The worse rule ever enacted

Really? I am supposed to apologize for not reading a study that has not been published yet? That you have not read yet? Your right. I am sorry. Im sorry you dont read what you wright before you post.

By the way mr trouble, I accept your apology for that mean name you called me earlier in this thread. I am sure you were just hurling your hurtful words out of frustration and of course IGNORANCE on the subject at hand.
YOU'RE WELCOME my MT peeps!!!!!!! LOL. Trish is an amazing woman and professional in every sense. She's been thru so much yet gives 1000% in support of athletes. USAT & AAU leadership need to pull heads outta their rearends and enact her reccommends not only with head contact rules but with other issues as well.
Thank you for recommending her as a resource. I have admired Trish and her efforts for many years, both in the ring and out. She and the entire staff of BESM are top notch!
Master Terry, The link takes you to a facebook login but with your yahoo email address as the login. If I attempt to login with my email and pass I get logged in but can only see Trish's public info, nothing more.

You will have to cut and paste the info she wrote into the thread sir, for any of us to see. Maybe Mango is Trish's friend also on FB so he can already see it.

I am sorry ATC she is going to put the report together and e-mail me it so I will paste it then. She has ask for a few days so I will wait. Did not know that blue was a link to her site or mine I was just trying to send what she said about the few dats. Please Terry is fine I am no master with a computer or on a chatline but I appreciate the common curtesy sir. Trish is so formal some times.
From the non sport side no head contact is very bad too, I think for security sight inside dojang controled blows to the head using the helmet for the kids must be allowed, for adults must be the same, the head/face area is a critical zone to atack so controled blows to the head must be considered.

I have recivered several head/face kicks inside TKD all where at full speed and power and afther a set of broken theet, a broken nose and a well knock out I can tell you we don't want this for the kids.


I can see the point of not having them in competition - liability in a litigious society and so on. But in the dojang it really drives me crazy is that so many of the 1steps have both below belt and head shots but then we never use them in even no contact sparring. Without doing that I really don't think a person can learn to actually defend themselves. The 1step method is good to teach the techniques but we put them all together in free spar.

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