The rant thread

...When someone does something pretty solid, and the two green belts, look to their shodan friend, who then butchers what just happened with a HORRIBLE explanation of what was just demonstrated... and the green belts are just nodding and nodding...

No, that's what is commonly referred to as HENKA :barf:

Yeah, but the problem is that the "Führers" would need the skills to back up what they say, & they'd have to be willing to drop the PC crap. If the Bujinkan groups were a bit more like barbarian warrior tribes, willing to prove what they say with their hands rather than their ranks, maybe the Bujinkan could pull itself out of the Aikido-esque lack of respect that plagues it. I certainly wouldn't mind that at all. There should be more guys out there like Sean Askew that are willing to test what they know. I fully respect that guy. Plus, he's damn good for his age, & I think that his willingness to crosstrain and get his nose bloody is the reason.
Why does anyone require these dictators (benevolent or otherwise)?

If you respect someone, just go train with them!
Because we've seen far too often what the opposite leads to.

Yeah, it allows me to train with whomever, whenever I want.

That's all I need is a bunch of people telling me that I have to go through them or whatever.

I really don't care if others choose to use their freedom to be bad, as long as I get the chance to try to be good.

I just don't see how this system would help me OR the Bujinkan as a whole.

Yeah, it might increase our street-cred, but I really really really don't care about that. Soke's teachings will survive.
Yeah, it allows me to train with whomever, whenever I want.

That's got nothing to do with what I was getting at.

I really don't care if others choose to use their freedom to be bad, as long as I get the chance to try to be good.

Stay tuned for the upcoming rant on this self-centered point of view that I really don't care much for.

I just don't see how this system would help me OR the Bujinkan as a whole.

Everything good would stay the way it is, and everything less than that would be dealt with.
That's got nothing to do with what I was getting at.

Ok. Sorry then.

I interpreted the whole 'housecleaning' idea to imply that certain people/instructors that were not up to some group's idea of quality would not be allowed to remain or teach. This is why I thought it would harm my ability to train with those I want to move like.

Going back to your previous post on the other thread and re-reading, it seems like your asking for a sub-set of currect shidoshi to be more vocal in their condemnation on what they find to be bad technique/movement/budo.

Ok, I guess. I mean I really don't have any problem with how anyone decides to teach. I'm not really sure what this solves. I'll just go to a bunch of seminars where a bunch of different people will more vocally tell me what they think is right or wrong. The information won't change, just the volume. I'll still either copy or ignore depending on what I think of it and the reliability of the instructor.

Stay tuned for the upcoming rant on this self-centered point of view that I really don't care much for.

Ok. I do really enjoy your posts. I look forward to it.

Everything good would stay the way it is, and everything less than that would be dealt with.

So, I guess that's the point where maybe I misunderstood you earlier. What does 'dealt with' mean?

I guess when it comes down to it, I'm very wary of anyone but Soke dealing with things. I don't tend to think someones good only because a lot of people think they are. There's lots people that others wish were in charge that I'm not really interested in training with.

I'm not willing to accept anyone putting a barrier between me and the source.
This is why I thought it would harm my ability to train with those I want to move like.

Unless you're a complete idiot, which I seriously doubt, I don't think you'd have very much to worry about.

Going back to your previous post on the other thread and re-reading, it seems like your asking for a sub-set of currect shidoshi to be more vocal in their condemnation on what they find to be bad technique/movement/budo.

That's one thing I'd appreciate, yes.

Ok, I guess. I mean I really don't have any problem with how anyone decides to teach.

I do, owing to my sense of righteousness, which also has a tendency to screw things up for me big time.

What does 'dealt with' mean?

Depends on the particular problem. For starters, I'd really, really, REALLY appreciate it if every instructor at major seminars took the time out to explain to everyone before every session that it's fairly easy to mess up techniques for someone who's only moving at 50 percent speed.

I guess when it comes down to it, I'm very wary of anyone but Soke dealing with things.

Me too, but as I said earlier, at times we have too much democracy on our hands.

There's lots people that others wish were in charge that I'm not really interested in training with.

There will be an upcoming rant on this topic too, basically about the fact that our opinions about certain people have a lot to do with the context in which we've first observed them.

I'm not willing to accept anyone putting a barrier between me and the source.

Then I trust you'll tell anyone saying "what Soke means, is that...", dead it.
I remembered why I train today. It's to have fun. Simple as that.
Unfortunately, my view of fun has very little to do with your average Shihan wisecracking.
Lie: "I only train for myself."

Few things make me as P-O-ed these days as someone trying really hard to make a point out of making this as clear as possible to people. I can stand up and walk out of a dinner sitting if I happen to have one of these blind hypocrites sitting beside me.

You don't train merely for yourself, you teach for crying out loud.
Lie: "I only train for myself."

Few things make me as P-O-ed these days as someone trying really hard to make a point out of making this as clear as possible to people. I can stand up and walk out of a dinner sitting if I happen to have one of these blind hypocrites sitting beside me.

You don't train merely for yourself, you teach for crying out loud.

GEB, I have to be honest. I like your posts. I enjoy reading them, and when things come together and we have a bit of back and forth (as on the other thread right now) - I really enjoy it.

So, with that in mind. I wouldn't mind stretching out this particular point a bit further and see if we can't come to understand each other a bit more.

I say that I train only for myself.


Queue loud banging drums ("Dum DUM DUUUUMMM") and reverb....

I teach.

Of course, a statement such as, "I teach only for myself" (which is another version that I've used) can seem a bit....uh....confrontational. Maybe that's why I use it.

I've always liked, usually to my detriment, spouting my particular brand of in-your-face nonsense. However, there really is a point behind it; hiding somewhere, cowering in the dark, afraid that I'll throw it out into the light and beat it senselessly until I've vented my share for 1 hour and 58 minutes more than anyone needed to hear to understand what I was saying.

It really deserves a bit of fleshing out, I guess. If your interested, I can try to give it some more color....or if you're just venting - that's cool too.

In fact, even before you mentioned it I was thinking about talking a bit about it tonight in class; but mostly in the context that I'm not sure that anyone can really 'be taught'. I think that information can 'be presented', but no one can force anyone to learn. I've heard people say that all learning is really self-learning, I think that I believe that now.

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