Bob, Just for the record, my position is we need to get the hell out of there, as soon as possible. I find myself allied with the hyper conservative local radio commentator Jay Severin (a very offensive Boston talk-jock). It makes no sense to be shipping six billion dollars month, and 60 to 70 soldiers to their death each month, for the next 10 years while we train a minimally acceptable security force.
My position is an immediate withdrawl of all Coalition forces. Park three aircraft carrier groups in the Gulf and three more in the Mediterrainian. Set the nuclear attack submarines patrolling covertly in the area.
Let the Shi'ite, Kurds and Sunni's civil war themselves out of existance is that is there desire. If they attempt to go beyond the artificially established boundaries of Iraq, we start levelling cities with the biggest bombs and missles in our arsenal.
I believe first in peace. But, if the military needs to be engaged, they should kill people and capture territory. If the civil war stays within the Iraqi boundaries, we can peaceably observe. If the civil war threatens to spread to Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Iran, or Syria, we stop that spread by levelling Basra, Baghdad or Kirkuk.
I am in no way think we need to fix something because we broke it ... especially when we shouldn't have broke in the first place.