Lie: "I only train for myself."
Few things make me as P-O-ed these days as someone trying really hard to make a point out of making this as clear as possible to people. I can stand up and walk out of a dinner sitting if I happen to have one of these blind hypocrites sitting beside me.
You don't train merely for yourself, you teach for crying out loud.
GEB, I have to be honest. I like your posts. I enjoy reading them, and when things come together and we have a bit of back and forth (as on the other thread right now) - I really enjoy it.
So, with that in mind. I wouldn't mind stretching out this particular point a bit further and see if we can't come to understand each other a bit more.
I say that I train only for myself.
Queue loud banging drums ("Dum DUM DUUUUMMM") and reverb....
I teach.
Of course, a statement such as, "I teach only for myself" (which is another version that I've used) can seem a bit....uh....confrontational. Maybe that's why I use it.
I've always liked, usually to my detriment, spouting my particular brand of in-your-face nonsense. However, there really is a point behind it; hiding somewhere, cowering in the dark, afraid that I'll throw it out into the light and beat it senselessly until I've vented my share for 1 hour and 58 minutes more than anyone needed to hear to understand what I was saying.
It really deserves a bit of fleshing out, I guess. If your interested, I can try to give it some more color....or if you're just venting - that's cool too.
In fact, even before you mentioned it I was thinking about talking a bit about it tonight in class; but mostly in the context that I'm not sure that anyone can really 'be taught'. I think that information can 'be presented', but no one can
force anyone to learn
. I've heard people say that all learning is really self-learning, I think that I believe that now.