as legitimate, safe, or even good.

When it comes to you inventing possible scenarios based purely on the topic title, it might help if you actually consider the discussion that, at that point, had been going for some 11 pages before you… the thread is about the person in the OP video, yeah… but it's a particular scenario presented… and that's what the discussion has been about.

The assumption I am making is how you are going to handle a person like this with his two friends who is out to hurt you. I am not taking the exact scenario in the video.

The problem there is that, well, that's not an assumption, it's a question… but, a little more realistically, it's a question that has no single definitive answer. It's just too vague, and misses all of the information that would inform an actual response from being formulated. Of course, even when we ignore that, the advice and scenario you were describing was thoroughly internally flawed, legally questionable (to say the least), tactically lacking, mechanically ill-advised, contradictory to actual human behaviour and reality, and more.

In other words, even if we just take it as these guys getting a bit aggressive and abusive (but not physical, allowing you to ask them to join you for a drink), then 95% of what you said was just bad advice, not to mention downright dangerous, and illegal.

Anyway, it is clear that you are not interested to discuss nicely (have I once answered you snarkily?) so I am going to refrain from replying to you any further. Thank you.

Believe me, this is me discussing nicely… and this is far from me being "snarky". I haven't called you "son" yet, for instance… close, but not yet… I do have a tendency towards bluntness, but you're presenting yourself as giving this advice as legitimate self defence strategy, and say that you're aiming your videos at non-martial artists… that scenario alone means that I'm going to apply quite a high standard for something to be passable… and what you present doesn't come close. The best result that I can think of here is that you stop, take a step back, and try to take on board what you're being told… before you get someone badly hurt. I'd hate for you to have that on your conscience… and I like the enthusiasm you have. But your knowledge, understanding, and skill level need a lot of development before you're in a position to realistically be giving any advice in this area.

So, even if you don't reply, I hope you read this… and I hope that you see that what I'm doing is with the intention of helping your development… and to help you to eventually be in a place where you can actually provide what you want to.
i agree with what chris has written whole heartedly :)
having read and seen your videos --- my thinking is that the s$%t would hit the fan far sooner than you can escape from. your descriptions of how to get out of a situation are deeply flawed and don't allow room for anything apart from you going to the emergency room followed very quickly by a LEO.

in a self defense situation if talking down the situation or just walking away aren't an option then you're gunna have to get stuck in and yet that's where your advice falls down in a cavernous hole of legal if's and but's.

i sincerely hope that you're not teaching people SD at all. your get out for the OP says that you don't actually know much about SD techniques and tactical awareness, as well as awareness of your surroundings, there are numerous items missing from your SD videos.

and above all AN ASSUMPTION IS A MAJOR F$%KUP -- and this does go with what your saying and that for me is very scary -- personally i would not want to take your SD advice given how full of holes it is
You may have specific legislation to cover that area but here it is a grey area. If the business had a permit issued to enable trade on the footpath then security personal would have authority to act in that area. If the footpath was not part of the business premises then I would suggest that once the patron was ejected from the premises the security guys would not have authority unless they were performing a citizens arrest. The altercation in the OP, if that were to occur here in Australia, I would suggest the big guy might well have grounds to have the security guys charged with assault.

That seems quite the beurocratic minefield, even more so than ours. Look, and unfortunately I am having to back to it, most of the time, well a lot of the time, our police support us. Okay, yeah we would give a couple of digs, but within reason. That is how for example, a street full of clubs would assist each other without any hesitation. That does also mean entreg other venues. In Britain we probably get away with it, and probably because we work with the police when we could just as easily give them a dig.

I agree with the citizens arrest, that would cover the doorman. But really, that is harsh on them. Obviously I cannot comment on Australian life, I have just seen the TV programs, but yeah, that is harsh!
I agree.

The guy has good technique and has practiced boxing.

He is big naturally.

He is on steroids.

He is strength trained.

He is heavy.

He isnt slow.

Unfortunately steroids give you a huge advantage, and you have to be a real dumbass to take them in order to become "hard" because of the negative health consequences, unfortunately its hard to compete with one of these strong bull like morons without the steroids.

I agree he would wipe the floor with most black belts. Most black belts arnt on roids nor do they practice boxing one on one with other boxers.

Also it isnt so impressive since the bouncers look like average men and he looks like the build of a boucer. But non the less he was the totally dominant man in that scenario. Although steroids can make you more of a man than nature ever will so we should have more respect for the inventer of the steroid or the steroids themselves than for that man who is "cheating" basically, and probably wouldn't have "won" without the roids, with only his natural genetics and learnt skill.

Notice how effective a simple push/ barge from a heavy guy is it sends a lighter man to the floor even if the lighter man is better at striking when on the floor he can be kicked stomped mounted etc, size, weight and strength matters alot

Also there is a psychological advantage to being huge, angry aggressive, and strong, even if you were smaller and stronger/ more powerful and more skillful, you would naturally be at a disadvantage because its natural instinct to judge a big angry rampaging beast as dangerous and so you are less likely to go on the offense, or use your skill with confidence, which is a problem he probably wont have, (since its natural to judge smaller more scared individuals as less of a threat even if they are in reality more of a threat, thats not the natural judgement most people make) so while its not impossible to have a cool collected confident state of mind and emotions its less likely and id put my money on the moronic aggressive big less skillful guy to win, due to an undeserved psychological advantage that would get to most normal people.

My respect goes to the bouncer/security guy that had heart/balls and went right at the guy only to narrowly loose and get beat down eventually. He had big balls and he did real well for a non steroid user vs a steroid user. Had it been a no steroid match I bet that guy would cleaned his clock.
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The guy has good technique and has practiced boxing.

If 'good technique' means swinging your arms like a monkey and just hoping they land somehw

He is big naturally.

If Bacon double cheeseburgers with large fries are natural.

He is on steroids.

He's certainly on something.

He is strength trained.

He is heavy.

All that weight training. Burgers and pizzas are not light you know.

He isnt slow.

Compared to a snail.

I agree he would wipe the floor with most black belts.

Only if nobody was wearing those black belts at the time.

Also it isnt so impressive since the bouncers look like average men and he looks like the build of a boucer.

Never overestimate a bouncer. I know a few personally. Some are genuinely tough. Many rely on their projected image.

Notice how effective a simple push/ barge from a heavy guy is it sends a lighter man to the floor even if the lighter man is better at striking when on the floor he can be kicked stomped mounted etc, size, weight and strength matters alot

The lighter man should be able to move with more speed and agility. I've had the misfortune of having had to fight people both larger and smaller than me. If I have to fight, give me the big man any day. The small man is just too fast.
If 'good technique' means swinging your arms like a monkey and just hoping they land somehw

If Bacon double cheeseburgers with large fries are natural.

He's certainly on something.

All that weight training. Burgers and pizzas are not light you know.

Compared to a snail.

Only if nobody was wearing those black belts at the time.

Never overestimate a bouncer. I know a few personally. Some are genuinely tough. Many rely on their projected image.

The lighter man should be able to move with more speed and agility. I've had the misfortune of having had to fight people both larger and smaller than me. If I have to fight, give me the big man any day. The small man is just too fast.

LOL very witty reply!
Honestly, I just don't think he is that good, whether he is big or not it's not threatening, the big people get defeated just as well as the smaller people. They can both have weaknesses and disadvantages. I don't think any of the people in the video were black belts or even in martial arts. If he did beat up a black belt or a skilled martial artist to be specific, I'd be very skeptic about it

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