The Last Person.....

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I get the idea, but, tell!

During one of the defense sections one of the students attempted to pull a gun from under his coat..Not following the perscribed state method I simply rushed in grabbed his wrist with my left hand and hammered at the outline of his hand on the weapon with my right..
Better than average class..More than one has some MA experience( kenpo, goju-ryu)...I told them to once they graduate forget this basic crap and ALWAYS go with your strong points..In a crisis stuation you will respond with what you were trained with....
It's been a long day...I'm gonna call it a night...Later...
Morning Brian and how was you vacation and what did you get me?

Hey Terry. We had a great time going to Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure. It was our first time going there and it was a blast! Unfortunately I came home with a cold and believe it or not I did not bring the warm weather back with me. (it is cold here in Michigan)

Hey you know me I have something for everybody.
My gift to everybody is lots of posts over the next few days! :rofl: (that may make you wish I was back in Florida)
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